The Last CDC Agent #2

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So this was the second to last chapter to The Last CDC Agent and I extremely recommend yall to read it! I mean its 44 chapters, but all the chapters were amazing and worth reading! Three people die and it was so sad!:(

It's. . . The Prototype Panzer Soldat Mark II!" Richtofen practically shrieked in terror. "It can run faster, shoot further, and take much more punishment!"

"Fuck!" We all screamed, scattering in different directions. The last zombie began to charge at us, confident he could catch up.

We all ran out of the dig site, confused and fearful of whatever it was we were being chased by.

Arlington and I went north to generator 6, and unfortunately, he chose to follow us. This was literally one zombie we couldn't outrun, as he was way faster than us.

Arlington and I blasted him with our combined lightning and ice powers, hoping to at least slow him. The ice did for about a second, but he was still hot on our trail.

He would catch one of us any second, that was evident. As if reading my thoughts, the Soldat extended its claw, directly for Arlington!

Arlington got grabbed, but I managed to wrap my hand around his. I held on desperately, trying to save my best friend, but it was a losing battle. I was forced to let go, and I saw fear in Arlington's eyes, but also an understanding that I had tried to save him.

"We had a good run, Austin!" He screamed as he met this Chaotic Evil creature face-to-face. He seemed to stop struggling, and accept his impending death. He was incinerated by the flamethrower before my very eyes, with only his hat, which had fallen off, as the only recognizable remain of him.

Rage filled me, but also panic, as I was now the target of this monstrosity. It grabbed me, but didn't try to incinerate me. He just stared me down.

"I'll come back for you later, I want your group to suffer as much as possible. Next on my list; that nerd."

"Marlton is too smart for your tricks!" I spouted. "And you'll pay for killing Arlington, you sonovabitch!"

He cackled. "Nope, and nope." He dropped me and flew away without another word.

Immediately, I pulled out my portable radio and contacted Misty.

"Yeah, Austin?"

My voice was rushed. "You need to get Marlton and run, that thing killed Arlington, and he said Marlton's next!"

"Arlington's. . . Dead?"

"Poor guy got incinerated by that flamethrower. He's trying to break who he thinks are the stronger members by killing their friends!"

"Got it, meet us at generator 3. I see that fucker in the air."

"On my way," I said through gritted teeth.

Before I left, though, I grabbed Al's lightning staff. Under normal circumstances, you'd need Mule Kick to carry three weapons. But, perks didn't seem to matter much anymore. It was literally down to the last zombie against the last survivors.

I arrived at generator 3 just in time to see the upgraded Soldat land, and immediately dashed off to help my friends, who had yet to notice me.

Misty was blasting as much wind as she could at the creature, but it was obviously a futile effort. The creature already was reaching out to grab Marlton, but I thought of something that I didn't think with Arlington. Pulling out my Paralyzer, I shot a stream that managed to slow the approaching iron claw.

Misty and Marlton turned to me with a smile.

"Sorry I'm a little late for the party." I smirked, but then instantly stopped. I was still very affected by the death I had witnessed only about a minute ago.

"We should probably run now," I said when I realized that the slowness effect was wearing off on him.

The three of us were running out to No Man's Land, where the dig site was located.

"You two keep running. Now that I know my Paralyzer can slow him, I'm going to hit the Pack a Punch and get it upgraded!" I pointed at the top of the dig site.

"Affirmative, but hurry!" Marlton shrieked when he saw the Soldat appear from the bunker.

"Just give me a minute."

Rushing as fast as I can, I made it up to where the PAP machine was waiting, and inserted the Paralyzer for 5000 points.

"Hurry up, please," I muttered as I cracked my knuckles in impatience. After what felt like minutes, but was probably only a few seconds, I received my upgraded Paralyzer.

"Hmm, the Petrifier," I read. I noticed how the blue markings were now green. It actually looked much more badass than I expected. Now, I just had to get back to the others.

I was too late, though, because when I ran to generator 4, I witnessed Marlton getting pulled towards the abomination. I tried my best to stop it from taking him, but it wasn't enough. Misty watched in horror as Marlton was impaled by a sword. He let out an ear-piercing scream of agony. The pain he was in was obviously very strong.

"I'll give you time to say goodbye to your boyfriend!" The zombie mocked, before flying upwards.


I grabbed her by the shoulders. "He's not going to listen. He's trying to break us. What you need to do is take this time to say goodbye to Marlton," I tried to reason.

We turned to look at Marlton, who was still alive, but dying of his wounds. Misty dashed to him and began to sob. I gave them both a look of genuine pity. Here we had a couple who loved each other, being torn apart by this insane demon spawn. Not to mention what I had been through with Marlton and the others. It had been a long road for him, but this was his where he got off the bus.

I didn't really know what was said. But I saw Marlton give Misty a Mauser Pistol and nod. I knew what this meant.

"You don't have to do this. If it's too much-"

"I can handle it, Austin." She sobbed.

"I just know it's hard-"

"Shut up! I got this. I'll put him out of his misery."

Knowing there was no convincing her otherwise, I simply looked away, and heard a gunshot, then another.

Wait. . . Another?!

I swiftly turned to see Misty's body lying on top of Marlton's. She had committed suicide out of her own grief.

Horror entrenched my very being. All that was left of humanity was a German scientist and me. I broke down at realizing that these people, who I'd fought alongside with in this adventure since the very beginning, lay dead before my eyes.

I heard the footsteps of the other last human as he dashed over to this location.

"I heard screams of agony and gunshots. What hap-" Richtofen gasped upon seeing the two corpses. He was shocked beyond words.

"They're dead?"

I silently nodded.

"And Arlington?"

"Also dead. It's only me and you now."

No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why!?!?!??! Fanfic.Net writer UglyTurnip wrote this amazing story!:)

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