Chapter 13

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I wake up from my sleep,remembering what a nightmare had happened.Sigh,i really need to change and wash my face.I take my bath,wear into casual daily cloth and went downstairs.As i step into the kitchen,i smell roast beef and there it is..on the table.I saw a note near it and i read it,

Melody,i'm sorry if you have a bad day at school today.Maybe you doesn't know Jennie,but she go to the same school as you.She told me that you..Err,having sort of problem with Ki Hong and a bunch of girls.It's okay if you don't want to talk about it,but i just want to tell you..i'm here for everything.Alice and i have some grocery to do,i already text Ki Hong about you didn't go to your Valentine day at school tomorrow.If you change your mind just text to me back okay? I've prepare you some dinner,'re the strongest teenage i've ever meet. By:Nina.

I smile weakly at the note.Thanks Jennie..who ever you are.I sit down and begin to eat the roast beef.After i've done,i went upstairs into my room and finish my song for Ki Hong.I don't care what Serena nd her other two witches will say or even do to me.It just feel right to tell Ki Hong i love him.And i'll do it tomorrow.Okay,even if i don't have the courage to tell Ki Hong,at least show to Serena that i won't back up.She had cross the line man! Let finish this the second-world-war way! it supposed to be.Thanks Nina,thanks two had made me realize how fool i am to believe those freaks.From now on,i think i'm gonna face what ever problem is..and be my true self.Well,that's deep..easy say that do.Let's see how we gonna do it okay Serena, The.War.Just.Start! We're on!

Nina POV

I hope Melody didn't do something stupid and i hope that my note is able to make her realize her fault in believing something wrong.That Serena and her group sure will pay.Well,i'm sure they want Ki Hong,so i text him that Melody won't come..and i'm sure he won't come either.Look like tomorrow those girls be doll for nothing! Yohooo. One score for Nina and Zero for teenage witches! We'll see what next round is,shall we girls? Duh,i'll won again!

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