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3rd Person's POV

The breathtaking blunette swiftly walked her way to the customer's table with a round tray carrying delicious coffees. The customer's glanced at her with slight smiles of appreciation in their faces, then continued their conversation while she carefully placed the hot coffee cups in front of them.

- Have you heard the rumors? They say that Octopus has returned. I thought she was dead but it see... OOOUWW! yelled the ghoul customer with the painful burning sensation on his hand. The blunettes' eyes goes wide, her body stiffens as she sees the scene before her; then she quickly pulls her back to the present and starts to apologize for her clumsiness and offer the man some medical cream for the burned skin. She leaves them before the curses of the pained customer reaches her ears.

-Touka, what happened? asked the silver haired man with his monotone voice as he side glanced at her colleague who seemed to have an anxious feeling.

- Nothing important, my hand flipped and I accidently spilled some coffee on a customer. her silent words left her mouth with annoyance.

She felt dull eyes boring into her soul while she prepared another coffee as an apology for the customer whose hand was now bandaged. Although he actually didn't need it he agreed since he didn't want to arouse any kind of suspicion on his inhuman healing abilities.

- WHAT! cried Touka, finally losing her control of the many feelings that were boiling inside her added up with her partners torturing silent gaze on her.

- Nothing. Yomo mumbled with an emotionless voice as he continued to stare at the emptiness before him. However Touka could feel that he was demanding an answer from the way his eyes were trying harder to lose it's focus and just wander around. Was it a good idea to tell him, she thought as she gulped without realising. She wasn't even sure of it; they were just rumors, weren't they?

- I overheard some customers...The grey orbs of her friend were still absently gazing around the cafe. They say that there are rumors, rumors that Octopus has returned. she wanted to stare away, but was curious of her companions reaction.

Yomo's eyes lit up with a strange kind of fire as his lips tightened to a straight line. Touka heard a cracking sound of wood, only to found that the coffee bar had a slight black line of a crack on it.

- Still alive, huh? asked the silver head to no one in particular as he sank deep in his past memories that he didn't realise he was asking the same question with the blunette who was lost in her own thoughts as she poured the black liquid into the white cup.


3rd Person's POV

- What kind of a life is this? We just had a Bio quiz yesterday, now we have an Algebra test? whined the brunette, huffing and puffing while glaring at the questions hoping they would be scared enough to disappear from the paper; or better, to be solved by themselves.

- Stop complaining and pass the papers to back, baka. muttered her best friend who wasn't pleased with the situation either.

- But what else should I do! This is definitely not a school, a hell! I doubt I would have agreed to come to life if I knew they were such demonic things called quizzes! she continued with a muffled voice, passing the papers to the redhead sitting behind her.

- Akemi Hayashi, just sush and solve these damned questions. the not so happy female company of the brunette hissed at her friend using even her last name showing she was irritated by losing her focus thanks to her classmates blabbering.

Secrets of the Darkness (Ayato Kirishima x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin