paper planes

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The second Vic yelled everyone in the room – except Angel who didn't seem fazed at all – froze and stopped shouting at each other. I felt like I could cut the tension in the room with the knife that I knew was hidden in Angel's boot right now.

There was a beat of silence before Vic started talking again and each step he took further into the room was a step closer to me and each step just made me want to curl up into a ball and disappear.

"What's happened?" Vic asked; surprisingly calm considering he looked like he was about to commit mass murder a few seconds ago.

Angel, Mike and Jaime all started yelling once again and it was impossible to figure out what they were saying. I was honestly expecting Vic to yell again but he just stood there like an impatient parent waiting for his children to calm down.

Once they'd all finished practically screaming, Vic spoke up again, "Okay, does one person want to tell me what happened?"

Everyone just looked at each other until I decided to say something, "Alex robbed the Bank of England."

Where I got the balls to talk to Vic I will never know but I got them and they were made of steel.

"Alex, what the f*ck?!" He finally yelled again, stepping closer to Alex with each word.

"Look, I didn't do it completely alone, I had a crew." Alex tried to reason with Vic, taking a step back every time the shorter man took a step forward.

"Oh, excuse me, that makes it all okay then. Who was in this crew?" The speed at which Vic went from angry to calm was terrifying in itself but what was even scarier was the fact that I couldn't decide whether he was being serious.

"Courtney Bellic, John Townley and Tommy McReary." Alex answered hesitantly, probably trying to figure out what Vic was doing like I was.

"Did they know you were going behind my back? Because it'd definitely be a shame if they disappeared, that's a very talented crew." Vic smirked.

"Vic, don't even think about it." Angel warned.

"Don't even think about what, Angel?" Vic turned all of his attention to Angel, "I don't care that those are some of the most skilled people in our industry, they're also some of the most powerful and I will not have them walking around knowing that it was so easy to undermine me."

"Back the f*ck off, Vic." Mike stepped forward, positioning himself between Angel and Vic.

Vic's face screwed up in anger but he refused to say anything to his brother, instead he turned back to Alexandru and said, "You with me, now."

Before even waiting for Alex to respond or do anything he turned his back and stormed out of the room, just as briskly as he'd came in. As soon as he'd left I felt like I could finally breathe in the room again and my heart rate dropped to a normal speed.

"So, the Bank of England huh?" I spoke up sheepishly, desperate to break the silence but terrified that either Mike or Angel would snap and beat me into next week.

"Yeah, the Bank of England. Which was supposed to be a group job, planned and executed by us." Angel responded, shocking me at her openess.

The girl sighed and sat down, picking up a cigarette from the ash tray on the coffee table that had gone out during the confrontation. She pulled a lighter from her pocket and re-lit it, taking a long drag and holding it.

"What's gonna happen to him?" I asked, though I wasn't sure if I actually wanted to know.

"Good question." Mike sat down beside Angel, sinking down into the soft, worn cushions of the sofa, "In all honesty, I don't know. That was a strong crew, skilled and powerful people that we've worked with before. They were signed on to do the job with us, so either Alex tricked them or they betrayed us."

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