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A Marlton x Misty story. At first its a fluff and soon it turns into somewhat of a smut so just a warning now. Deviantart user ZombieFighter116 wrote this.

It’s July 17th 2025. Ever since Richtofen’s Grand Scheme came down and the world became engulfed in zombies, there have been few survivors. Enter the engineer extraordinaire, Marlton Johnson. A young self-proclaimed genius with the physical outlook of a nerd. Although a nerd, his engineering skills have helped him come a long way in the zombie apocalypse. They’ve also helped a young farm-girl by the name of Abigail Briarton, also known as “Misty” by her friends. Though she dresses rather provocatively, she’s more than just a pretty face with nice hips. She was a hard-charging lady with a mind of her own. She is also very adept at close-quarter fighting with zombies. Over the days of the apocalypse in Green Run, Marlton and Misty eventually found each other in the Bus Station and have been surviving on their own ever since. While they are both very skillful zombie-fighters, Marlton and Misty know very little about each other….until now.

Earlier today, Misty and Marlton were looking for the Mystery Box after running out of ammunition for their Colt .45 pistols. Marlton managed to get an RPD light machine gun and Misty managed to get an M1216 automatic shotgun. She sometimes called it her “Mess-Maker”. But now, they needed to have them upgraded. It was Round 25 and they were nearly out of ammo. The only problem was that the Pack-A-Punch was closed and Stuhlinger and Russman were dead…or undead. So the two twenty-somethings had to go back to the power plant and open it. But for now, they were just waiting on the bus to come back into town so they could pick up the Turbine. The silence between the two was long but not so uneasy. Misty seemed to have quite a little crush on Marlton, often complimenting him on his headshot abilities and crawler-making abilities. It was something about him that drew her attention to him. Marlton also reciprocated these same feelings to her, although he was rather shy about it. They stood near the bank entrance, just looking around. Anytime their eyes met, Marlton and Misty would turn red in the face and turn away from each other smiling. Misty decided to break the silence with a question.
“So….how long were you an engineer for before the whole zombie apocalypse, brain-bucket?” Misty asked, looking at Marlton attentively. Marlton looked back at her and then looked away again shyly.
“About two years now. I was the best in my line of work. I was well on my way to becoming one of the company’s well established visionaries.” Marlton said while checking the ammunition he had in his RPD.
“Wow….you must have been some engineer! What did you make in the company?” Misty asked. She sounded like she had the wonder of a child when she asked Marlton that question.
“How come you’re so interested?” Marlton asked her.
“Well…I like hearing about the things you make. And plus, I love it when you talk science to me.” Misty said with her hands under her chin and a smile on her face. Marlton turned red and smiled a bit.
“Well…..I had an idea for a power generator that utilizes perpetual electricity with Tesla coils that could light an entire city for a millennium.” Marlton said with pride in his voice.
“Ooooooh…..I’m getting all riled up just hearing you talk about it. Keep going.” Misty said shivering and moaning sensually. Marlton’s face turned red again when she moaned. He then regained his composure quickly.
“The only predicament is that I need a certain power source. Something that would last forever and never diminishes like a regular disposable AA battery—“
“You are such a nerd…” Misty said. Marlton looked kind of discouraged when she said that. He was no stranger to being called a “nerd”. Misty smiled and pinched his cheek. “…. I happen to like that about you, you sexy brain-bucket.”
“Oh, Misty….” Marlton then looked away shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. They then looked at each other again. It seemed like the longer the two zombie fighters looked at each other, the closer they got. Misty’s eyes closed slowly as she and Marlton got closer. Just as the two twenty-year olds were about to engage in kissing, a loud horn came blaring out of the fog. As soon as the horn sounded, Misty and Marlton jumped away from each other in startled reaction.
“AH! The bus is here!” Marlton said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He sounded almost relieved but at the same time, disappointed.
“So it is!” Misty said. She exhaled quickly, feeling somewhat surprised when the bus came. She did seem a bit disappointed about not getting that kiss from Marlton, though.
