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It was your ex's house. He's lived in this house ever since he was a kid. Because his parents are filthy rich. "Oh no." You whisper. "What's wrong lass?" You look at your shoes. "Oh nothing." Then you thought this such a cliche. As you walk in you see food and a DJ. The music is blasting and people are dancing and eating. Like normal party. Where are u now by skrillex and diplo was playing.

You go to the dance floor with Foxy. "Lass I don't dance." You frown and give him puppy eyes. "No." You roll your eyes you start to dance and Foxy is checking you out. "Excuse me you need to dance with me if you wanna do that." You say. He smirks and starts to bounce around. (When I do things like this I wanna have all the girls do a routine to the song always. I know a dance routine to where are u now.)  "Come on. You can do better than that. "Lass I've been locked up in that dumb pizzeria for a long time I don't freakin dance." You laugh and keep dance making silly faces at Foxy he rolls his eyes starts to dance.

You smile at how good he is a dancing. You start to dance until a slow song came on. You roll your eyes and get off the dance floor. "Stuped slow dances." Foxy laughs. "What's wrong with them lass?" You literally do this." You grab his hands and put them on your hips and put your arms around his neck. "See boring." He smirks. "I like it." Then he raises his eyebrows. You roll your eyes and giggle. You get some food and a martini and walk outside.

You sit down a one of the tables out there and put your head down. Then you feel movement. You put your head up and saw your ex. Of course. "Hi." He said and you just nod. "Don't be shy." You just grab you knife and twirl it around. "Shut up Sam." He smirks. "So you know my name?" You mentally facepalm. "Uh lucky guess?" He smiles. "I'm gonna go." You say still twirling your knife. As you start to walk you hear him laugh. He comes up behind you and backs you up against the house. "Your not going anywhere. Y/n." You grab your knife and stab him in the shoulder. He ignores the pain and grabs the knife from you. He aims the knife towards you neck. "Foxy! Help someone!" He covers up your mouth and stabs your hand as the blood  runs down the wall you scream.

"Shhhhh." You says stabbing you other hand. You scream as loud as you can and hear the music stop from inside the house. "Foxy! Help!" You hear footsteps. You kick him where the sun don't shine. He grabs his spot and falls to the ground. You run and bump into something. A wall.

You fall to the ground holding your head. Something grabs your arm but you don't know who it was because your vision  got blurred. You then collapse.

Foxy's POV (yay!)

I was checking out all the wierd food. When I hear a scream and the music stops. Then hear, "Foxy! Help!" I instantly start running but people are blocking me. I finally make it outside and see a blood on the house, a guy on the ground holding his uh spot and y/n holding her head. I run over to her a grab her arm and start running she then collapses. I pick her up bridal style.

I run to the hospital going she didn't lose to much blood. "Help!" People look at you while nurses and doctor's come and take y/n. You follow as they take y/n.

/////////time skip///////////

I sit in the chair waiting for the doctor to let me see her. Then I see Freddy, Chica, Balloon Boy, Marionette, Mangle, Springtrap, Ella and Misty burst through the doors. "Foxy what happened!" Chica yells. "I saw you running with someone and saw you go to the hospital!" Misty adds on. "Well me and y/n went to this party and I was eating some food and then heard a scream and y/n yell my name so I ran pit and saw blood a guy clenching his spot and y/n in the ground with cuts through her hand and she was holding her head so I took her to the hospital!" I say panting afterwards. "Calm down!" Freddy says. They all sit down and wait

Your POV

You wake up in a hospital room with bandages on your hands and head. You sit up and look around you look down and panic you have a bandage on you stomach. To get the doctors attention you scream. The doctor comes in your room. "What happens to my stomach!" The doctor sits down and explains "well you have a huge gash in your stomach and cut your in large intestine and were gonna have to stitch you up and give you tons of medicine." You look at your hands and sigh. "Lets me see Foxy and who ever is with him." He nods and walks out. You look around your room once again. Then you hear lots of footsteps and everybody from the pizzeria comes in. "Oh hi." Chica then yells. "ARE YOU OK?!" You nod and let a weak smile creep on you face. As you tell them what happened and what they need to do you think of all the bad things that could happen.

A/n Ok I hope you liked that chapter I think it was pretty long and I hope this will hold you over for like a week.

That New Pirate Heart (Foxy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now