Chapter 11

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(Thursday night)

I stare down to my guitar,nothing pops out.Yeah,i'm planning to sing him a song..i know that's not sweet and lame but that's all i got.I decide that i can't create i think i just gonna sing for him.But what song does he like? What? This is getting me nowhere.Alright Melody,'good''s already 11 in the midnight,it's way past your bedtime.I'm so gonna get sleepy..but for Ki Hong,anything i would give.Wow,cheesy enough.I put my guitar away and lay on my bed.Soon,i fast asleep.


Ki Hong POV

My eyes wide open,i try to sleep but i just couldn't.I'm thinking of giving Melody a valentine gift,but what it would be? Well,that a first...second i'm worry if..she don't feel the way i feel.What if she just say no and we start to be distance,i'll be insane if things be like that.I just want to know what she feel,is she like me? But like isn't the right answer now..cause i think i fall in love with her.Okay Ki Hong,stop smiling like idiot, 'great' it's 11 in the midnight.Maybe i got detention tomorrow, 'just great'. I need sleep,but not until i found out what i should give her.Hmm,roses and chocolate are common and boring,she'll just say no easily!

Something great,something special...hmm,wait..Her name is Melody right? And her Korean name is Haneul that mean sky.Oh shoot,i think i just got a wonderful idea! Oh my god,she'll love it..i hope.Well,you solve the problem Ki Hong,now off to bed!


(Friday morning)

Melody POV

My alarm clock ring like crazy,i off it and realize i'm almost late! I quickly take my shower,tuck in my casual outfit,keep my hair untie and run downstairs. "Melody dear,you're late? I've pack you some toast,be sure to eat it." Nina says as i enter the kitchen. i give her a short hug, "Thanks Nina,you don't know you just save me billion of time". I hear she chuckle, "Good that,now run along." I quickly grab my bag,went to wear my brown flat sandal and jog to school.I eat my breakfast in my way,boy..i am hungry.The last bell ring as i step inside, that's close one.I hurried to my locker and grab my note book.First lesson,literature,my favorite.I close my locker and suddenly feel light tap on my shoulder.I glance around and find Ki Hong smiling. "Ki Hong? Shouldn't you be in class?".

He shrug, "Yeah,but i almost late you know.The last bell ring when i grab my literature book in my locker." I smile widely and pull his hand to class, "Let me guess,you have literature too?". He ask as he begin to catch up with me. "Yup,hey...why do you late today? Alarm go off?". He shook his head,oh how cute..wait,Melody..focus. "Actually it's me who off the alarm,i sleep pretty late last night,thinking of ..something"  We make our way into class when he done talking,lucky us..Mrs Vanessa still isn't there. He think of something? Look's pretty big.I wonder what's up.

The class then begin,nest class is Physic,then Bio and recess.Ki Hong and i stay like usual at the library..finishing our time with talking and reading..oh,and also teasing.The school then end,we were walking out from class when Ki Hong suddenly says, "Oh yeah Melody,i got some...err,unfinish business,so i gotta go now.Bye,See ya." I didn't have enough time to react when he just run off. He kind off strange today,he keep stealing glance to me and he..stutter while saying? That is not him,I don't know what's wrong ,but i feel a bit sad about it.I walk slowly to my locker and begin to put in my books.That's nightmare begin...or should i say..daymare?

"Hey rock! Why so black today? I doubt something is going on between you and..oh,i don't think he is your..boyfriend,right? He don't deserve that call with you.He should have been with me,the school's diva! " Oh yes,from that creepy old witch voice..i can tell who it is without glancing around!

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