“Damn! I was so close!” Misty thought.
The bus then parked in front of the two. Marlton walked over and opened the door. He then stepped aside for Misty.
“After you, milady.” Marlton said. Misty smiled and giggled a bit.
“Thank you, kind sir.” Misty said with a fake Mississippi accent. She took Marlton’s hand and walked up the stairs into the bus. Marlton soon followed after her.
“Welcome aboard! Please have a seat! Thank you for choosing Consolidated Corporation Automated Bus Line and we hope you enjoy your ride!” The automatic driver said. It was a run-down robot at the wheel of the bus. Its face was ripped completely off along with its arms. It was originally thought to have been scavenged for parts by people during the beginning hours of the zombie apocalypse. The driver’s eyes glowed a bright blue light in both. Marlton then shut the doors of the bus behind Misty and himself. The bus driver then began to honk his horn again and then drove out of the town with the two zombie fighters. Marlton looked around the bus and Misty sat down on the floor of the bus.
“I don’t know what’s worse: The fact that there is a robot operating this vehicle or that there are no more seats present on here anymore. Plus, this floor is disgusting” Marlton said.
“Well….I know the floor is dirty…but if you sit next to me, I’ll let you hold my hand.” Misty said. Marlton then quickly sat down next to her without a second thought.
“If you insist…” Marlton said in a shy manner. Misty giggled and then held his hand. Marlton was turning red in the face and Misty did the same.
“Hmm. So, Misty?” Marlton asked.
“Yea, Marly?” Misty answered.
“How did you become so efficient with a rifle? I’ve never seen anyone disable a necro-sapien with a headshot so perfectly.” Marlton said. Misty felt proud when she heard Marlton’s words.
“Well…..I don’t like to brag, but…..yea, I’m something of a headshot ace around here. My father kept an old Winchester rifle in our old barn and he taught me how to shoot it.” Misty said full of pride. Her voice then changed into a rather somber tone.
“It was also the same rifle I used when… the zombies—“ Misty said. She looked down, tightening her grip on her M1216 shotgun. A frown soon began to appear on Misty’s face, along with tears. Marlton could see that she may get emotional if she continued to talk about it.
“It’s okay, Misty…you don’t have to tell me…. I know how much it hurts to lose someone in these…. dark times.” Marlton said before she could continue. Misty then looked at Marlton with a surprised look, wiping her tears.
“So he really does care… and he says he doesn’t feel any emotions.” Misty thought.
“Thanks, Marley. I appreciate it. I really do.” Misty said. At about this time, the bus was just going over the broken bridge. From the looks of how the bridge was burning and how it was shaped, it should’ve fallen apart from the very pressure the bus brought to it. As the bus slowly went over the bridge, Misty had curled herself up, hugging her legs and wiped her eyes against her knees. She then leaned against Marlton, laying her head against his shoulder. Then, out of an impulse, Misty leaned into Marlton’s face, grabbed his right cheek, and kissed him on his left cheek. Marlton felt all tingly and warm behind the back of his neck when he felt Misty’s lips pressed against his cheek. His cheeks grew as red as a hot chili pepper. Misty then smiled and slung her M1216 onto her left shoulder and looked up at Marlton with a smile.
“Do you know why I like you so much, Marlton?” Misty asked.
“Well, that depends. Is it because I’m so intellectual?” Marlton asked back.
“Well, yea. That and--” Misty answered.
“I bet you say that to all the nerds.” Marlton joked.
