Family Matters

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So this is the last chapter from one of my favorite stories, Family Matters by Fanfic.Net writer TheHumanShield. Poor Tank and Richtofen:'(

Rictofen, protect them while me and Takeo go turn the power on." Tank yelled, taking Nixon's pistol.

Takeo lead the way by slashing through and zombies, the pistols being out of ammo, that got close while Tank took out any from the back. Once they found it Tank flipped the switch and the lights all turned on. The bad news was that it also alerted the zombies to their presence and made them a prime target.

"Takeo get back to the teleporter, I'll cover you." Tank said to Takeo who stayed by the door to make sure none got in. Takeo nodded and started back.

The plan was going great until a man with wild gray hair came out from nowhere and blocked Tank, taking his pistol and blocking him in a room full of zombies. When the man finally moved their was a horde of the undead bastards in front of him.

He was surrounded.

Knowing that this was it he used his last moments to send a final message via the intercom system by the door.

"Goodbye, I love you." saying it no louder than a whisper, but loud enough to be heard.

When Takeo got back to the teleporter Tank has just finished his message, Mary and John both started crying, knowing full well what he ment. Takeo ran back to the door but was stopped by Richtofen who only closed his eyes an shook his head. Takeo nodded his understanding and went back to the teleporter, but not before clearing a desk of all it's contents with a swift hand and an aggravated yell. He grudgingly stepped into the device and waited for Rictofen to start it up. Only he didn't join them.

"Edvard? Vhat are you vaiting for?" Carla pleaded with her husband to get in the machine, but he only looked down with a look of sadness on his face.

"Zis version of ze teleporter vas a prototype version, isn't it her president?" Edward said looking at Nixon. He nodded his head yes.

"Vell zen I'm afraid zat I have to stay here to activate it." his face lit up at what he said next. "Besides, someone haz to stay behind to escort ze president back to his friends."

"No, I can make it back myself." Nixon tried to reason, knowing full well that if someone didn't distract the zombies they would both be as good as dead.

"Nien, zis is somezing I must do." giving the president a look that left no room for argument. He just nodded slowly and gave the German doctor something from his pocket. Rictofen thanked him and Nixon ran off back to the door to watch for any zombies. After he was gone Richtofen turned around and wrote something on a piece of paper and folded it up and held it in front of Carla.

"Take zis und only open it vhen za time is right, trust me you vill know." he gave a reassuring smile and bent down to hug his daughter who had tears in her eyes. "Goodbye."

"Nien daddy, don't leave!" she tried to plead with her father but he just gave her a smile and stood up to walk over to the control panel. Before he could press the buttons needed, Nixon yelled from door.

"Hurry up, they'er coming!" Rictofen only sighed and ran over to the door.

"Go, run! NOW! Come und get me mine little minions! I'm over here Samantha, come und receive your revenge!" he yelled out the door. Nixon then ran back to the elevator as the zombies completely ignored him. Rictofen then ran back to the controls and imputed the coordinates.

"But Edvard, they vill be coming for you. Zat door iz ze only door." Carla cries to her husband. He only offered her a sad smile as he pulls out what Nixon gave him. A grenade.

"Its ze only vay." his voice sad, but his face showing a manic smile that haven't seen the light of day for over twelve years. The zombies are at the door now. He turns back to the controls and presses the send button. Flashes of lightning surround them as they see Edward pulling the pin on the grenade while the zombies surround him. The last thing they hear before the teleporter takes them away was the doctor yelling in a crazed voice.

"Remember, don't be afraid of death! Be afraid of ZE DOCTOR! HAHAHA!" and their vision and hearing was blocked out by the lights and sounds of teleportation.

So if yall are wondering, Where's Nikolai, well I didnt add his death in, because he just died, it l wasnt emotional because well.. i cant explain, you guys will have to read it to understand why. Richtofen's death was sad since we see his old self and his final words was my favorite quote from him. :'( RICHTOFEN! DEMPSEY! NO!!! I LOVE THEM!:'(

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