This Beautiful Cruel World

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3rd Person's POV

The girls' red hair was dancing before her crimson eyes. Her hand was still grabbing the wrapped sandwich she brought from home for lunch while the bottle of apple juice stood next to her untouched as she swung her legs totally unaware of her surroundings. The breeze washed her face with the warmness of the sun in it. Her sigh mixed into the silent sound of the wind, and her eyelids slowly closed with a sweet sleepiness.

- Fei... the soft voice made the redhead jump to her feet. The brunette gasped with fear as her hands were forced on her back, her face just about inches to the cold concrete ground of the roof.

- Akemi? What are you doing here? Don't sneak upon me again. muttered the redhead with annoyance as she realised the person, who she was about to crush on to the ground, her best friend. She released the fragile girl and helped her stand up by pulling her with a hand. The brown locks of the girl standing before her bounced as her feet lost the contact of the ground because of the powerful pull of the redhead.

- I didn't know you were this strong Fei-chan, making my fly in the air with a simple pull. And for your info, I wasn't sneaking up on you, I didn't even realise you were here till you were just a few centimeters away from me.

- Oh. Why are you here anyway Akemi? You don't usually visit the roof, are you on a quest or something? Fei said, cracking a smile.

- No, or kinda yes? Well, I was searching for someplace quiet where I can read my dearest manga. You know how annoying and noisy those bastards you call friends could be.

- Hahaha, sure I do. Then I'll keep quiet if you promise to keep those fangirl squeal under control.

- Geez, I don't squeal. with that Fei arched a questioning eyebrow at Akemi.


- Oh my god, oh my god, omigoddd!EEEK!

Fei was trying to protect her poor ears from the defining sound of the fangirl squealing besides her, slowly she opened her tightly shut eyes and stared at her friend with amazement. Her electric blue eyes were wide open with happiness and amazement while her pink flushed cheeks were being caressed by her loose brunette strands. Her mouth was now shut, with a huge smile that Fei thought was impossibly wide, and her hands firmly gripped the manga like she would lose her life if the thing somehow left her hands.

- Akemi, what is there that makes you go crazy like this? I'm currently doubting my friend choices.

- You're so mean Fei-chan! How can you not go crazy about this? I mean isn't he's so cute! Ah, if only he was real, or even better! If only I could live in that world!

- You know that who ever he is, he is just a few lines, nothing more. Same for his world.

Akemi started to fake cry, while she punched Fei on the arm.

- Cruel Fei-chan, bad Fei-chan! And here I was considering to call you Feicchi.

- WTH is Fei-chi, Akemi?

- Oh, Kise adds -cchi to the end of the persons he respect.

- Kise?

- Yes he is the ace of Kaijo, also a model! And he's freakin', smokin' hot!

- Again, who is Kise? And what the heck is Kaijo?

- Oh, I should have started from the beginning. So Kise was a boy who was getting bored of everything because he was so good at them, then one day he saw Aomine while playing basketball and he...

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