The Last CDC Agent

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Ok so this chapter from one of my favorite stories on Fanfic, called The Last CDC Agent by UglyTurnip, made me cry. This story was amazing and I recommend it to those who love Zombies! So this portion from the last chapters, were sad and I cried when these people died. Spoiler Alert! Three of your favorite members from Zombies DIES!

I awoke to a bright light that caused me to blink initially, before I raised up and realized I was in Griffin Station. How was I here? Did I get sent back to the 1960s? Was I dead?

"Ah, Woodard's awake," I heard the familiar gruff voice that belonged to Tank Dempsey.

"Tank? Wh-where am I?"

"The Aether, or at least how the MPD designed it to look," Richtofen stepped over. "This is not really Griffin Station, it just looks like it."

Takeo walked over, saying nothing, but nodding.

"Where's Nikolai?" I glanced around the room, seeing no signs of the drunk Russian.

"He ran away as soon as he could when we arrived. He's been grieving ever since. It's so bad-" Dempsey pointed at a table practically covered with unopened vodka bottles. "He hasn't even tried to come in to sneak a drink. Poor guy, thinks it's all his fault. And it was, but he still is taking it harder than he should.

"Even I feel sorry for the dishonorable Russian," Takeo added.

"So, am I dead?"

"No, it's just a coma. But, we must come to tell you the truth."

They then preceded to tell me everything that I later told Misty, Marlton, and Al. The ancients were a lie, but there was still a way to stop the zombie timeline. Samantha did not exist in the Origins time period, and it was just the MPD controlling the zombies."

"How do I wake up, I gotta tell the others?" I pleaded.

Dempsey looked at Takeo and both frowned.

"We must give up our life force to repair your own. We will cease to exist in order to save the human race."

My jaw dropped. "Both of you? Just to wake me from a coma?"

"Yes, our life force will repair your body enough for you to fully recover, except for any scars you have. Richtofen will stay alive to guide you from the Aether, he knows more than both of us."

A tear went down my cheek. "If I were more careful, this wouldn't have happened. You two could at least stay alive in the Aether."

Dempsey patted my shoulder and gave me a sad look. "Austin, all I've done in my life was fight. And now that there's nothing to do except walk around up here, I've gotten bored. Now, I give my life force to you in one last chance to fight to end this. Yes, you were careless, but you can't change what you did now. All I ask is to change what has happened. Stop this timeline from ever happening. Return Earth where it belongs." Dempsey began to fade as I felt power being transmitted to my body.

"Semper Fi, Ura. . ." He gave one last smile as he faded forever away. Richtofen gave Dempsey a nod of approval just before the marine vanished.

I felt terrible, weak, stupid, liable. This was all my fault.

"He was an honorable friend. I would say that I would never forget him, but I will soon join him in a state of nothingness. Austin, I ask that you fight until your last breath. Even if you fail, dying fighting is more honorable than surrender. It's not hopeless. But it will be hard. Stop the 115. Good luck, friend." Takeo began to fade.

"I'm coming, ancestors." Were his last words. Soon, only Richtofen and a mourning me remained.

Not for long though.

"They've gone and done it, haven't they, doctor?" Another familiar voice echoed. Nikolai stepped in and slowly shuffled to Richtofen, who returned his frown.

"Yes, Nikolai, they have."

"What will we do now?"

Richtofen put his hands on Nikolai's shoulders and whispered.

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. I truly am..."

In a flash, Nikolai vanished. He didn't even have time to realize what Richtofen was doing: stealing his life force.

"What have you done?!" I screamed as the last super soldier vanished from the Aether.

"I took his life force, obviously," Richtofen frowned. "It was not fun."


"Because I need to live in order to help you. And I also am ready to get back into the fight."

Everything began to fade. I was waking up in the real world.

"You bastard! You better make up for this! You better!"

"You'll see. When I wake up, we're going to find your staff parts. The others need you. And they need me."

I woke up next to the workbench in the wind tunnel. And I soon saw Richtofen's body teleport across from me. A pure white light entered the body, which soon stirred.

He awoke to a knife at his throat.

"How did you get brought back to life with only Nikolai's life force when it took both Dempsey's and Takeo's to save me?!"

Richtofen hesitated.


"I stole some of their life force too, little by little. Combined with Nikolai's own life force, this brought me back to life. You have to trust me, please!"

"I don't," I removed the knife from his throat. "But killing you now would just waste what Nikolai can't give back. One wrong move, though, and I will gut you like a fish!"

"Woodard, I still don't like how aggressive you are. I will say that. But I have nothing to gain from betraying any of you. So how about we try to find you staff parts and get it built. It's time to build our power, and not let the sacrifices of the others go in vain."

"Nikolai's wasn't a sacrifice."

"He would have done it anyway, I just sped up the process."

"Whatever," I said as I walked up the stairs. "Let's get this over with."

So Austin Woodard is the CDC agent and the OC/main character in this story. I cried when Tank, Takeo, and Nikolai died!! Tank! Why!?!?:'(

Tank: I'm right here Lindsay.:)

Me: Yay!! *hugs him tightly and doesnt let go*

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