i don't f*ck with you

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I sighed as I sat on my unmade bed, trying to find an excuse not to get up. I had to get to the Hell's Angels mansion soon and I was really dreading it. After that kiss I just ran, I didn't know what to do or say to Vic.

All I could hear as I left was the sound of everyone - Angel and the guys - having a good time around me but I just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. Last night really opened my eyes to what I'd gotten myself involved in. Why did I have to try and get harder drugs? Why couldn't I just stick to weed like a normal teenager?

No matter what excuse I came up with though it didn't seem good enough and if I didn't turn up to the mansion then either Vic or Angel would kill me; probably Angel because I doubt that Vic would want to see my face right now.

I finally stood up to try and get ready when I felt my foot hit something hard on the ground. I looked down and physically felt my heart drop when I saw what it was. I bent down to pick it up and observe it, passing it back and forth in my hands.

It was a pistol. Shit, I forgot that Angel had given me that last night when we were in the car. I sincerely hoped my mum hadn't come into my room or I don't know how I could talk myself out of this one. She was already suspicious enough as to why I'd been waking up early considering I was suspended and who I'd been hanging around with as everyone else would still be in school.

I pulled on the first shirt I saw on my floor and the leather jacket that I don't remember having that was draped over my desk chair. I shoved the gun into my bag, promising myself that I'd give it back to Angel the second I got to the mansion.

I quietly made my way downstairs once I realised my mum's bedroom door was still shut meaning she was asleep; as long as I didn't wake her I could be out of here in no time.

Shoving my feet into a pair of beaten up combat boots that were by the door I froze when I heard the bedroom door swing open upstairs. I hurriedly tied my laces and rushed out of the door without stopping, not even when I heard my mum yell my name before I slammed the door and took off running.

I didn't stop until I got to the bus stop where I could sit down and catch my breath even though the mean-looking old lady that I passed by every day was looking at me strangely. I couldn't get my mind off of that damn gun that was resting in my bag. When I held it it wasn't too heavy but right now it felt like a damn cinderblock weighing me down.

There were a few minutes to kill before the bus came but I had nothing to do to help me stop thinking about the weapon. I sincerely hope I didn't use it last night but I couldn't remember much as I was so pumped up on adrenaline and fear.

I was pulled from my thoughts when my phone rang in my hand. I looked down to see a picture of Angel I'd managed to get when she wasn't looking so I had something for her contact photo.

The second I answered I didn't get time to speak before she started talking to me, "Hey Kellin, how's it going man? Have fun last night?"

"Not really no," I sighed, "what do you need?"

"Would a party get your mind off of things?" I could practically hear her smiling through the phone.

"Could this not have waited for like the hour it takes me to get to the mansion?" I stood up as I heard the bus pull up behind me.

I got on and scanned my bus pass before walking all the way to the back of the bus, thankful that so far no one else was on the bus that might overhear anything from this conversation.

"Nope. All the guys are really tense and they aren't talking to me so I decided to call you 'cause I'm not about the silent life." She replied.

Angel seemed slightly off, almost too happy.

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