Chapter 12

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If it not the three witches! Yes they are! How i hate that British accent from Serena ( No offense okay?) I glance behind me and there it is,Serena,Hadley and Natalie smirk to me. "Listen here crap!" Serena push me hard to my locker and lean over.I could see clearly her blue eyes that fill with hate stare deep into mine. "If i see you go any near to him,i'll say your life would be over! He's mine,only the hot one go with the pretty. one..that is me!You're nothing more than trash in a garbage bin.In fact garbage bin is still too much for you,you know! You have chance  to him for about..wait let me count..oh yeah,NEVER!" she let me go and i fall down to the hard floor.She then rudely put her high heel onto my stomach, "I think i made myself clear don't i? I'm warning you,wouldn't want i go with the hard way right?" She then let out a butcher knife from her pocket. "Make your distance from Ki Hong ....and i'll make sure this knife stay distance from you.."

My eyes widen,is she really serious about this? She smirk before give me a kick in the stomach and walk away. "Tata loser! You better remember this to avoid..careless accident" Natalie says follow by Hadley, "That outfit is perfect...for someone who about to die like you!" .They both send me evil laugh before walk away with Serena. My stomach feel so much pain in it,she kick me with high heels! I cough hard for a while..before slowly stand up and walk away almost dragging myself and my hand holding my stomach.I finally arrive home and lucky me Nina and Alice isn't home,maybe Nina is sending Nina for her ballet class..what do i care!

I hurried into my room,throw my bag on my study table,let myself fall hard on my bed...and cry a sea.I let out all the pain,all the feeling,all the hateful,all of it! Why am i still living in this? In this crap life? Why?! I hate them,i hate her,i hate my life! I hate...myself. I put a pillow onto my face and yell like there's no tomorrow! Releasing my anger,I then hear myself sob,how i hate knowing that i am weak.Wait..I am weak,i am ugly,i am trash.All she said is true.Ki Hong is too much for me...but i wouldn't dare to let him go. Why.......?

"Melody? You got a letter,lunch in 10 minutes okay?" Suddenly i hear Nina says from behind my door.I want to yell at her to leave me alone,but i know i would have to explain everything. I saw letter slide through under my door.I went to pick it up and open it..only to find words written in red marker,

Stay away from him UGLY DUCKLING! I'll say to him how i love him tomorrow at the school valentine's day.We'll be sweet couple..and you better take a few steps backward.And when i mention the step..i mean a lot of steps backward,UGLY FROG!

She didn't finish yet?! Would she just let me live in peace? I tear the letter apart and throw it into my dustbin. "IT'S YOU WHO DESERVE TO BE IN THE TRASH BIN!" I say and then scream with all my might and slam myself onto my bed...before fall into deep painful sleep.

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