Hello Samantha

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This wont make you cry but...Eddy really!? Shes like 10! Fanfic.Net writer RustedKitty wrote this!

I finally have reached the moon,
Little Samantha you'll die very soon.
I've hated you since the start,
I wanted so bad to tear out your heart.

You I very much dislike,
Despite you're thoughts we aren't alike.
Though we both enjoy blood and gore,
I am a scientist, you are a whore.

I had planned and plotted out your doom,
You and your father were trapped in that room...
There were many others in on the crime,
That damn teleport had to work that one time.

And since my first plan to kill you failed,
These three imbeciles I did hail.
I told them to help me fight,
Little do they know I'll snuff out their lights.

I can't believe they haven't guessed I want your throne,
And all the powers you weren't meant to own.
Soon they will all be mine,
Soon. Oh so soon. All in due time.

At first we gave you sympathy,
We thought you were trapped but now we see
It was a trick you played on us,
Your servants they came, to us they rushed.

They said it was my fault that still the zombies stay,
But your powers I could not sway.
Day after day, year after year,
Still we are fighting and now its clear.

You were never trapped, you wanted us to die.
How did you know? Don't give me a lie.
Tell me your secrets and I'll tell you mine,
Might as well, Sam, I've got the time.

All I do is kill anyways,
Slicing and stabbing your minions away.
I'll admit I'm tired and that I want to rest,
But I won't get sloppy, I'm still at my best.

No matter what, I won't drop my guard,
Unlike Dempsey I'm not a retard.
Even though you are a dirty, cunning rat,
I know all your secrets, there is nothing hidden in your hat.

I digress, for now I must play your twisted game,
Soon your life will end in shame.

I guess you shouldn't have been so mean,
Every kingdom loses their queen.
Whether by sickness or by blade,
Every queen ends up slayed.

Behind those young and evil eyes,
You are the devil in disguise.
For now the MPD is where you dwell,
But soon, Miss Maxis, you'll be in hell.

Ohhhhhhh burnt!!!! Sorry Sam but.....Eddy rocks! You suck Sam! Im sorry yall but I hate her. Even more than Stu:p

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