“Shut up.” Misty said, punching him in the arm and laughing. Marlton laughed, too. Albeit, rather quickly and then stopping. The two then exhaled after laughing
“Well, yea. That’s part of it. But there’s another reason. I know how people often think how brain-buckets like you aren’t brave or able to fight. But, I don’t think that’s true. The truth is…… I believe in people like you. You are a fighter, no matter how smart you are.” Misty said softly. For the first time in Marlton’s hollow life, he felt like someone cared about him and he in turn, cared for Misty. Misty had laid her head against his shoulder and soon fell asleep. Marlton just stayed absolutely still with a red face and enjoyed the ride. Soon, the bus honked its horn, signaling that it was reaching someplace. Marlton then laid Misty’s head against the wall of the bus while he looked outside. Misty was snoring a bit and was drooling a bit as well. It made Marlton giggle a bit and he then looked outside again. They had reached the Bus Station and now Marlton could build the Turbine. Marlton then looked at Misty, seeing her sleep. Her bra strap was slipping off her right shoulder and Marlton had noticed. He felt kind of disgusted but also blissful at the same time.
“Hey, Misty. Your bra is teetering on the precipice of your shoulder.” Marlton said. He then reached for it and began to straighten it out. Misty grabbed his hand while she slept, much to Marlton’s surprise.
“Marlton, you’re such a pervert. Hahaha……teet.”, Misty said, laughing in her sleep from feeling Marlton’s hand tickling her. She then let go of his hand while still asleep. Marlton sighed and then stood up.
“Hmm…maybe I should let her sleep. The bus won’t go anywhere for a while.” Marlton thought. He then got off the bus and went into the station. He then started looking around for the parts to the Turbine. He immediately found the fan for the Turbine and got to work. He used his portable access kit to help modify the fan. All the sawing and hammering he did managed to wake Misty up. She yawned and then stretched her arms. Misty then put her hands on her lower back and bent backwards, stretching. She let out a long moan as her back cracked and then listened to Marlton working on the Turbine. She then got out of the bus, holding her M1216 shotgun and looking around for any zombies that may sneak up on her. Misty then walked into the bus station, watching Marlton work. He was almost done all he needed was the mannequin. She smiled as she watched him work and then got an idea. Misty then holstered her shotgun and stood right behind Marlton. The minute Marlton turned around to get the mannequin, he jumped nearly ten feet in the air at the sight of Misty standing behind him.
“A few more modifications and this contraption will be—AAAAAAHHHH! MISTY! Why are you standing there like that?” Marlton shouted as he turned around and saw Misty standing behind him. She waved shyly and laughed at Marlton’s surprised reaction.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I was just admiring you working on your little….what-do-you-call-it.” Misty said, moving her index finger and middle finger like legs walking across a runway on the workbench all the way to Marlton’s nose.
“It’s called a Turbine. It should help with opening the third door in the Pack-A-Punch. All I need is now is a mannequin so the Turbine can stand up properly. Do you see it?” Marlton asked. Misty then looked around and saw something that looked like one.
“You mean this thing?” Misty asked. She then picked it up and brought it over to Marlton.
“Yes. Thank you.” Marlton said. Misty then smiled and continued to watch Marlton work. She then got up the nerve to ask Marlton something.
“Can you teach me? To build this?” Misty asked, twirling the tail in her hair.
“Sure. Come over here.” Marlton said. Misty walked over to the workbench with Marlton.
“Okay, try putting that green wire to that red one.” Marlton instructed. Misty then started connecting the two wires together.
“Excellent. Now put that red wire here. Behind the fan.” Marlton showed her.
“Like this?” Misty asked while putting the red wire into the fan.
“Good, good. You might make a fine engineer someday. Not as good as me, but maybe second best.” Marlton said.
“Well, well…. if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were complimenting me, Marley—HEY!” Misty said. But before she could finish her sentence, a zombie crawler was nipping at her feet. Misty quickly pulled out her M1216 shotgun and blasted its brains all over the ground.
“Do I look like I’m into having my toes sucked, scumbag?!” Misty yelled. While she did save herself from being killed, Misty managed to start Round 18 a bit prematurely. Soon enough, the bus station windows were beginning to fill with undead corpses. They roared and tore at the windows, breaking the wooden boards like they were fragile glass. Misty and Marlton looked left and right at all the windows, watching them overflow with zombies. The necro-sapiens then began to rush toward the two zombie fighters, roaring and screaming at them. Misty then fired a round of buckshot at one of them from her M1216 shotgun, blasting its left arm and chest wide open. She then turned to Marlton.
