eddie cane

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*announcement at the end!* 

song of the chapter - eddie cane by machine gun kelly

"Danny, no offense, but I really don't know how I feel about smuggling you into my house." I said, sitting down on a stool at the kitchen island.

"Don't worry about it mate, Angel has an old safe house so I'm just gonna lay low there for a while." The older man shrugged, sitting down opposite me.

After the intense shootout and high speed car chase we'd had, we all somehow made it back to the Hell's Angels mansion unscathed. Angel had disappeared somewhere the second we got back, probably to start dealing with the fallout from having such a public fight like that. Tony and Vic had followed after her and Mike and Jaime were doing God knows what. Every so often the pair of them would drift into the kitchen to grab something before leaving back the way they came, leaving just Danny and me to our own devices.

"So, what's your story then?" I asked.

"You wanna know all the details behind me, Angel and Ben?" He raised his eyebrows, making sure he understood my question properly.

"Yep. A few weeks ago it seemed like Angel hated you but now she's going out of her way to make sure Ben doesn't get his hands on you." I shrugged. The whole situation really didn't make sense to me so I wanted to find out as much as I could from Danny before I spoke to Angel later.

"Shit, well, I'll give you the short version because Angel will probably fill in the gaps for you later. Ben and I have known each other for years, since we were teenagers. I don't even remember how it happened but one day we were just normal kids and then the next we were wrapped up with all these gangs. We ended up getting involved with Knock Out Kings, nothing serious at first, we just wanted money so we were selling weed for them. Before you know it we've become the two most trusted dealers in the gang." Danny began explaining.

Mike wandered back into the kitchen at that point, pretending to rifle through the drawers, looking for something but he was clearly just listening in to what Danny was telling me.

"Mike, stop eavesdropping and sit down." I said.

The tattooed man turned around with a surprised expression, still trying to play the part of an innocent in the whole situation.

"Mike, it was obvious." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Fine." Mike sighed, sitting down next to Danny.

"Keep going." I gestured to Danny.

"Anyway, so we pretty much worked our way to the top of the gang when the leader, Gustavo, got shot in some deal gone bad. I wasn't there when it all went down but me and Ben got called in for a meeting with the other guys to figure out who was gonna take over. At first just the group of us were doing it because no one could make a decision. Eventually though someone had to take over and it ended up being me, I put Ben in as my second-in-command and that was it for a while." Danny elaborated, gesturing with his hands as he spoke and I followed along, nodding my head at certain intervals.

"So where does Angel come into it?" Mike questioned.

I frowned at him, "Has she not told you about it?"

"No, it's the one thing she's always been secretive about and I don't know why." The man sighed.

"Maybe it's better for her to tell you then instead of me." Danny suggested, looking hesitant to carry on now that he knew Angel hadn't spoken about it with him.

"Maybe it's better for me to tell him what?" Angel asked, walking into the room, sitting down on the stool next to me, opposite Mike.

All of a sudden there was a layer of thick tension in the room, no one wanted to be the person to talk first because no one was sure how she would react to what we were talking about.

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