Group 935

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Written by Fanfic.Net writer, ZombieSailor.

Chapter One: Group 935

After another long day of job searching, Edward returned to his little cottage on the outskirts of town, only to slump down into a dining room chair. The ashamed look that hung off of his face was enough to make the most outgoing man spiral into a depression. Even his wife, Anna - who could turn a bad situation good - was wallowing within her husbands failure. The house had never been so silent in Edwards opinion, and he knew he was to blame. Placing his head between his hands, he sighed loudly.

Bills began to pile, debt increased ten fold, and it seemed that they couldn't catch a break after the factory shut down.

Anna slowly placed a bowl of hot stew in front of her beloved with a smile. Edward looked to her, seeing right through her smile, and smiled back. Even if it was fake, he wanted to take away some of her sorrow. Kissing his forehead softly, Anna soon joined him at the dinner table.

The two ate in silence, averting eye contact, for what seemed like forever until the clank of silverware echoed throughout the house. Edwards eyes flew to Anna's still form.

"Anna... what is it?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. His wife remained silent as she stood herself up, making her way to the dry sink. She sifted through piles and piles of unpaid bills and loan collections making Edwards frown deepen. "Anna please, if this is about the bills we will figure something out. Just please, darling, sit down." His words seem to have fallen upon deaf ears as Anna continued sift through the papers. Becoming fed up with her insolence, Edward stood to tug at her arm. Edward didn't want to hurt her, truly he didn't, but the fight to which she put up caused him to shove her. The shove was meant to be light hearted yet turned out heavier than expected. Anna smacked her head along the side of the dry sink and with a solid thud hit the kitchen floor.

There she was, laying lifelessly on the floor with Edward standing above her. His face held no emotion as his eyes scaled her hunched body, until he saw something hang loosely within her hand. It was a flimsy piece of ivory paper with a bright red wax seal. His eyes widened with hope as he dropped to his knees along side his wife.

Anna slowly lifted herself, not even bothering to look at her husband, and shoved the paper into his chest.

"I... I'm sorry" she stared, "It got mixed in with the bills..."

"It is from Wehrmact..." he spoke under his breath as his fingers graced the wax incrusted emblem. Opening it with care, Edward began to read the letter.
'Gentlemen. Allow me to take this opportunity to welcome you to Group 9-3-5. This is a prestigious moment in the history of our race. You represent the future of technological advancement. You are the pioneers of human discovery. In your hands lies the destiny of mankind. In our hands is a great power and with that power comes a price. You have volunteered to be part of this great experiment and with that decision comes the responsibility of absolute secrecy. No one is to know what you do, where you work, what our research has discovered, or what our purpose will be. Your decision to fully dedicate your lives to Group 935 is absolute Make your preparations now. A new dawn is beginning for mankind!' ~ Doctor Ludvig Maxis.

Edward gripped at the letter within his hands. It was like a dream come true. He was chosen to work not only amongst the German regime but also alongside his idol, The Doctor Ludvig Maxis!

"Anna when did this come?"

"Yesterday I believe..." came her reply as she sat herself up properly from the ground. "I'm so sorry Edward, I thought it was another eviction notice. But when Clara told me that her husband had received a letter with a wax seal I knew it must have been something more important."

The house grew silent, something that happened more often than it should. Edward's face was stone hard, eyes focused on his wife for the longest time. But when her eyes finally moved to stare into his own, he lost it.

Pulling her form closer, he hugged her body tightly to his own. He palmed the back of her head gently, caressing her hair while his other hand wrapped itself around her tiny waste. Resting his head on the top of her own, Edward did something no one knew possible. He cried.

Anna felt his body lurch forward, contracting, shaking - for the first time in not only her life but his as well, Edward cried.

"Edward, darling... why are you crying? Isn't this a good thing?" her voice was at the upmost concern. She had never seen her husband show such emotions towards anything in their entire lives together.

Always the calm and collective man, Edward refused to allow emotions to swallow his composure and his wife understood that. During every fight no matter the amount of blood, sweat, and tears shed by her, his expressions would never change. Even at their small wedding, Edwards face remained as cold and unimpressed as ever. There was never once a smile on his face as she walked down the isle, as they spoke their vows and said 'I do', and certainly not one after their first official kiss as husband and wife. Many friends and family members didn't see the attraction that Anna held for this shell of a man, but how could they? They didn't take the the time to get to know him for the man that he truly was. Sure, he was cold and brash but the warmth that came from a single one of his glances was enough to melt Anna in a way that no other man could.


"Anna, why are you crying?"

"Because you're not..."

Edward frowned at the idiotic response. He knew his wife was a lot of things, but stupid was not one of them. He lowered himself down, knees extending outward, as he squatted next to his soon to be wife. Giving her another apathetic look, he folded his hands together.
"Darling why would I cry at our wedding?" The uninterested tone lodged within Edwards voice sent Anna into another fit of tears.

"T-this is the most memorable day of our lives... don't you want to cry out of happiness?"
Edward said nothing, averting her eyes as she continued to speak. "Something, anything! For god sakes Edward, you're not even smiling!"
Tears continued to pour from Anna's crystal blue eyes and although Edward thought of his bride as a strong woman, he could not have been more wrong. Breathing through his nose heavily, Edward shifted his eyes back to look into the pools of his bride - frown never fading.

"If I truly were not happy about this day, do you think I would be here? Do you think I would come to you, and ask you what is the matter?" Edward reached his hand out, wiping away stray tears off of Anna's cheeks.

[End Of FlashBack]

He might have fooled everyone else with this stone cold routine, but Anna knew better. She knew deep down he had emotions just like the rest of them. The only difference was that Edwards were enough to flood an entire city.

Aye Richtofen -_-

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