Chapter 10

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I AM SO EXCITED! Next week is valentine's day! Oh yeah,i wonder if i have the courage to give Ki Hong my chocolate for valentine..but thinking that he is quite famous for his hotness at school made my spirit  flinch to critical low.Of course every girl will give him lot and lot and lot of sweet things rather than me,giving him dumb chocolates.I'm not that kind of girl that sweet.But i wonder if he wanna accept mine.Okay Melody,stop whining..but it's the truth! Wait,why i have to give him chocolate or anything else,it'll be odd.Then,give him something that no one else can give like....i know! I have just the perfect idea...but not the perfect courage to do so,i afraid he won't like it.Valentine can be so hard? Nina also nag for me giving him something for valentine..she like  Ki Hong and how he bring different into me.

"Hey Melody! Third list,wondering around about someone and it's a boy..check!"

"Alice,just get out from here"

"Fourth list,getting slightly mad when mention and will end up blushing..check!"

"I'm not blushing!"

"Fifth list,fast reaction toward someone that mention such as yell and high voice..check!"

I stare down to her and cross my arm,Alice here is sure 'made' my day!

"Aaaand,sixth list,deep mad stare to the one that made her uncomfortable speaking of her crush..check! Wanna me to prove more?"

"Sure,just do it to your stupid Captain Archer downstairs,not here"

"Great idea!"

Alice then run out from my room and head downstairs,geez..what a pain! Okay,i have to Hong

But you can never tell him,it's that i afraid he says no,then what i'm gonna do? Oh boy,love is hard..i mean,having crush is hard.Sigh,you got me...i love him.^_^

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