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 - That's enough for today I think. the Doctor muttered to the bloody mess before him.

 Lips bleeding Fei gave a shaky sigh, relieved that the nights' torture was finally over. She opened her eyes to find herself in the middle of a red pool, her own blood that was slowly trickling from the deep cuts on her back. Normally they would have healed already, but thanks to the Doctors experiment it took much more time for her wounds to heal. It was all because of a red viscous liquid he injects, was Fei's guess. What that liquid was, it was totally unknown to her, but she had her suspicions.

 Since the day they have met, Doctor had been obsessed about trying to convert Fei in to a human. It was confusing to Fei since the Doctor usually talked about how superior ghouls were to humans and how humans should die, yet she didn't dare to question her master. And it was thanks to these experiments that she was able to go on for months without eating anything, or to keep such a low RC level that she managed to pass through the detectors in CCG. It was thanks to him that she had lived the best years of her life, her life as a human. However all because of one stupid mistake of giving up to her curiosity, she had lost it all. Now she was back to her pathetic cage, only this time there weren't the metal bars but something far more effective than she couldn't name.

 She got up to her feet once the bleeding stopped, world spinning around her she tried to walk. One feet after another she finally reached to the shower. Her eyes were only dull orbs as the ice cold water washed the blood stains from her pale skin. She heard the door creak open as the man who had just tortured her stepped inside. A shiver went down her spine from seeing him, but at the same time a warm sensation spread in her body from his smile.The old man slowly walked behind the defenceless ghoul in the bath tub. His thick fingers wondered inside the silky white strands of the exquisite creature as the creature curled up into a small ball. He closed his brown eyes and took in the fragrance of the frightened girl, his lips twitched up with a wicked amusement when he sensed the dark feelings twirling inside the broken toy of his.

- Oko. the man whispered the name of a ghost, a ghost which he had fallen in love with but was taken from him by her own kind. A ghost that he almost saw materialise in front of him whenever his brown eyes fell on the shattered girl.

 Once again hearing her name, Octo's nails dug deep on her soft flesh. A replacement she was, a replacement of a weak human.


 Hinami watched the octopus masked girl gracefully kill her prey in one smooth blow. It was a clean kill displaying the control of the girl had over her body. Soft brown eyes of the young girl glittered with admiration towards the cold blooded monster. She's truly amazing, Hinami found herself mumbling the words as the blue haired boy shot her a cold glare. She turned the glare with innocent questioning eyes, but before she could get any answers she heard her name being called:

- Hey Hinami, wanna join the party? It might be some good exercise for you, plus it would be more fun to slay with you. the girl she was admiring asked her with a playful smirk on her lips, making Hinami send her a soft smile, she slowly walked towards Octo with small steps of hesitation. However, as soon as she took the hand of the older girl, all doubt was erased.

 Ayato's eyebrows furrowed watching Octo slay the preys like a beast with a devilish smile on her face, but he saw what was behind her mask: emptiness. So you're on par with the best actors, I wonder how long you'll last before everyone can see what I see. he bitterly thought, his eyes averting away from the elegant figure with guilt eating him from the inside. But there was nothing I could do, it's only her who can do something. he tried to reassure himself, knowing that he was only lying.

 Lost in his thoughts he didn't realise that every single living human in the small area just a few minutes ago were now lying on the floor, lifeless as a stone. No matter what, she truly is a beast, he thought while Hinami looked at him with a huge grin stretching on her pretty face. For a second Ayato forgot the gloomy feelings he was swimming inside by looking at her happy figure, but that just lasted for a second, because the painful laugh of the white haired girl had awoke even darker feelings.

- You did great Hinami! If you chose to, you can be a ghoul that will send shivers of fear down the spines of CCG investigators once they hear your name. Of course, that'll need for you to walk on a crimson path with tons of spikes... the last part of Fei's word would have been unheard if it wasn't for Hinami's extreme senses. Even though Hinami heard the pained words, she smiled at the beautiful girl standing before her, even if that girl was swimming in a ocean of blood while tons of knives were piercing through her skin she still was strong and beautiful in Hinami's eyes.

  Walking back to Aogiri's base, Fei yawned. Her slender arms wrapped around each other as she pushed them further away from her body, her fingers trying to reach to the sky. Her loose shirt had slightly rissen up with the movement of her shoulders, revealing some of her bare skin to the eyes of the ghoul walking behind her. Ayato felt heat rush to his face as he found himself staring at Fei's back, but suddenly that heat left him to an icy coldness when he saw the faint scars of the deep cuts on her back. His hand reached out towards the girl, anger boiling inside him. But he stopped himself realising that the brown eyes of his partner caught his movement, to cover up he slowly tapped on Fei's shoulder. The next second he was faced with the crimson orbs of Octo, the eyes of a cold blooded killer. She raised an eyebrow, waiting for the reason of his action. 

- Can we talk for a moment Octo? Ayato asked.

- Alright. Hinami, how about you go in advance, we'll probably meet you in the dinner hall. Octo said, her piercing crimson orbs not once leaving Ayato free.

- Sure. Hinami said, not voicing her questions about what they were going to talk about, but instead wisely obeying what Octo told her.

 Ayato waited for Hinami to get out from his view, when she finally did his cold gaze turned towards Fei. If looks could kill, they'd probably be digging up my grave, Fei thought from the glare she received.

- Who the h*ll did those cuts! And how the f**k did you allow them to do such a thing? His venomous voice barked to Fei, making the girl slightly surprised for him to notice the scars on her back. Realising that the t-shirt must have slightly risen up she cursed the cloth piece in her mind and in return to the furious ghoul's words, she sweetly smiled.

- It's non of your business Black Rabbit, and I advice you to keep quite about this. her smile now had become almost sickening. She sighed and was about to turn towards Aogiri Tree's basement when she felt pain strike her from the head. She had hit her head to the wall from Ayato pinning him to the wall. Nostalgia she muttered to herself remembering that a few months ago she had done the same action towards the boy. The only difference was that he was the one pinning this time.

- I- I... You are even worse than a human, Octo. Ayato whispered, not understanding the reason behind his actions. His eyes gandered to her face that was showing amusement, which made him feel even more frustrated.

- If I'm worse than a human, then why do you care about the cuts Ayato? Why do you care about a weak cry baby? Fei asked, taunting the ghoul whose nails were digging into her pinned body. But behind the taunting, what lied was curiosity. Curiosity of why somebody would actually care about her. Her, who was a broken toy who had killed the only one who loved her and a girl who had abandoned all her friends. She was a replacement who had messed up the life that was given to her.

Hey how are you doing? It's been quite some time since the last chapter, I'm sorry for not updating. However I have my excuses :D I had to go through a set of torture called "FINALS". Anyway, since we have a semester break I hope to write some new chapters in this two week. By the way what are your thoughts about the story? Your critics would be really helpful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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