“Grab your contraption and head for the bus, Marley! I’ll cover you! GO!” Misty yelled over the zombies moaning.
“Alright!” Marlton then grabbed his Turbine and put it on his back. He then pulled out his RPD machine gun and ran towards the bus. Marlton quickly shut the door behind him and set his RPD on the front window of the bus. Misty then came running out of the bus station in front of the bus, firing her M1216 shotgun full-auto. She then rotated the magazine to a new tube on her shotgun and rushed towards the bus with a line of 49 zombies behind her. Marlton was firing full auto at the whole horde, gibbing and cutting them down like a mowing a lawn of dead grass.
“Marley! OPEN THE DOOR!” Misty shouted.
“Hang on, I’ve just about got them!” Marlton said, cutting down the horde. He then opened the door quickly for Misty. Misty was about to get in but she was then grabbed on the shoulder by a male zombie.
“Hey! HANDS OFF!” Misty yelled, trying to kick the zombie off of her. The zombie wouldn’t let go, though. It nearly got close to biting the young farmgirl.
“Hey, necro-sapien! She’s with me!” Marlton said, pulling out a Bowie knife and slicing the zombie’s arm off. He then pulled Misty inside and closed the doors on the bus. The bus then began to drive off with the zombies chasing it close behind into the tunnel. The two zombie fighters both breathed a collective sigh of relief.
“Nice job, Marlton. That could’ve been my last rodeo.” Misty said, congratulating Marton. She hit him in the shoulder, which was something he wasn’t quite used to.
“Thank you. But I wouldn’t celebrate just—wait! Do you hear a crackling sound somewhere?” Marlton said. There was a crackling sound. It almost sounded like electricity from a live wire. Misty and Marlton looked through the back of the bus window to see that in the midst of the zombie horde following the bus, there was a giant ball of lightning following them.
“It’s a Lightning Lizard!” Misty exclaimed.
“How do these things continue to respawn?” Marlton asked. He then got out his RPD and began firing at the zombies at the back of the bus, bullets flying and zombies screaming.
“IF THAT’S BRAIN-BUCKET TALK FOR ‘MAKE SURE THEY DON’T GET ON THIS BUS’, THEN YES!” Misty said. She then saw one trying to get in through the front of the bus and blasted it with her M1216 shotgun. She then shot another one off the side of the bus. One had managed to get inside the bus through the roof and bit Misty on her back. But it wouldn’t turn her into a zombie.
“Ah! You BITE it, you BOUGHT it, zom-bag!” Misty yelled, stabbing it to death. Misty then looked behind the bus, seeing the un-death that was fast enclosing.  The bus had soon gotten to the Diner. Misty threw a grenade at the back of the bus and pulled Marlton aside.
“FIRE IN THE HOLE!” Misty yelled. The grenade had then turned most of the zombies into crawlers. But, the Lightning Monster continued to pursue them, constantly teleporting behind the bus.
“Let’s get off the bus and get rid of that electrified zap weasel once and for all. You with me, brain-bucket?” Misty asked, grabbing her M1216.
“Let the epic-ness commence!” Marlton said, running outside with his RPD. Misty soon followed, blasting the other zombies away with her M1216 shotgun. She then ran to Marlton’s position.
“Marlton, try using your do-hickey to find the hatch! I have an idea to kill that crackling creep! Once you find it, meet me in the diner!” Misty said.
“Okay.” Marlton said. It was at this moment that the electrified being showed up and started firing lightning at the young engineer. Marlton dodged and ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He ran to the storage room near the gas station and set up his Turbine. The contraption then opened up the building to reveal a white rusted hatch inside of it.
“Add this and….YES! A larger picture begins to resolve itself.” Marlton said when he picked it up. The electric being then popped up and shot a bolt of lightning at Marlton, nearly frying the nerd’s glasses off his face.
