You Were My Sister

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3rd Person's POV

 Hitomi falls on to her knees, the cold stones cut her flesh but she doesn't feel anything at all. Or rather, the shock she feels drowns every other voice her body is screaming. ' How?' she asks to herself as her eyes are still glued to the familiar slanted red ones, ' How come this happen?'

Ayato Kirishima

 I'm watching the investigator fall on her knees, her eyes full of shock and hurt. I wonder why, has Octo somehow wounded her while we were all trying to comprehend that Octo was actually a girl. But no matter what, I don't move to see the situation from another angle. It doesn't interest me that much. 

 I sense a presence behind me, it must be Tatara, it smells like him. So why do I feel the presence behind me getting incredibly tense, Tatara being this tense is close to impossible. I raise an eyebrow as I slowly turn to see Tatara, but I freeze before I could completely face him as the almost inaudible words reach to my ears " Fei."The name somehow was kind of familiar, but the memory was buried deep in my brain. 

 Finally the silence was broken by Octo speaking, but her voice was different, it wasn't an annoying squeaky, cheerful voice. Her voice was sharp and cold as the metal of a knife, while no emotion was held in it: "Hasn't your father told not to slash somebody's mask, it's rude Hitomi. I'm disappointed.".

 That's when I suddenly remember the image of a girl, a girl whose eyes were full of tears as she was talking to me. A weakling human being. A lamb who broke down into pieces with all the pain I had caused, but there was something that I can't remember. Something that was hiding in the depths of my mind ocean. No matter what that something was, in the end she was a wolf wearing a lamb's coat.

- F-fei, y-you were a ghoul? How? Why? the broken voice of the female investigator was heard.

- Well how can I know, the god just wanted, so he did it. Go ask him. even though the words had to be sarcastic the anger and pain in them was visible, at least to a ghoul who has been through the same stages as her. None of us understood why we were created like this, but in the end here we were. And those stupid humans thought it was our will to come to world and to have to eat them to live on. They really get on my nerves, those morons who think they know everything.

- B-but... a long silence came afterwards, what could she possibly say anyway? you were my sister.

- Really, I was never your sister; even if I wanted, I could never be. After all, nobody cares if it's our fault to be born this way and the only thing that could be said about us is that we must be killed. the investigator flinched at her words as if she remembered something. I smirked, realising that she must have said those to Octo in the past and now Octo was smacking the words to her face. Even though I kind of hated Octo, she was really amusing. I felt the dark side of me awakening as I watched the color drain from the investigators face with Octo's words, the ruthless monsterish part of me that kept me alive in Aogiri Tree but pushed me away from Touka. The part of me that I hate, but nevertheless need desperately to live on.

 Suddenly Octo turned her back to the investigator and her eyes locked on Eto. Her face was now visible from where I stood, she looked kind of different from the last time I saw her. Her eyes were the eyes of a hunter, and her face was smooth and perfect as a porcelain doll's. Her lips were tightly pursed as her thin eyebrows were lowered and her eyes were now squinting. Her once red hair which was now mostly white, danced with the cold breeze.

 Octo closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her lips slightly moved as if she was talking to somebody. The investigators eyes went wide and the next second, she was lying on the floor, in a pool of dark liquid. Oddly, Octo didn't seem to have moved, nor anything had actually seemed to have moved. The investigator was suddenly lying on the floor, dead; no blades or knives or anything. Confused, I blink my eyes, and with that I completely remember her. She was the girl I had encountered that day, the girl that had somehow stabbed me without I even noticed. The girl that hadn't even had a single scratch from my attacks. She was Octo, weak lamb and that damned girl who almost killed me. A real mask master she must be to play so many roles.

 The flash of memories dissolved with the annoying laugh of Eto. She suddenly appeared next to Octo, her eyes gleaming with a weird happiness.

- You really are unpredictable Fei. So it was us who you were carving all this time, or rather him. she said, her voice full of victory. However, I didn't get a word she said. What was Octo carving for, who was him, why was Eto this happy? Well, I never understood Eto, which got on my nerves in the past. It still does, but not as much as the past.

 Octo walked passed Eto without looking her, leaving her alone with that creepy smile; she lowered her gaze as she kept on walking, her eyelashes creating a curtain on her crimson orbs. Her pace got quicker as she got nearer me and Tatara; and the next second she had disappeared into the darkness, just after she passed next to Tatara. 

 How amusing, they both have slanted crimson eyes, pale skin and white hair.

 Guys, I do you hate me :/ I'm really kind of afraid how you'd find this chapter, coz you know... All this stuff and my pitiful way of writing :) But, for some reason I really like those weird plots, so I surely created one myself. I hope you'll join to my weirdness; and if you don't, well that's okay. And I really would love to know what you think of the story so far.

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