Even A Weasel Finds Love

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I literally cried so much on this book! This story is one of the reasons why I love Albert Arlington. I don't think of him as a weasel at all. If only he was real, I would literally love him!:( This was written by Fanfic.Net writer PeacefulProcrastination.

Sal glared at Albert, hatred and rage boiling in his eyes. "You did this! You fuckin' rat! I knew we shoulda' killed you!" He growled, raising his gun at Albert, his face taking on a menacing and rage-filled expression.

Albert's eyes widened, his face turned pale, and he took a small and frightened step back, holding his hands up nervously. "W-What? I didn't do nothin'! I ain't the bad guy!"

"No! Sal, we can talk this out!" I shouted, stepping in front of Albert.

Michael loaded his gun. Billy snarled. Only a small trace of reluctance laced his voice. The rest of it dripped with evil and ominous venom. "Helen, if you don't get outta the damn way, you're goin' to Hell with that bastard!"

I shook fearfully.

"Helen, get out of the way!" Albert shouted to me, his eyes apologetic. "I'll be fine!"


Michael cocked his gun.

That was all the warning I needed. I quickly darted out of the way.

Albert's face wore small hints of each hopelessness, sadness, fear, horror, and rage.

He straightened his stance, put his arms down, and grabbed his upgraded Ray Gun. He aimed his gun at his ex-partners in crime. His teeth clenched and he glared at them all intensely.

"I didn't wanna do this, but."

His eyes darted over to me.

"Helen, run!"

My eyes widened.

"Don't come back! It's too dangerous!"

I froze in fear. What?!

"Now! Run!"

I broke off into a reluctant sprint, running as fast as I could from the battle to the death that was about to begin behind me.

I glanced behind me and saw Sal take the first shot as Albert, who had taken cover behind one of the support beams by the electric chairs. I looked away.

I ran as far as I could.

I could still hear the shots fired from their upgraded weapons and the cries in pain and hate from each of them, even though we all were now out of each other's vision.

I could only imagine the horror I would probably face if I returned.

I hid behind a crate far off where I couldn't see them, but I could faintly hear.

The shooting ended, and I could hear Albert crying out in pain.

They must be having a fist fight now.

I could hear him coughing and groaning, and I could hear the very audible "oofs" and screeches from him. I wanted to come running back and stop them, but I knew they'd probably end up killing me as well.

Then there would be another unnecessary death tonight.

All I could do was sit, wait, and pray that Albert'd be okay. A few tears rolled down my face.

Albert screamed in pain once more, and everything stopped.

I feared the worst.

My legs began moving on their own, just like they did when I first ran up to the prison. I stumbled over debris and my own feet, but I kept going.

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