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*song above: hard by rihanna ft. Young Jeezy*


In the few days that I'd been suspended so far, I've been dealing on the streets. A few times when the deals were more important I'd go with Jaime but I hadn't been with Vic until now.

We were on a deal that was apparently incredibly important so Vic, Jaime, Angel and Mike were here with me. I wasn't exactly sure why it was so important but once I saw the size of the guns they were all carrying around, I decided not to question it.

All I knew was that we were selling to another gang and it was a lot of it. I wasn't told what it was so I'm pretty sure it was probably some hard drug that I didn't want to be involved in.

"I don't know how you guys usually do things but this isn't the most thrilling outing I've ever had." I sighed, scratching the back of my head.

"Wait until the other gang show up." Angel smiled at me.

Ever since I'd pretty much been in the gang she was actually being a lot nicer to me. I can understand why to be honest; she's actually a really cool person to hang around with. If I could just forget about the fact that, judging by the tear shaped tattoo by her left eye, she's killed people, we could probably be pretty good friends.

"What's the name of the gang?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"Knock Out Kings."

"And you need these big guns why?" I frowned.

"They aren't exactly the most trustworthy gang in the city." Mike sighed, "They've betrayed us in the past."

"Why would you deal with them again?"

"Oh my God, stop asking so many questions." Angel cut in before Mike could answer, "Honestly, the less you know the better. You don't need to get involved in this life."

I didn't really know what to say after that and just stood there with a confused look on my face, hoping someone else would change the subject.

"Look, kid," Angel placed a hand on my shoulder, her voice softer now, "you said you're smart right? You're still young, you're only 18. You could do things with your life. Just do this dealing thing until Vic's satisfied you've paid off your debt and then leave. Go to college or some sh*t yeah?"

I smiled at her and nodded.

"If you two are quite done being emotional, Ben's just got here." Mike interrupted.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Again with the questions," Angel went back to her usual cold demeanor, "The leader of Knock Out Kings, Ben Bruce. It used to be another guy, Danny, but he's gone now."

"He died?"

"No one knows; he just up and left one day." She shrugged as we walked over to where everyone else was stood.

"Angel, it's been a while." A guy with shaggy brown hair, I assumed it was Ben, said.

"Benjamin." She nodded in response.

"Ooo, formal." Another guy stood behind Ben teased.

All of them had visible tattoos that trailed down their arms. I couldn't make out what they were but I could see demons and what I presumed to be Latin words in cursive font.

"At least we're still on a first name basis." Ben smirked, "I thought we were closer than this though."

"You know the only thing holding us together was Danny." Angel spat.

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