Chapter 6

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I lay down on my bed,smiling so wide.It almost been a week Ki Hong had study in Charm Art High School,and it almost a week that we have been friend.Good friend i mean.What a day,maybe life is giving me some break from all that burden my life.Oh yeah,Ki Hong keep calling me Haneul.It had been long i didn't use that name,my Korean name.Ki Hong made me feel

I really enjoy his company,he really is fun and caring.He made my day.Sigh,i start to like him,but i wonder if he like me back.What if he don't? What if he just want me as a friend? What if i ask him if he like me or not and it'll ruin our friendship? Sigh,is it this complicated? Suddenly i hear my phone ring,message! I pick up my phone and there it is,a message from Ki Hong.I smile like crazy!

Ki Hong: Hey Haneul! What r u doing?

Melody:Hey Ki Hong,nothing really.Wanna go to park tomorrow?

Ki Hong:Sure! I'll pick you up.

Melody:I prefer 2 walk.But if you don't want to,i'm okay

Ki Hong:Oh,i'm okay with walking.Just want some fresh air to calm my mind.

Melody:Then,why me? You still have your sisters right?

Ki Hong:Yeah,but going with them is no fun.I prefer you.Okay,good night.We meet tomorrow!

Melody:Sleep well,bye.

I stare to Ki Hong's message, 'i prefer you'? What does that even mean? Did he...NO,what was i thinking? Snap out of it Melody! too much for you.He deserve someone better,not me,not ugly girl like me.Well,good night Ki Hong,....i wish you feel the same as me.

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