The Cycle is Broken

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Written by Deviantart User thejokerofcrime!

“We're going down?! Again! ” Albert "Weasel" Arlington, the money handler in Salvatore DeLuca's mob, thought as Icarus once again crashed into the Golden Gate Bridge "AAAHHHH!”. He tried to scream but instead a loud demonic roar emitted from him being in afterlife the other mobsters could only watch as they go down seething with several emotions their rage being the most dominant. Icarus crashed into the bridge and sent the four slamming down on the ground as the plane fell into its watery grave once again. Billy knew what needed to be done he motioned for them to revive themselves Sal breathed heavily "Is this all there is? I escape, but then I don't escape?" he yelled as his fist slammed into the side of the Pack-A-Punch machine. Finn just stayed silent he didn't know what to think of the situation "what the fuck…" he muttered fiddling around with his Voice of Justice "Weasel...I...we trusted you". Weasel stood there in disbelief and guilt as Finn continued “how long were you going to keep lying to us" he asked coldly with sadness evident in his voice "when was it going to stop". He watched as his friend, no the…stranger before him hide his eyes from his cold stare under his hat feeling drops of rain starting to fall the two other mobsters looked at Finn with their faces decorated with disbelief by what he's saying. "Answer me dammit" he yelled pulling his Voice of Justice out on him the other two mobsters following his example Weasel took note as he pulled his Porter's Mark II Ray Gun as the two stood before one another with both their hands shaking visibly. "Pull the fucking trigger" Weasel yelled as the rain began to fall harder some mixing in with a few stray tears rolled down his cheek. Finn tried to steady his hands he felt just as guilty though he didn't care for Weasel he didn't really hate him like the others did. He knew he had to kill him whether he wanted to or not since Sal and Billy wouldn't hesitate to kill him too. "Why did it have to be this way" he asked himself as Billy raises his Vitriolic Withering in his sights alongside side Sal his Speakeasy glowing faintly as the lava flowed through its cracks. Weasel continued "you may not have liked me but you guys were my friends I would've spared no expense to get you guys free" his voice trembled with each passing second. "Why do you want to kill me when I was trying to help you guys" he asked making Billy speak up first "because this is all entirely your fault you stupid prick" he snarled "you're the reason why we have to fight zombies in an unending hell".
               Sal nodded "you knew this was coming Weasel" he replied solemnly the three were about to pull the trigger when they heard zombies all around them "those freaks are back". The zombies screeched and moaned as they sprinted after their climb "Billy to your right, Finn to your left we'll deal with Weasel afterwards" Sal shouted over the gunfire. Billy pulled out his knife grabbing a zombie by the neck and brought it close to his face "do you know why I like blades" he asked smiling eerily before stabbing it in the head "because they're more personal". Finn fired upon four zombies before sending the butt of the Voice of Justice crashing down on one of their heads ultimately smashing their head in.  The ground started to shake violently "the guard is back" they said as the sound of a prison cell opening rung through the air with Brutus appearing in a flash of fiery light growling angrily. "Oh shit" Weasel said falling against the Pack-A-Punch as the bridge shook with each step Brutus took. "NOT THIS TIME!" the hulking zombie guard yelled as his undead minions screeching painfully the mob leader didn't hesitate to start mowing them down with his Speakeasy. Billy added to the mass slaughter as he started blasting the zombies with his Vitriolic Withering weapon as its powerful explosions rocked the bridge leaving the gambler to provide cover fire watching the seemingly endless crowd start to surround them. The explosions were enough to create a small path in the crowd "guys there's an opening move it" he yelled motioning them to the path. Finn and Billy ran as soon as the chance presented itself but turned upon hearing Sal yell out screaming they watched Brutus attack Sal enough for the zombies to finish him off he turned to look at Weasel "you fuck" his last words  mixed with his screams of agony before being silenced by the undead horde. Billy quickly grew distraught "SAAL" he yelled turning his glare to Weasel "you're fucking dead" he aimed his gun down at him "kiss your fucking ass goodbye". The money handler hastily fired bursts from his Porter's Mark II Ray Gun which made quick work killing the merciless killer his lifeless body crumpled to the ground. A loud screamed echoed through the air causing Weasel to turn only to be greeted by Finn being killed by Brutus himself "Finn" he yelled running to his side the hulking zombie took a few steps back allowing him in. "It's fine Weasel it had to be done to free us all" Finn coughed as blood seeped out of his nose and mouth "now we can all move on" Weasel just stayed silent until Finn's coughs snapped him back to his senses. He gave a few pats on his back "goodbye Arlington I got to go now" and with that the gambler died finally free from Purgatory Weasel stood there sad. "They may have been assholes" he thought "but they were my only friends" he turned to look at Brutus who stood behind him as if he was waiting. "The cycle is broken..." he rasped tapping his club against the ground "you are free to go let this be a lesson for you learn from your mistake and change your ways " he slowly disappeared from his vision. Weasel stood there alone before a weird sensation began to spread through his body "whoa what's going on here" he asked himself falling to his knees trying his hardest to stay conscious his vision blurred until everything went black and he collapsed to the ground.
               "3, 2, 1 happy New Year's" the sound of cheering and laughter caught the ears of the groggy man "huh what" he looked around seeing a group of people crowded around with looks of worry occupied their faces. "You okay mister" he turned around seeing a young boy facing him "yeah, yeah I'm fine" he replied trying to piece together what's going on "what day is it". "Friday December 31, 1993" happiness flowed through the ex-mobster's body "I'm back in my time" he thought before realizing he hadn't seen the others. "Hey one quick question have you seen Sal DeLuca, Billy Handsome, or Finn O'Leary" he asked receiving a shake of the head from him "I know most people here but none of those names ring a bell". He took a second to process the information "thanks kid" he said lifting himself up with a grunt "I'll see you around" and with that Weasel walked away from the crowd. "Alright Mr. Arlington you're hired" his new agent said shaking hands with him "I must say this is a fresh idea with the hellish version of Alcatraz, and zombies it almost feels like those souls were just people being tortured into living again" he heard a chuckle emanate from him. "I like the title you gave it" the agent closed his eyes as if to imagine being there "Mob of the Dead" a look of curiosity formed upon his face "if I may ask how did you come up with the idea". Weasel just smiled "let's just say it came to me in a dream" he replied taking his comic back and shook his new agent's hand for the last time "see you Thursday". The ex-mobster walked out and started heading for the bus stop "Mob of the Dead" he said smiling pulling out his Hell's Redeemer and Golden Spork as the memories rushed back "after the longest time the cycle is finally broken…".

Yay!!!! Weasel lives!!:) Poor Finn though..... 

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