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*song of the chapter: hypnotize by the notorious b.i.g.*

Derek Hale turned out to be the literal definition of tall, dark and handsome. And intimidating, very intimidating. If it wasn't because of the intense glare that he directed at everyone, including Angel, then it was because of the fact that he was taller and broader than most men I'd encountered in my life. In all honesty though, if this whole thing with Vic doesn't work out then I know exactly where I'm going next because God damn, this man was gorgeous.

Even the people working with him seemed to think so, I mean, the girl to his left kept glancing over at him every now and again and seemingly admiring his godly bone structure before turning back to Angel and me. I hadn't exactly been paying attention to the conversation Derek and Angel had been having but considering it was probably something to do with the alliance that they had and betraying Ben I wasn't too interested. If it was really important then the white-haired woman would fill me in later.

"I can't just not give him the guns." Derek said, his arms crossed over his chest and he was directing his glare towards Angel.

"I'm not saying that Derek, if you'd just open your ears and listen to me, I'm saying that me and my good friend Kellin here are just gonna watch this little transaction go down, take a couple photos of Ben, don't worry I'll photoshop you out or something, and then we'll leave before he even has any idea that we were here." Angel explained, her tone ever so slightly patronising as she spoke to Derek. Clearly their alliance was a rocky one.

"Too late." I spoke up for the first time since we got to the warehouse as I spotted Ben's SUV pulling into the warehouse and there was no possible way he hadn't spotted us in there.

"Well, shit." Angel muttered under her breath before turning to face where Ben was getting out of the car, the pissed off expression on his face just confirming he had noticed us.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" The man asked, looking from Angel to Derek in search of an answer.

"Don't tell me you forgot how friendly Derek and I are? You know that I always like to pop in on him and just check how business is doing, surely it can't be that surprising to see me here." Angel said with a big grin on her face that, to the untrained eye, appeared friendly but given that everyone in this building knew what the woman was capable of it was the deadliest smile I've ever seen.

"Oh of course, we all know just how friendly you and Derek are." Ben smirked.

"Okay, I know exactly what you're referring to and it was just the once because we were both very drunk and I'm pretty sure I had heat stroke because it's very hot in the Dominican Republic." Angel held her hands up and tried to defend herself.

"I mean, you could leave something to the imagination." Derek's eyes widened and he looked to the ground.

"Either way, there is nothing wrong with two friends just foolin-" Angel started to speak again before I cut her off.

"Okay, well I think we established that business is doing great so maybe we should just get going." I placed my hands on Angel's shoulder and tried to urge her into walking away with me.

This prompted Ben to turn his attention from Angel and Derek to me and I started to regret saying anything at all. Actually, scratch that, I didn't regret it. I'd much rather get riddled with bullets by a gang lord than have to listen to Angel tell me about another one of her drunken conquests from before her and Mike were official.

"I didn't know the Hell's Angels were using child labour now." The man remarked, smiling when his armed guards snickered.

"You know that's so rude, I'll have you know I am eighteen years old and I'll even show you my god damn ID." I retorted.

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