Chapter 17

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Ki Hong sent me home just after rain had stop. I wave to him goodbye and say,  "Goodbye..teddy" before he continue, "Goodbye..honey". I smirk, 'honey' i like it.I then tuck off my shoes and went inside..only to make Nina shock. "Melody,are you stay in the rain? Oh my god,you'll get sick,go get yourself shower.Is everything alright?" I smile to him and say ,"Never been this fine.He accept it!" before running upstairs and took a bath.After that,i get myself some sleep,feeling exhausted from just now.

Time skip

I wake up and found out that it already 5 in the evening.Well,tea time! I'm starving! I went downstairs and found Nina in the kitchen. "Hey Nina,what's for tea time?". She then put a plate in front me and hand me a's Vanilla ice cream cake! I quickly enjoy myself,filling my empty stomach. "Dear Melody,you seem quite happy today.And where did you get that necklace? It's pretty" I smile and hand myself a spoonful ice cream cake into my mouth. " wouldn't believe it! It's...magical!" I squeal as i say. "Really,well i honestly gonna believe it if you keep talking"

I then tell Nina what had happen,i obviously squeal every part as i say! I still so excited,things are getting better.I mean,can't i celebrate for the first time? Well,i am now. Nina is happy for me,that make my day even brighter! But eventually,i catch a cold and..i might take a day off from school.At least, i can run away from that three bitches! Anyway,i'm gonna text Ki Hong later,i'm sure he gonna take a day off either.And as i finish my cake,Nina told me that she and Alice are gonna visit their hometown for three days,which left me alone.But i can invite Ki Hong to stay,Yeah! Nina is going to go tonight,no big deal for me.Nina already prepare some instant meal,even if i don't feel like eating them,i can simply order fast food.Brilliant right?

I went up to my room and start texting Ki Hong,

Melody:Hey there Teddy,what's up?

Ki Hong: No thing much honey,U?"

Melody:Me neither,i think i'm gonna skip school for 3 days.Catch a fever.

Ki Hong:Me too,say..wanna hang out?

Melody:Sure,at my place.Nina and Alice r out for 3 days.Care 2 join for a sleeping over?

Ki Hong"Sounds great,i come tonight.SEE YA!


I jump out of my bed,can't wait Ki Hong to come!!!!! Hooraayy!

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