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Being suspended from school for dealing drugs was certainly not the best thing in the world but I can honestly say I really haven't missed going to school at all. Especially with all the excitement of pretty much being in the gang now I kind of forgot I ever had gone to school.

But alas, now I was sat in the car with my mum as she was driving me to school because she decided I was untrustworthy now. Honestly I don't know why she's only just decided that, if I was her I would've stopped trusting me a long time ago.

"You know, at Church yesterday Mrs. Watkins stopped me and asked about your suspension. Never been more embarrassed in my life." Mum spoke up, not even bothering to look away from the road to look at me.

"Mum, please don't." I sighed, turning to look out of the window.

"She already knew, she already knew that you were dealing drugs but she just wanted to know if I would say it or not." She shook her head, sounding like she was on the verge of tears.

"Mum, it's not a big deal, it was a one time thing." I said, all of a sudden hyper-aware of the bags of weed that sat in a pocket of my bag.

"I just never thought you'd stoop that low." The brunette woman finally looked over at me, tears in her eyes.

"Neither did I. Sorry, mum."

* * *

After what may have been the most tense and emotional car ride of my life, I was stood around the back of the school building. This time though, in an area that I was pretty sure was a camera blindspot. At least Matty said it was anyway.

"Kellin!" A female voice called causing me to lift my head up.

"Emerald, hey." I smiled pushng myself off the wall to give the small girl a hug.

"How was being suspended then?" The blue-eyed girl asked, smiling back at me.

"Pretty boring, if I'm honest." That couldn't be further from the truth but she didn't need to know that.

"Huh, I would've thought that working with a gang would be more interesting." She frowned, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket.

"What?" I laughed nervously, trying to feign ignorance.

"Everyone knows Kells, don't play dumb. You've been working with Hell's Angels." Emerald shrugged, pushing her black hair over her shoulder before lighting a cigarette.

"How does everyone know?" I sighed, giving in.


"How the fuck did he find out?" I threw my head back. That boy was going to drive me to murder one day.

"God knows, but he came in one day and just started telling everyone. You being suspended just helped the rumour cause they thought you were off with the gang." She blew the smoke out the side of her mouth, avoiding it going in my face.

"He's such a prick." I groaned, "But he's not wrong, I was with Hell's Angels."

"Are you still, or is it done?" She asked.

"I still am."

"Shit," She mumbled, "just be careful okay?"

"I always am." I joked, trying to calm her.

"No, you're not." She shook her head, "You're definitely not."

* * *

Once I managed to get out of yet another emotional conversation I made my way to my first class of the day, English, where I sat down next to Austin.

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