Chapter 5

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Okay,that is Hadley,i got no other place to put this picture,so sorry. Okay,keep reading.


Melody POV

I don't believe he sit beside me,try to guess.Come on just guess,'s Ki Hong! I admit i've said that i  won't gonna be shock to hear if we get in a class or in a group,but the truth is both of it is becoming reality.He got the same class as mine and he choose to be my partner for history task,Wohoo!

Next is physic class.Ki Hong stay beside me all the time until recess,which we split up to go on different locker.I wish his locker beside me,just wishing...Anyway,i grab my note book and hurried to the library.I'm sure the three witches is going to make everything worse,so let step out it shall we? I sit in the library,doodling in my notebook.Writing what in my heart,my feelings.I pour it out in a book.Too bad if the book can talk,if it does..then it will scream back to me...ordering me to stop.Which i found it's creepy enough.I then feel extra boring today so i stuff my ear with my earphones and on my MP3.I was so lost in the music when suddenly i feel light tap on my shoulder.

Ki Hong Lee POV

I thought the cafeteria will be pack...and i never go wrong.Turn out,it's worst here with all that scream and high song and nonsense talk,it's blasting out my ears.I thought here is different,but boy i was wrong.I glance around searching for Melody and she's not there,weird.Hmm,maybe she's in the library? Like what i do when i'm at my school.So i turn on my heels and walk to the school library.Geez,i really need to take tour around here,this school is huge! I end up ask a few teachers until i found the library.It just a few block from the canteen! Damn it..

When i enter,i saw a girl staring down to her notebook,when i get nearer,i realize it's Melody.Wait,why didn't she go lunch? I thought she's like the popular girl around here.I went to sit beside her but she still didn't glance up from writing.When i stare down to what she write,i saw it just a bunch of doodles and writing.I start to poke her,but she didn't response.Did she really here? I tap lightly on her shoulder and that's when she glance to me.I plant a small smile on my lip and she return it.Wow,she really pretty with that smile. She pull out her earphone from her ears,that's why she didn't realize i'm here.

"Err,i'm sorry.You doesn't notice so i poke you"

"Sorry,i in myself"

"Never mind,why don't you get lunch?"

"I was about to ask you the same"

"I just don't feel like any,then why do you here? Skipping lunch?"

" just i don't blend with the other students.They always..make fun of me.Every recess i'll sit here,doing my own things,nobody care"

"Oh...don't worry,i'll care.What are you doing by the way?"

"Just doodling..nothing important."

She keep on doodling in her notebook,writing nonsense.I feel bad about her,i thought she's one of the popular one.But turn out,she's the most lonely person,i'll keep her company.I don't care after all if i'm hungry,i can eat at home..but being with Melody..chance that i won't miss.Melody seem lost in her doodling stuff again,so i peek what exactly she's doing...then i realize she is writing in Korea!

"Hey,where do you learn that?"

"What? This writing?"


"I learn it since i was little.Besides,i was born in Seoul,my father is Korean,my mother is American which made me Korean-American."

"No way..."

"What? You don't believe me?"

"Yeah,cause i'm Korean-American too,i was born in Seoul too!"

"Whoah,are we..twins?"

There is a long silent before both of us says, "Nah!". It is impossible that we're twins.Besides,my family name is Lee and Melody family's name is Kim.Oh yeah,if she use her Korean name,it will be Haneul Kim that mean sky or heaven.Her name is still cute.Suddenly the bell ring.

"Come on Ki Hong,Bio start in 5 minutes."

"Okay Haneul,i'm coming."

"Don't use that name"

"Why,it's beautiful from it's meaning."

"Well,okay.But let nobody know about it."

"Okay that Haneul"

She give me a playful push on the shoulder and we even walk home together.This is getting better.

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