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A tragic story about Billy Handsome. Inspired by the Avenged Sevenfold song 'Nightmare' :) Written by Fanfic.Net writer CoDFicCentral.

Billy lay slumped against the Juggernog machine. He'd been there for five minutes and didn't know why he wasn't dead yet. He couldn't move, and was staring at the floor.

He'd been training when Brutus came in, slamming him into the Juggernog machine before he could blow his head off. The swarm was long gone, but Brutus had lingered, and Billy was sure the guard had been smirking at him under the damaged visor of his riot helmet. He'd said, "You're fate is sealed."

As Billy lay there, still on the brink of death but somehow gripping to the borderline, he tried to remember what had happened in the last 3 hours. Sal had been the first to go, getting cornered in the Warden's office firing his Speakeasy at the same Brutus that just downed Billy.

Finn was the second, running through the docks with no ammo for his Voice of Justice, and had thrown his Hell's Redeemer before he was killed, which had saved Billy's life.

The only one left was Weasel. Of course he was still alive. Like Sal had said, they'd probably been drugged by Arlington, playing into his little game. For all Billy knew, he was passed out on the docks. The only problem was that the pain he was feeling was all too real.

He suddenly heard a guitar rift ring in his ears. He used the last of his strength to move his hanging head up so he could see the sky. Then a voice came through, much like the last two songs they'd triggered.


Now your Nightmare comes to life.

Great, Billy thought. Another way to mock his life and regrets.

Dragged you down below

Down to the Devil's Show

To be his guest forever

Peace of mind is less than never!

That's what this was, wasn't it? The Devil's Show? Sounded like some sick play, one Billy was living. If Arlington got to him somehow, he'd still just fight forever. And peace of mind? That left him when he killed his first target. He still tossed and turned at night, being haunted by his victims.

Hate to twist your mind

But God ain't on your side

An old acquaintance severed

Burn the world your last endeavor!

Twisted mind? Check. Punished by God? Check. Billy's acquaintance with him was severed when he lost his innocence. When he found out what was going on with his parents. Billy's world burned that day. So that was a check.

Flesh is burning

You can smell it in the air

'Cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal

Billy sniffed. Yeah. That was burning flesh alright. He wasn't even sure if he had a soul anymore. In fact, he thought he was in Hell.

So stand in line

while they ink numbers in your head

You're now a slave until the end of time here

Nothing stops the madness




Pull the trigger!

Turning, haunting, yearning? Billy did that every night. Nightmares, night terrors. All the about the same thing. He'd waken up other prisoners with his yelling once. The madness never ended for him, either. He was a slave to his own regret.

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