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*song above: 'nasty freestyle' by t-wayne*


"Yeah, I know it sounds crazy but I really need money." I sighed.

"We've fucked in the past for free." Oli's British accent came through the speaker on my phone.

"I'm only asking for twenty. Most prostitutes charge that for a hand job!" I exclaimed.

"Jesus Christ, what do you need this money for anyway?" Oli asked.

"It's none of your business." I replied.

"Fine, I'll pop over later yeah? I'm busy though, I can't stay long." The hazel eyed boy sighed.

* * *

I looked up when I got my breath back, just as he was about to leave the room.

"Cheers for the shag, Kell." Oli gave me a thumbs up before hurriedly leaving.

I looked around me for any form of money but couldn't see anything.

"What the fuck Oli?!" I wrapped the cover from the bed around me and walked over to my window, swinging it open.

"You fucking bastard!" I screamed as he ran down the street.

All I heard was his stupid cocky laughter and the sound of his feet heavily hitting the ground as he ran.

There was no way I'd be able to find 24 pounds in half an hour. I sat down on my bed, pulling my boxers back on before laying down. I honestly didn't know what to do.

I was scared of what would happen to me. This guy worked for one of the most notorious gang leaders in the United Kingdom, probably even the World but I didn't watch the news often enough to know about that.

In the end I decided that I should probably tell Jaime the truth, I'd probably get into more trouble for lying to him than I would for not being able to pay the money. I could probably get it soon anyway.

I pulled my clothes back on and took a quick look in my wallet to see if there was anything there. All I could see was a few worthless pennies and my debit card that I could do fuck all with in a drug deal.

I grabbed a jacket and my phone before jogging down the stairs. I figured if I walked slowly enough I could stretch it out as long as I possibly could so I decided to leave early instead of sitting around panicking for half an hour.

* * *

"What the fuck do you mean you don't have the money?" Jaime yelled in my face.

I was honestly surprised that I hadn't pissed myself at this point 'cause no matter how nice this guy seemed, right now, he was terrifying.

"Well, I did a job this morning but the guy didn't pay me so I kind of couldn't get the money?" My voice shook as I tried to give him my best excuse.

"Are you asking me or telling me?" He took a step closer to me, if that was even possible.

"I'm telling you, that's what happened, I swear." I held my hands up.

"The boss is pissed that I even let you have more time to get me the money, but now you're telling me you ain't got it. May God have mercy on your soul when he gets his hands on you." Jaime chuckled to himself.

"He'll understand right? Like, I'm a teenage boy, I can barely afford condoms but if I had some more time then it'd be fine right?" I tried to talk myself out of it.

"Shut the fuck up, you're making it worse for yourself." Jaime glared at me.

I hurriedly stopped talking; hoping if I just did what he said I could make this better for myself.

The last thing I heard before all I saw was black and I dropped to the ground was, "Sorry kid."


so the smut was cut out of this chapter but i'll post a little 'restricted chapters' book with it in :D

sorry this took so long but because i've finished my isaac waddington fanfiction now, once i upload the last two chapters of a.d.d this book will be my main priority :D i'm also thinking like i could make this a series and i could do little side stories about all the gang members.

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