Carving for...

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3rd Person's POV

- Eto, why did you let Octo do that? he asked, voice quiet and curious, which was rare for him.

- Because in the end it will fall into my hands. a wicked smile on her face, Eto jumped from the building, dissolving into the crowded city.


A month has passed after the not so pleasant meeting between Octo and Eto as Octo walked passed the dead bodies on the dark streets. He had helped them with hunting at nights, while he was unseen during day time. Now, another night. This time, however, he was not going to hunt. No, he wasn't going to do any kind of things such as that tonight.

Touka's POV

The bell's sound snapped me out from my daydreams, I raised my eyes to see the customer who happened to come just a few minutes before we close the cafe.

I forgot how to breath as I was faced with the red mask, tentacles hanging from it. Frozen like a dear, I just continued to stare while I was attacked by the memories. The dark memories.


" I'm sorry, I can't control it anymore." voice cracking the small ghoul cried. He was on his knees, fists clenched and punching the cold ground as his knuckles were bleeding. Suddenly his eyes went black and in a flash a sharp pain was felt in the elder girl's guts. He started to laugh like a maniac while the bluenette was biting her lip to keep her pain silent.


The hissing sound of a knife was heard, the silver object passing the masked figure by just an inch. But he didn't show any signs of fear, his eyes were dull. The owner of the silver knife came out from the shadows, his hair silver as the knife. Yomo-san, you have always been there, I thought.


Silver hair was seen as dark wings threw hundreds of crystals to the insane ghoul. But none of them touched his body, all were deflected by the red tentacles. But Yomo hadn't given up, rage was shining in his red eyes. However, the light faded by the pain coming from his limbs as he was standing on a blood pool, his own blood's pool.


-What are you doing here? the masculine voice hissed, tense and angry.

Octo just stood there for a few seconds, doing nothing. Then a whisper, almost impossible to hear, came from him:

-Kill me.

I couldn't believe what he said, did he want to die? But, but why? Sure I would love to kill him after what he had done, but what if this was another trap of this insane monster?

- Why? I couldn't hold my curiosity. A bitter laugh came, but it was more like a yelp of pain.

- Why? You should know it better than I. I'm a monster, aren't I?

- How can we know that you won't try to kill us if we try to kill you? Yomo-san asked, it was clear that he was planning to kill Octo.

- You can't. But I can tell you one thing, I'm complete. "Complete?", what did he mean?

- What have you completed? this time Yomo-san asked.

- My kakuja. was he cannibalising? Was that why he tried to kill us? Yomo-san posture slowly relaxed as his face softened. Was he innocent, wasn't at control?

- Why didn't you tell us? his voice was still cold, but not angry or threatening anymore.

- I-I, I was ashamed. And was afraid... his voice sounded like a 5 year old.

- Did he know, Yoshimura? I asked, wondering what had happened that day.


An old man came out out of nowhere, and in a flash the insane ghoul was thrown into the fall. Bone cracking sounds were heard while the ghoul's laughing got even louder. The next second both the old man and the insane ghoul were gone, disappearing into a dark blind alley.


- He was guessing, but he told me that he was sure that when I attacked to you.

- What happened that day, Octo? I wanted to know, no I needed to know.

- He spoke to me... Then everything went black and I didn't release my kakugane for the upcoming 5 years. There were still a lot of things he wasn't telling to us. He was hiding just so many things, like the old days. Are you going to kill me or not? he broke my train of thought with his desperate question.

- You have one more chance Octo. Than you're dead. Yomo-san said, his voice a low and deadly serious. I smiled at that, finally some things were turning up to be better.

A loud banging sound came as Octo fell on his knees. Rocking back and forth, he was sobbing like there was no tomorrow. Without thinking I rushed to his side and embraced him in a warm hug. Minutes passed as he cried on my shoulder. I never thought I'd do such a thing, nor have I thought I'd ever forgive him. But life always had unexpected surprises for us.

- Thank you Touka-chan, Yomo-san... Thank you... I don't know how I can ever payback to you.


3rd Person's POV

Eto smiled as she watched Octo get out from the cafe.

- Carving for a family, huh? You're weak Octo, carving for love. the words were unheard in the silent night, but it didn't matter for the One Eyed Ghoul, for she had found her weapon.

Hi guys, I'm back with a new update. Even though it's quite short. Actually, extremely short :) But, this was what came from me today. I hope you like it.

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