Vodka Lullaby

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This story was created by Deviantart user Shadowonthewall22. For some reason this reminded me of the music video Whiskey Lullaby. So this is a sad Nikolai x Richtofen story that made me ship them as well. Anyway hope yall don't cry!

It had been a devastating sight for him when he saw Richtofen being surrounded by zombies. He remembered running as fast as he could to try and save him, but his attempt had been futile. Now he was here, staring at the man whom he'd come to secretly love from their time in this damned apocalypse. Richtofen was unconscious on a bed Takeo managed to find, and Dempsey had bandaged his cute and wounds as best he could. Nikolai starred down at Richtofen , his eyes were glassy and red from the tears and booze. Richtofen's chest gently rose and fell and on the occasion he tried to wake up but with little success. Nikolai took a swig from his bottle and he couldn't help but feel that this was his fault, he could have saved him. The memory replayed in his head over and over in his head, he took another swing, he could feel the tears start to come back even though he tried to keep them in.

He stopped fighting his urges to cry and let them well from his eyes for them to streak his cheeks. He set his bottle down and kneeled down beside the unconscious German, he rested the side of his head on Richtofen's chest, his tears making part of his uniform damp. "I tried," he mumbled softly and he could feel his body begin to shake. He wrapped his arms around Richtofen's torso and he started to cry more. He felt his heart become a heavy lump in his chest and he could faintly hear Richtofen's heart beat, it made him a little better. "I'm sorry Doctor," he said "I tried to save you, I really did!" he blubbered and he could feel Richtofen's uniform getting wetter from his tears. After about an hour of crying Nikolai passed out from exhaustion and lack of hydration from crying. The entire night he could feel the warmth from the unconscious body he was hugging so dearly.

He could also hear his heart beat as he slept, both comforted him. When he opened his eyes he gently got up and looked down at Richtofen, then towards the door way, he saw Takeo. "What do you want?" he asked and Takeo slowly walked over to the both of him. "I was a rittle surprised when I walked in to see you rike this, what's wrong Nikki?" Takeo asked his friend. "It's none of your concern Takeo," he said and picked up his bottle of Vodka. Takeo looked over at doctor then up at Nikolai, he slowly started to piece things together but left in silence. Nikolai shrugged then sighed and as he looked at Richtofen "no one will know," he muttered to himself and kneeled back down by Richtofen's bedside. He knew he had to do one thing before Richtofen woke up and before one of the others came back. He leaned in till his lips were inches from Richtofen's thin pale lips. He took a deep breath and gently kissed Richtofen , he closed his eyes. He held the kiss for a few seconds before he slowly kissed him again. He slowly pulled away, his cheeks slightly pink as he left after picking up his Vodka Bottle.

He made his way to an empty room so he could think and drink in peace. Half an hour passes and half of his bottle is empty, he was wasted and sitting in a corner, the memory still played in his mind like a broken record skips constantly during a song and he wondered why the booze wasn't helping. "Why doesn't it help Nikolai?" he asked, his toned slurred and slightly deeper than usual. He tried to stand only for him to fall back onto his rump since his legs have become numb from sitting on them for so long. "Guess not da do-" he started only to remember that the man he secretly loved wasn't by his side at the moment. His eyes became teary and he looked up at the ceiling, he whimpered and repeated "Nikki tried!" over and over.

When his cries came to mere whimpers he looked at the doorway and saw Richtofen, or at least what he thought was Richtofen, it was a mere hallucination. A faint smile came to his lips then he stood p on wobbly legs. "Doctor!" he exclaimed happily only to look up to see no one there. "Doctor?..." he muttered suddenly feeling like a lost and confused child. He sniffled and looked down at his Vodka Bottle, the one thing besides his pistol that could rid him of that damned memory. He pulled out his pistol, took one last swig of his Vodka, then placed the pistol to the side of his head and muttered "For Doc," then pulled the trigger.

The sound of the gun shot woke Richtofen from unconsciousness, he hurriedly sat up, his eyes wide and filled with panic and fear. His heart pounded and he looked down at his bandages, he was safe, for now at least. "Guys?" he called out that was followed by running feet. First came Takeo then Dempsey, he was surprised to see no Nikolai "Vhere's Nikolai?" he asked and looked at the two. "We thought he was with you," Takeo said and quickly scanned the room. "Apparently not Tak," Dempsey replied then he and Takeo helped Richtofen out of his bed. It felt weird to stand up was all that came to mind besides the wonder of where his beloved friend was. After he got used to standing he decided it was time to go find Nikolai. "I'll be back, I'm going to go find Nikolai," Richtofen said and made his way to the door way. "You don't need help?" Takeo asked
"Nein I'll be fine," Richtofen said then set out to find his friend.

When Richtofen found the room Nikolai was in he felt an overwhelming wave of sadness come over him when he saw what his Russian comrade had done. The sadness mixed with a gut wrenching sickness, something he hadn't felt in sometime. He started to take deep breaths as he slowly walked towards his friends body. He kneeled beside the body and swallowed. It couldn't have happened, his best friend couldn't be dead. A tear came from Richtofen's acid green eye and he gently took the scarf from Nikolai's neck. He looked at the scarf then the body, that's when he noticed "I always loved him," written on part of the scarf. Richtofen held the scarf to his chest as he began to cry.

And.........I'm done! *cries*

Tank: Hug?

Me: Yes.

*Me and Tank hug, as I cry*

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