“Take this, electric-being!” Marlton said. He then charged at the electrified entity with his Bowie Knife out. The minute he struck the being, the entity’s body electrocuted Marlton. The knife conducted the electricity from the entity to Marlton, creating jolts and flashes of electricity coursing through Marlton’s body.
“A-A-A-A-A-A-A-H-H-H-H-H!!!!” Marlton yelled, convulsing from the electricity. He was then sent flying into the garage near the gas station. His RPD was on the ground. Dazed, Marlton tried to shake off the electrocution he suffered, but his motor functions were not as fast as they were before. Slowly, the young engineer tried to crawl towards his RPD machine gun. But before he could reach it, the electric entity shot another jolt of lightning at him. It missed, but Marlton had jumped back to avoid any further shocking. Misty then ran and smashed the entity across the face with her M1216 shotgun. She then ran over to Marlton and got his RPD and gave it back to him.
“Get up, hot stuff! I still need you!” Misty said while helping Marlton up.
“Thank you for getting me up. Now please step back.” Marlton said, trying to stand straight.
“Did you get the hatch?” Misty asked, firing off a few shots at the entity. She then heard the click of the trigger, meaning she was out of ammo. Misty then reloaded while covering Marlton.
“Yes, I have acquired the hatch. But what is this idea you’ve concocted?” Marlton asked. He then reloaded his RPD while following her. They both ran into the diner and Misty stopped at what looked like a vent in the back of the diner.
“That hatch you found could fit up there. Maybe there’s something we can use to get rid of that thing! You set it up, I’ll distract him!” Misty said.
“I’m not even going to argue with that logic.” Marlton said. He then began setting up the hatch on the ceiling. No sooner had he started, the electrified entity entered the diner and Misty was ready. The farm-girl got a smirk on her face when she saw him.
“Come on, Crackling Creep! Don’t you know the Electric Slide is dead? Like you should be!” Misty then charged at the being, firing her shotgun at the creep. The pellets seemed to only insist on incurring the entity’s wrath.
“Marlton! Are you done yet?!” Misty said.
“Just about…..NOW! It’s done! Get up here!”  Marlton said. Misty then ran and jumped onto the ladder on the hatch.
“You did that faster than I thought!” Misty said.
“Thanks. So what’s up here that you think may be of great value?” Marlton said. They both looked around the rooftop and then Misty finally saw it.
“This!” Misty saw an outline on the wall next to the hatch. It was small and square-like. It also had three holes on it. She had bought the object off of the wall. It was known as the Galvaknuckles. They were shock devices used to tase enemies. Misty grabbed one and turned it on. She then punched her hand into her own palm to make sure it worked. It worked well enough, seeing as how she was shocked when touching the shocking part of the Galvaknuckle. Soon enough, the electric entity was climbing up the hatch.
“Misty, look out!” Marlton yelled, pointing behind her. Misty then saw the electric monster clawing its way up the hatch and finally charging at her. Misty then rushed right back at it, punching it dead in the face. The entity then roared in pain, screeching and crackling. It then began to float around then finally shot into the sky, never to return. At least, not for a while. Misty then exhaled slowly and Marlton did the same, trying to keep a straight face.
“Nice job, Marlton!” Misty said. She then punched him in the arm, unaware it was the hand with the Galvaknuckle on it.
“YEOW!” Marlton said, jumping and convulsing a bit.
“OMG! Sorry, Marlton! Are you okay?”
“Yea, yea….I’m okay. I guess I can say you’re quite the knockout?”
“Hehehe.” Misty said giggling. The bus then began to honk loudly twice and then started leaving.
“Crap! The bus is moving!” Marlton said, watching the bus begin to drive off.
“Then we need to hurry! Grab on, Marley!” Misty said, standing on the edge of the diner’s roof. Marlton seemed to hesitate when she said that. On the plus side, he probably wouldn’t have to be such a prude all the time with Misty. On the minus side, Marlton would be picking up any germs she may have gotten from being bitten.
