walk it talk it

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*song of the chapter: walk it talk it - migos ft. drake*

I woke up with the painful and unrelenting urge to pee and something heavy pressing right where my bladder was located. I grunted softly and scrunched my eyes up, not yet opening them but bringing my hands up to rub at them. I wriggled about slightly on the soft sheets and tried to roll over and found I couldn't. I opened my eyes and looked down where there was a long tanned arm pretty much pinning me down on the bed and restricting my movement to a few inches at most. Following the arm up I could see a face partially covered by long brunette hair when it hit me; I had gone to bed with Vic last night.

In all honesty, I don't even remember making it up the first flight of stairs, let alone the second to get to the third floor where Vic's room was located. Turns out all the important rooms were up here like Angel & Mike's room, Tony's and Jaime's too. That explained why I didn't see any of them walking around on the second floor yesterday.

Either way, thinking about the room arrangements did nothing to help the pressure that was currently being placed on my bladder. I mean, seriously, there was no possible way this was healthy but no matter what I did I couldn't wiggle out from under Vic's arm.

"Keep still." Vic's voice suddenly sounded in the otherwise quiet room, although it was slightly muffled because his face was half pushed into his pillow.

"I've never needed to pee this bad in my life, can you move your arm?" I moaned, shoving at his arm more now that I knew he was awake.

Without a word Vic finally lifted his arm, letting me slip out of the bed and dash to the door I was pretty sure led to the bathroom. I was proven wrong when I was met with a closet full of guns and other forms of weaponry.

"Vic, which door is the bathroom?" I asked, shutting the closet door, not even fazed by its contents.

"That one." He murmured, swinging his arm out to gesture in the direction of a door on the opposite side of the room.

"Ah." I made my way towards that door, sighing in relief when I saw that this time it actually was the bathroom and I shut the door behind me when I stepped in.

Pissing has never been this satisfying, let me tell you. This was a glorious moment.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I washed my hands, looking over my appearance to make sure I didn't look totally awful before I went back out to face Vic. I cupped my hands over my mouth and breathed out slightly, checking my breath. Eh, good enough.

As I swung the door open again and stepped back into the bedroom I noticed Vic had rolled over onto his back and had somewhat 'starfish'-ed out on the bed.

"Move over." I said as I climbed back onto the bed, lying down on my side and shuffling up next to Vic slightly.

He just grunted and not so elegantly swung an arm around me, narrowly avoiding hitting me in the face, and pulling me closer. I mentally shrugged and just went with it, swinging my leg over his waist and my arm over his chest before starting to drift off again.

* * *

The next time I woke up I noticed Vic was sat up next to me and I could hear Angel's voice coming from the doorway.

"Hey Kells, wake up." Vic said, placing a hand on my shoulder and shaking me slightly.

"I'm up." I replied, rolling onto my back and stretching out slightly.

"What happened to school, kid?" Angel asked.

"It's sixth form, I'm not legally required to be there it's fine." I shrugged it off, sitting up once I'd finished my stretching.

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