Chapter 2

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I walk along the pathway at the park,there's no one there.How can they miss such a nice weekend like this? I glance at the pond in the center of the park,three geese are in there,searching for food i guess.I sigh,even animal would miss this beautiful day.I come across  a wooden bench and i sit on it,resting my tired mind.School had been killing me lately.Seeing the geese made me remember my family.I remember when i was seven,when we first arrive here...i always adore this place.It's where i go every evening,with or without my family.I remember this is where my father and i goes fishing once in a month.I remember my mom always says that there are creepy monster in the pond to keep us away from going too near to the pond,my little sister and i believe every word she says.I smile remembering those memories,memories i can never repeat cause they're past goners,memories that will stay close to my heart.I miss them.

"Excuse me,miss.Is this seat taken?"

I suddenly realize from my day-dream and i glance to my side.A boy was smiling at me,what...what was his question just now? Oh yeah, "No,sit where ever you like" i face palm myself,what was i saying?!  "Thanks,i'm Ki Hong Lee.Call me Ki Hong,I'm new here" he hold out his hand and i happily accept it. "I'm Melody Violet Parkour,call me Melody.Sorry,i day dream just now". "It's okay Melody,by the way..nice name." I nod and went back starring to the geese.

"I see you like goose huh?".

"Not the goose,but the memory that it hold.Actually this whole park hold my memory."

"Memory? It sound important to you"

"Yeah,it's about my family.I always go here to play with them,now it seem impossible"

"Why?Is it that hard to go ask them for family time?"

"I afraid it is Ki Hong,and actually it is impossible to do everything with them now.They're die in a car crash three years ago."

"Oh,Melody.I-I'm sorry"

"No,it's okay.I'm learning to move on right now"

"Err...which school do you go?"

"Charm Art High School,it's down the street"

"No way,i go to the same school either."

"Really?  *phone ring*  Err,just a moment"

I pick out my phone and walk away a few steps from Ki Hong.I saw Nina's name on my phone,i pick it up.

"Yeah Nina?"

"Oh,sugar.Just want to inform,lunch is ready?"

"Lunch? Is it already lunch?"

"Why yes sugar,do you even watch the time?"

"Oh,sorry.I'll be back in a few minute.What for lunch?"

"Well,macaroni and pizza darling"

"Okay,i correct,i'll be back in a few seconds! Make sure Alice don't eat without me"

"Alright darling"

I off the phone and walk to Ki Hong that stare to the pond, "Ki Hong,i need to get back,so see you tomorrow at school then". "Okay,i'll be waiting.Err,can we exchange phone number?". I give him my phone number and he give me  his .I wave him goodbye before jog back to home.Wow,i don't even realize i'm in the park all morning...and i don't even realize i jog to home wearing high heel sandal! But,that Ki Hong Lee seem obvious,like i met him before...but where? Okay,never mind.Time,to dig myself some lunch!

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