“Oh, don’t be a prude. Just grab me!” Misty said. Marlton then wrapped his arms around her waist and she jumped off the roof into the bus via the large hole on top. They both managed to land on their feet and stood up.
“Misty! That was…” Marlton said in a sense of awe. Misty then turned around and looked at him.
“It’s always fun with me, Marlton. You should have some more often.” Misty said smiling, squeezing his cheek. He grimaced a bit.
“Hmm….maybe.” Marlton said looking out the window. The silence between them grew again like it did before. The only sounds were the bus rolling around on the ground and lava. Marlton leaned against the window, looking out at the fog. Misty stood next to him, leaning against the window he was in. She unnoticeably moved closer to the young engineer.
“Tell me something… come you don’t ever smile, pouty-snout?” Misty asked Marlton. Marlton was silent for about three minutes, but he answered her.
“Not much to smile about….come to think of it….I never really smiled in a long time.” Marlton said, sounding rather despondent. Misty then stood up and grabbed Marlton’s hands, despite his seeming disgust. Marlton shuddered and turned red in the face. He tried not to make eye contact with the farm-girl, but it was hard with her standing right in front of him. Marlton then looked up at her and she seemed to have a puppy-dog expression on her face.
“That’s no good….why not?” Misty asked, as she got closer to Marlton. Her brown eyes and freckled skin were alluring to Marlton. He nonetheless tried to keep his gaze down away from her eyes, but her breasts got in his face as she got closer. One way or another, he’d have to tell Misty or face looking at her. It wasn’t until Misty had walked Marlton into the right wall of the bus that he told her.
“Well….it’s better that I don’t express ANY emotion, really. No one can hurt you that way….” Marlton said. He then slumped down onto the floor, despite the germs he had complained about earlier. Misty then sat down in front of him with her legs crossed. From Marlton’s answer, Misty seemed to convey the reason that Marlton may not show emotion is because a woman may have hurt him before...possibly. She then placed a finger under Marlton’s chin, moving it into the direction where her face was. Marlton tried again to look away, but he shortly looked at Misty.
“Who was she, Marlton?” Misty asked. Marlton looked rather surprised when Misty asked him that, indicating that she may have found out. He then looked away and tried to walk away, but Misty kept blocking him.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Marlton said, looking down at the floor.
“Why?” Misty said.
“I just can’t!” Marlton said.
“WHY NOT, MARLTON?!” Misty yelled.
“BECAUSE IT HURTS!” Marlton yelled. He then punched T.E.D.D. in the face hard with his fist. The silence then grew between the two and Misty just looked at Marlton. Marlton tried to keep his composure after punching T.E.D.D., but he couldn’t. His fist hurt from punching such hard metal. The young engineer then held his right hand and moaned in such bitter pain. Misty walked over to him with her hands on her hips.
“Now do you want to tell me?” Misty said.
“Very well….but first….I may need to bandage my hand. I’d never hit durasteel plating so hard in my life….Ow!” Marlton said in a conceding tone. Misty then took his hand and pulled out a roll of white bandages from a first aid kit she found.
“Start talking, brain-bucket.” Misty said as she wrapped his arm and hand with the bandage.
“Well…it was when I was in high school. My junior year….you can imagine I was rather unpopular amongst my peers. Well…most of them, anyway. But there was this one girl who stood out from all the others. Her name was Justine. Justine Summers. She was a cheerleader. Chestnut brown hair, medium body build, turquoise blue eyes—“
“Get to the meat, Marley.” Misty said, tightening his bandages more, making Marlton wince. She mainly did it because he was talking about another girl.
“Well….she and I had been going steady for 7 months and it was just about time for the Spring Formal Dance at my school. It was right then and there…..for the first time in my life….I felt….happy………but then……….” Marlton paused in a half-smile, just about to fade into a straight face.
“Then what, Marlton? Tell me.” Misty said, looking at him and rubbing the side of his face. She had just finished wrapping Marlton’s arm up when he paused. Marlton he looked away and then looked back at Misty.
