Intro/ Hello Black Rabbit

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I'm really sorry for the terrible grammar and spelling, I hope you'll enjoy it.

"Stop there, you brat!" called a man who was running and carrying a heavy looking metal suitcase in his hand. His partner was running just behind him with a similar suitcase to his.

-Sir, I don't think we'll be able to catch him this way, she said between her breaths.

-You are always such a quick one to give up aren't you. I don't understand what I've done to be partner with you!

-Sir, I didn't say we should give up. What I'm saying is that we should change our strategy. If we go on like this we'll never catch him, he's far too fast for us. I think we should split in to two and one of us should go from a shortcut and confront him on the other side. That way we'll catch him off guard and will have a chance to do what ever is wanted from us, she said ignoring the man's offensive words towards her.

The man was annoyed by her genius plan, he was always annoyed by her. She was just a newbie and he had 10 years of experience, yet she was much more successful then her. However no matter how annoyed he was he couldn't refuse such a good plan.

-Alright then, you'll take the shortcut, I'll follow the freaking monster, with that the girl slipped into the dark streets without a sound and left the man alone in the street with the blue haired ghoul running in front of him.

The ghoul slightly glanced back to the doves. The pretty one seemed to have left. That's sad; it'd be fun to torture her, maybe I'd even keep her as a pet if she seemed to be an entertaining one, he thought to his-self. "Well, then let's finish this quickly." he said as he stopped and turned towards the man running after him.

The man was caught off guard at ghouls sudden change of movement, but he wasn't shocked enough to forget the hard earned experience through out the years. He quickly took out his weapon from the metal suitcase he was carrying: a huge, sharp ax. Then he advanced towards the ghoul with a barbarian battle cry. He closely looked at the ghoul, observing the enemy; he had hoped that the monster would be frightened, at least a little, but instead he started to laugh.

-You know, if killing you wasn't this satisfying I'd have kept you all humans as pets. Every one of you is another tragical joke. Sadly the look on your face the moment you understand that you are dead and your sweet blood is my first choice, he said with a sadistic tone in his voice.

The man froze as the words hit him like a bullet. However it was not going to be only the words that'd crush him into to pieces, the ghoul had also planned to send a few sharp diamond shaped blades to the man's tender body.

The ghoul was laughing like a maniac at the pain filled cry of the man, he really enjoyed humans to suffer. After all they had no right to think they were better than ghouls, let alone to try to kill them. So they realised their place as they experienced the pain caused by the superior ghouls. The ghoul slowly walked towards the man and took a deep bite from his shoulder, how tasty it was-

-Hello Black Rabbit, I've been tracking you for a long time now. If you excuse, I'll have to knock you out for a while, a soft voice whispered to the ghoul's ear as a sharp pain stuck in ghoul's back and the world started to fade into complete blackness.

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