Lost Memories

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Ok this does not belong to me. It was written by Fanfic.Net writer: XBloodAngelX. This story literally made me cry true tears. It made me see anothe side of Tank, of maybe how he could have been before the zombie storyline, before his memories were erased. So hope you guys dont cry! Like I did:'(

The world was one giant blur. Shapes and colors swam in Dempsey's vision. Muffled voices sounded near him. He couldn't make out what they were saying. He forcefully blinked his eyes, trying to make sense of the random images in his head. He couldn't remember where he was; what he was doing there; what he had been doing before. He couldn't remember anything. Panic set in as he desperately tried to recall the simplest things of his life, where he lived, what he did for a living, his family and friends. Nothing. The voices grew louder. He opened his eyes wide again and saw a figure standing a few feet in front of him, yet he couldn't tell if it was male or female, or if it was even human.

His sight still blurry, he tried to reach up to rub his eyes but realized his hands were tied down by what felt like smooth leather straps. The room tilted back and forth and his head started pounding. He suppressed a groan and attempted to lift himself up but he was held down to a cold metal table, angled slightly so he could still see the silhouettes in front of him. There were two of them. He could hear their voices more clearly now, but he could still not understand what they were saying. The shapes were distinctly human and it sounded like they were speaking in a different language. Suddenly the voices stopped. The figures turned toward him.

"Er ist wieder bei Bewusstsein. Edward, klopfe der Patient wieder heraus. Sind wir nicht mit ihm fertig."

What the hell was going on? He rapidly blinked his eyes, a throbing pain coursed through his head with every beat of his heart. He vaguely saw a tall, thin character aproach him, holding something in his hand.

"Ja, Herr Doktor." Dempsey felt a stinging pain in his right arm but the pain was quickly washed away by a wave of darkness, blotting out his sight, dragging him into the cold numbing waters of unconciousness.

Tank was dreaming. He wasn't sure how he knew that, but he did. Faces of his past flew past him. His mother and father, sisters and brothers, his beautiful wife and children. All the people he loved and cared about. He reached out to them, trying to call out their names, but he found that he could not remember them. His eyes widened. Why couldn't he remember? He grabbed the side of his head with both hands attempting to force the names of the people and places of his past back into his mind. He lifted his head back up only to see his family slowly walking away from him.

He quickly stood up and ran toward them but the faster he ran, the further way they appeared. His legs gave out and he colapsed on the ground, his eyes burning, tears forcing their way down his cheeks. He gazed hopelessly at his loved ones as they walked out of his view. All of them were gone, except for his wife and kids whos names, no matter how hard he tried, eluded him. He stared at them in horror as theres faces started to blur; their features fading along with their bodies, and all his memories of ever knowing them. Gone.

And....here comes my tears! Like I said this story was written by XBloodAngelX who is a writer on Fanfic.Net

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