Chapter 18

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"Huuuh!" I sighed as I stepped out of my car. Tyson asked to meet up, so I decided to give him a rest and actually do so. Part of me wants to hear him out and make up with him, and then the other part of me yearns to cuss him out with every cuss word in the book and walk out of his life forever. "Well, here goes nothing." I mumbled as I fixed my clothes on me and pulled the door open to the diner. (Outfit in the MM)

I looked around, looking for Tyson and finally, my eyes stopped on him. I made my way over to the table he was sitting at, drinking a cup of sprite. He looked up from his cup and smiled at me, causing me to smile back.

"Hey there." he said with a mellow but deep tone. "Hi, Tyson." I said with a half smile as I sat down in the chair across from him. "Thanks for meeting up with me." he said smiling and looking into my eyes. "Welcome." I said looking away, trying to avoid eye contact.

"You look beautiful today." I rolled my eyes and said,"Tyson, today has been a long day. Can you just get to the point so I can go home?"

"Okay Tee, damn. I miss you and I want you back. I should have told you about Ri a long time ago. I just want you back, Tee."
I decided to get a little bit more into this conversation and find out some things I wanted to know. "So you wasn't stringing me along and playing me?" I asked looking into his eyes for the first time tonight. "No ma, those weren't my intentions at all." I looked at him for a long time because even if it looked like a lie was going to slip out of his mouth, I was getting prepared to tell him off.

I nodded my head and was about to reply to his answer, but I was silenced by the voice of the waitress who was standing over us.

"Hi, my name is Tara and I will be serving you all today, so let's start with drinks."

"I would like to have a refill." Tyson said.

"Coming right up." the waitress said with a flirtatious smirk. She stared at him for a long time. Resulting in me becoming irritated as hell.

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat getting her attention. She jerked her neck in my direction, looking at me. "May I help you?" she asked with an attitude.

"Actually yea, you can. I want a bacon chicken ranch salad and a strawberry lemonade." I said retaliating.

"Okay." she said walking off, but not before showing all thirty-two of her teeth to Tyson.

Once she was gone and out of sight, I picked up where I left off in our conversation. "I'm okay with being friends right now, but a relationship is out of the discussion right now."
He held his hands up. "Fair enough."

"Yea." I slightly chuckled. "So how's it been going? I haven't really been speaking to you, so I just wanted to know." he stated.

I took a sip of my drink and responded. "Well, it's been going well. You know college is out right now so I'm just enjoying the break."

He nodded his head. "That's good."

"Yep...... but how about you? You know with football and everything? I asked, folding my hands in my lap.

"Umm, it's aight. Just training and playing, tryin' to get a ring. You know?"

I nodded my head before speaking. "Yea, I know." I said.

Silence suddenly filled our presence. I rocked in my seat from side to side. Finally, the waitress came back. "Okay, here go ya salad." she said, rudely slamming my salad down on the table and giving me the stink face.

"And can I get you anything else, sir?"
She said turning to Tyson and resting her hand on his shoulder.

"Uhh-" I cut him off saying, "No, he's okay. Ain't that right, baby?" I asked kissing him on the lips passionately and adding a little tongue.

"Yea, that's right." he said looking into my eyes and then at my lips.

The waitress scoffed. "I'll bring you your bill." she said, storming off.

"Jealous or nah?" Tyson asked, leaning back in his seat and folding his arms across his chest, looking at me.

"Nah, I just felt like being petty." I said matter of factly and taking a sip of my drink.

Sorry about the wait. Homework takes most of my time.

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