“Just before the dance…I overheard Justine talking with some of her friends. And I quote: ‘I still can’t believe I’m dating that guy, Marlton. I mean he’s nice and all, but he’s too socially awkward. He almost never makes any eye contact with me, even when we kiss. He’s nothing like the other guys. He keeps getting picked on, but it’s like he can’t stand up for himself. Maybe I should just leave him.’” Marlton said. He had something of a disgusted expression on his face. Misty looked at him, mouth gaping open and covered it.
“She didn’t want you?.....” Misty asked.
“I wasn’t at all surprised….I had a feeling like she was just stringing me along like a toddler with a toy yo-yo. Did I have any anger? Any raging and vengeful fantasies abound? Perhaps. It sickened me at first. I desperately wanted to hurt her like she hurt me. But then, it dawned on me: Everyone around me just wants to hurt me. So for the longest time in my life…..I never expressed any outward emotion. I felt nothing. I felt nothing when I left the dance early that night….. I didn’t feel anything when Justine tried to apologize…. I didn’t feel anything when she tried to talk to me…. And I surely felt nothing when she and her new boyfriend died in a horrible car crash….. Not a thing. Even now, I feel nothing. I feel no love…. nor fear….NOR JOY……NO SORROW!!!” Marlton yelled. He then sighed and slumped back down onto the dirty floor. Misty seemed like she had a somber and surprised look on her face, seeing the young engineer so distraught. She could see that the one time in his life, where he felt any happiness was dashed away from him, had torn him apart and stripped him of any emotions.
“I am….. hollow….and I will be this way….forever.” Marlton said. He even sounded like he was hollow when he said it. He then stood up and looked outside of the bus to see that it had just left the farm. Then out of the blue, Misty wrapped her arms around Marlton’s torso from behind, hugging him tight. He looked back to see Misty’s face turned on her left side into his back.
“Oh, Marlton…. it’s not so bad.” Misty said, hugging him tight. Normally at this time, Marlton would be resisting Misty. But right now, he wasn’t.
“Misty… is it that you see right through me?” Marlton asked before turning around to see Misty.
“I just knew you were really hurting on the inside. You come off as someone who doesn’t feel anything…..but you do. You just reject the feelings you have inside…..till you feel nothing. And if you don’t feel anything….you may as well be dead….or one of them.” Misty said. She then let go of Marlton and leaned against the wall opposite of him. Marlton almost looked like he didn’t want to believe Misty, but in his heart, he knew she was right. She then looked at him again, folding her arms.
“Look, smexy… I know it’s not my place to tell you how to go through life. But I’m saying this because I care about you. You can’t NOT feel emotions. They’re there for a reason. Otherwise, if you didn’t have them….. you wouldn’t have saved me from the zombie that was biting me.” Misty said, smiling. Marlton looked at her with raised eyebrows.
“Well….I suppose that’s…true.” Marlton hesitated to say. Misty then walked over to Marlton and rubbed his arms.
“But, she—“
“She? Justine? Marlton, think about it. She’s dead and gone. She can’t hurt you anymore. Why would you lose your emotions over someone who is long gone? You need to let it go.”
Marlton felt like he couldn’t even argue with what she was saying.
“I wish it was—“ Marlton said.
“STOP!” Misty yelled. The young farm-girl threw an EMP Grenade she was saving at T.E.D.D., but she had another one left. The bus stopped in its tracks just before it got to the Power Station. She then turned Marlton around and wrapped her right arm around his waist. Misty then placed her left hand into his pants and grabbed his penis, gripping it tighter than a noose around the neck of a suicidal teenager.
“AAAAHHH! MISTY, WHAT ARE YOU—“ Marlton was about to say. She was squeezing his penis really tightly.
