At :re

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Touka Kirishima

It was 5 o'clock, our busiest hour. However it still wasn't as busy as it was when Anteiku was open. Our ghoul customers have reduced since this place was attacked by the CCG. However it had only been a few months since we've opened :re, and things were going pretty good considering the situation. And it would be pretty hard for us if there were more customers since there were only to people working currently: Yomo-san and I. All the others were either trying to start a new life and get away from CCG investigators or were dead... But there was someone that didn't fit in either situations, or at least the rumours said so, Kaneki. We thought that he was dead, even though I never believed that idiot could be dead, however nowadays you could hear in the silent whispers that a young male ghoul with white hair has been captured by CCG. What CCG is doing is unknown, however as being CCG they're probably torturing him. A part of me wants to believe that the boy is Kaneki while a part wants to believe that he's a complete stranger. Because from what I heard being dead is a hundred times better than being tortured by the CCG, and I don't want Kaneki to go all through that again... Last time Jason had him, he...

My eyes started to tear up because of thinking about him. How can such a fool bring tears to my eyes! Suddenly the sound of the ringing bell at the entrance door brought me back to world from my inner world. Two female customers came. The taller and probably the older one is a CCG investigator, a junior one I suppose considering how young she is. When ever she comes I feel goosebumps on my arms, thankfully she doesn't come to the cafe pretty often. However she wasn't the one who made me feel like a cat on hot bricks.

-Yaho, Touka-san! How are you doin'? , asked the one with blood red haired young girl who came in with the jet black haired CCG investigator.

- Great, how about you Fei? How's school going? I asked with a forced smile on my face trying my best to cover up my nervousness.

- The usual I guess... Pumped up with the stress of exams and all stuff. However none of them are important right now, we've come here for celebration, haven't we oneesan? Today she captured the Black Rabbit! And...

All the voices around me slowly died as I absorbed what she has just said, "she captured the Black Rabbit!". The words echoed in my head like a mantra till I felt my knees weaken and I had to cling on one of the tables to remain standing up on these damn weak feet. "What the hell ! " I screamed in my head before my vision went black.


Hitomi Miyasato

The blue-violet haired waitress's face paled in a frighteningly fast quickness and a second later she clung on the table we were sitting at. Without letting us make any kind of sound she suddenly collapsed on the ground. Just before she hit the cold, hard marble I caught her from her waist out of reflex and stared at her now white as a paper face. Her face... She looked like somebody I know. I wonder whom.

The man who was standing behind the cafe stand came next to me in a blink of an eye as I was trying to figure out who did the waitress looked like. His silver orbs were filled with worry, the first time I saw some kind of emotion in them. He slowly took the delicate body of the waitress from my hands and carried her to somewhere inside I guess. I was still in kind of a shock till Fei gripped my shoulder and forced me by using her other hand to turn my chin to look at her crimson red eyes which seemed oddly calm even if just a second ago that healthy looking waitress all of a sudden passed out without any reason as if she was enchanted.

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