The Fall of Takeo

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Chapter from The Last CDC Agent by Fanfic.Net writer/Wattpad writer Uglyturnip! Follow him and read this amazing story! I highly recommend it!

   Misty's POV

I knew we couldn't trust Stupidger off with just Russman. Knowing him, he probably became suspicious that we sent Russman to stalk him and kill him, and killed poor innocent Russman. I don't see how that old man could actually befriend such a smelly, selfish maniac. It's just weird, but Russman's always liked the rough and tough, which Stuhlinger actually could be. I think that's also why he never liked Marlton.

We put on our helmets and entered the power room, but suddenly, we were stopped at the temple. It was calling to us again, something wasn't right. It wanted our attention.

We heard a German voice clear his throat. "Alright, now that I have your attention. I just want to say how I fooled all of you! I thought you and your nerdy boyfriend would fall for it, as well as Dempsey and this drunk dumbass here, but I'm suprised about Takeo and little Samantha here. I didn't think they would be fooled as well.

"I knew I felt something dishonorable about that temple," Takeo groaned. "Doctor, what have you done with the other two?"

A horrific yet girlish giggle echoed through the room, sending shivers down my spine. "I killed them, to use their souls a fuel for my power over the zombies!" He laughed again, like this was just a fucking game to him.

"You basterd!" I screamed. "Russman didn't deserve that! Hell, not even Stuhlinger deserved that!"

"Doctor, I'm about to come to hell or wherever you are and end you myself!" Takeo screamed, suprisingly enraged.

"Then come," A very dark version of the Doctor's voice said. Suddenly, a zombie crawled out of the ground and bit Takeo in the leg before he could fire a crossbow at it. Nikolai soon sprayed his RPK and killed the zombie biting his frenemy, but we knew what had happened.

Takeo was infected. He was already growing weak when we dragged him back into the biodome. Dempsey rushed over to his fallen comrade.

"Tak!" He screamed in horror. "What did they do to you?" We flipped him over to show his bitemark.

Dempsey frowned grimly. "We can't afford to lose another man."

Takeo vomited up blood and began to have slight muscle spasms.

"Nikolai, I know you have none, so can you please watch the crawlers while we pay our last respects to Takeo before he dies?" Samantha asked.

"Da, but even I believe Takeo didn't deserve this," He walked off in slight sadness.

Takeo grew paler, we were running out of time.

"Tak, I'm sorry. If I had known-" Tank began, but Takeo cut him off.

"It is alright American, I said I would come to hell to finish off Richtofen, so that's just what I will do. I may not have said it to your faces before, but you were worthy allies to fight with, all of you. All I ask, is that you decapitate my head before I turn." Dempsey nodded, upset, but not crying or being overly emotional.

"You know," Takeo said, coughing. "I always thought we'd all die together, as a team. I guess Richtofen had different plans than I did. Sorry. . . For Failing. . ."

And with that, Takeo Masaki breathed his last.

No!!!!! *goes to find Takeo* I'm coming back for you, Tak!! Lol:p

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