“Listen, brain-bucket! I don’t give a damn if your emotions were lost because of some cheerleading broad! I don’t care if you felt nothing about when she died either! ALL I CARE ABOUT IS WHO YOU ARE NOW AND WHAT THE FUCK YOU DO NOW! LET IT GO! SHE’S NOT WORTH YOUR TIME! DO YOU HEAR ME?! YOU ARE TOO SMART AND TOO GOOD TO NOT FEEL ANYTHING! IT MAKES YOU A PERSON! A PERSON THAT I LIKE! DON’T LET THE PAIN SHE CAUSED YOU KILL THE PERSON INSIDE YOU!!! AND WHEN YOU FIGHT, DON’T THINK ABOUT HER! SHE IS DEAD! IF YOU NEED TO FEEL SOMETHING TO FIGHT, THEN THINK OF HOW I’M MAKING YOU FEEL RIGHT NOW! AND IF YOU NEED TO THINK OF SOMEONE, THINK OF YOURSELF! AND IF YOU CAN’T THINK OF YOURSELF, THEN THINK OF ME!!!” Misty yelled into his ear. Marlton was absolutely silent. He grunted as she squeezed tightly on his genital body part. Marlton then exhaled slowly, going with the pain.
“Okay….” Marlton said weakly and slowly. “Okay…..Forgive me….I’m sorry….I’ll….try to be more….emotional…..for you.”
“Good….” Misty said. She loosened her grip on Marlton’s penis and let go. Marlton then sat down and held onto his crotch, trying to soften it up. He grunted in anxiety. Misty’s somewhat angry expression turned into something of a perverted smirk when she saw how hard the young engineer was. She bit her finger, looking at Marlton. Misty then looked around, seeing that they were in the fog, but not very far from the Power Plant. She then squatted down on her hands and knees at Marlton between his legs. The young engineer’s gaze met the farm-girl’s.
“Does it still hurt?” Misty asked.
“No….well…maybe a little.” Marlton said with his eyes closed. Misty giggled and grabbed Marlton’s hands. She placed his hands on her butt and wrapped her arms around his neck. Marlton turned rose red on his cheeks as he felt Misty’s buns in his hands.
“How does this feel?” Misty asked Marlton.
“That feels…..soft. What are you….?” Marlton said. He then opened his eyes to see Misty looking at him with a smile on her face. “Ooooookay.”
Misty then got closer to his face, looking in his eyes. Before the young engineer knew it, the farm-girl’s lips pressed against his. He then felt her mouth open along with his and then, their tongues touched and entwined with each other. Misty moaned softly as she smooched Marlton. She was so happy she finally got that kiss. Marlton seemed to try and reject it, but within the minute of Misty’s soft tongue caressing his own, he accepted it. She then pulled away, looking down at him with a wide smile and giggled a bit.
“Wow…” Marlton said.
“Yes…” Misty whispered.
“Wow……wow….” Marlton said.
“Marlton, you okay?” Misty said.
“Easy squeezy, lemon peezy…” Marlton said in a dazed state. Misty laughed a little bit and caressed his cheek. He soon snapped out of it and tried to get her off, but all he succeeded in was having her pin him down. Marlton was still very weak. Even in gym class back in high school, he was very weak. Misty then straddled herself onto him got in his face again. She still had that smile on her face.
“Marlton, have you ever….well….done it?” Misty asked.
“In all honesty………No.” Marlton said, sounding ashamed but also using a bit of self-deprecating humor.
“Oooooh….. A Virgin, huh?.......Mmmmm.” Misty said. She then put her mouth to Marlton’s ear and whispered, “It’s your lucky day then…. this is going to be fun.” The farm-girl then licked his ear, much to Marlton’s mixed-up disgust and pleasure.
“Wait a minute….aahhh, can’t we just have a conversation about this for a minute?” Marlton said hesitantly.
“Our bodies already are……can’t you feel it?” Misty whispered in a sensual tone. “Your eyes say ‘No, no…’ but your penis says ‘Yes, yes…’”
“But what about the room in the—“ Marlton was about to say, just before Misty shushed him.
“It can wait…” Misty said before shushing him with a kiss. She kept on kissing him as they undid each other’s pants. The rest was followed by sensual moans, screams, and lovely sounds of two bodies coming together in great lust...

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