You Killed My...

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My head is throbbing with a terrible pain as my conciseness came back. I try to open my eyes, but the light is too much after spending endless time in the pitch black. So I listen to my surroundings, but can't here anything; not a big surprise since hearing and smelling aren't my superior specialty. Once again I dare to face the blinding light, and slowly open my eyes. This time I can force them open, yet it takes a few moments for me to shape my surrounding.

There seems to be nothing else than boring grey walls cornering me from the sides while the huge window plays the role of the fourth wall of my little dull cage or should I say prison. Oh, I forgot, there is also a small bad (which could also called a flat rock) that I'm lying on.

Alright, great, I'm in CCG's prison! I wonder what rank they put me in; S or maybe an SS? Surely not they don't think I'm an ordinary ghoul since they haven't killed me yet. That makes me think, really why they haven't killed me? I mean it would be much more profitable and effortless to kill me, now instead of just getting rid of me they're going to have me keep living till they get what ever they want from me (and I guarantee you that they will definitely fail on that.) Even if it's almost zero chance, Aogiri Tree might come to rescue me. However I know them good enough to keep my hopes in the bottom, in their eyes I'm probably just another replaceable pawn. The moment they realise that I'm missing they'll promote someone else to my place. That's just how they are; cruel, cold and emotionless. But that's what makes them strong; that's why ghouls are stronger than these pitiful, cry baby humans.

I look at my prison cell ones again. Once I heard from Jason that CCG injects something from a ghouls' eye that disables the ghoul from revealing it's ghoul abilities (such as the kagune and kakugan) and that the walls in the CCG prison were made from the kagunes of the ghouls the investigators caught, so even if I could bring my kagune out I wouldn't be able to get out form this prison. Even though I certainly don't trust Jason, I'm not going to go there ad make a fool out of my self trying to do the impossible.

Ahh, what am I going to do except wait for my death in this maddening silent prison? Maybe I can commit suicide, surely it would be a much more honourable death than being killed by pathetic humans. If I was really that lonely in the world I would have already given my last breath. However there's someone that I need to breath for, to protect from this cruel world and to keep her smile up on her face. That's why I have to figure out a way out of here.

I spent who knows how many hours in this room that god has forgot to put anything which reminds me that I was alive. I try to think a way out, I just try to come up with something. But all in vain, how can I escape from here if no ghoul had escaped before by them selves. I have no chance, there are much more stronger and smarter ghouls in CCG's prisons that have rotted away in these cells thill they died. I'm going to die here, I'll fail to protect her, I'll fail to keep my promise to him...


I wake up at the sudden irritating sound of metal scratching to metal, who on their right mind will make such a torturous sound. I instantly look at the resource of the sound as it makes my ears cry with pain; of course a CCG Investigator, how couldn't I guess it when there are these maniac torturers in this world. Well I guess some of us ghouls are no different either... But come on, it's not something pleasent to do to someone who's sleeping, manners please!

-Good morning starshine, earth says hello! , says the investigator whom I remember to be the one to catch me and stuck me in to this silent hell. I just stare at her hateful mahogany eyes with an equal intense hate in my cobalt ones.

She smiles at my reaction, a fake smile that doesn't erase the pure disgust and anger in her steady eyes. Slowly she takes out something form the pocket on her jacket, a photograph. Before showing it in my face she glances at it, I don't miss that her eyes get glacier as she look as it. Then she forces me to look at the photo, in the process almost scratching my eye with the sharp border of the photograph paper. After one more glare at her I observe the faded photograph. There seems to be a man- a ghoul investigator to be specific- with the same jet black hair and intense mahogany eyes as the girl standing in front of me, only much more older. He also looked kind of familiar from somewhere else too, although I don't actually care.

-Remember that man you monster? You killed him a few months ago. Ripped his head from his body and threw it like it was only a piece of trash. And you didn't even eat him, you DIDN'T HAVE TO KILL HIM! YET HE'S DEAD,BECAUSE OF YOU MURDERER MONSTER!..

I just continued to stare at her, the only difference was I was so bored of this sh*t that I didn't have the energy to be angry and hateful. It was only natural for me to kill someone who was the one who tried to kill me first. I can't understand how humans can be so blinded by their emotions, they don't deserve to have this much power under their hands. Their blindness and the power they have only causes more tragedy and suffering for both ghouls and humans them selves. This is why I hate them so much, they have something they shouldn't have and they ruin our lives with it like it isn't enough of the unfairness of them having such a power at first.

-... You killed my father... Don't you feel even a little bit guilty for ruining someones's family, to separate him from his loved ones?

With that she finally broke down and tears rolled down from her eyes. I wish my hands weren't chained... Oh only if they were free I would have shown this weakling how the real world looks like. You can't just hope for a happy life, you have to fight for it. That's why I joined to Aogiri Tree after all, to protect the only valuable thing left in my life.

She suddenly raised her head up, if it was possible her eyes would probably burn holes through me with the hatred hidden behind her agony. Abruptly she took out a leather lash with little sharp knifes on one of it's end, the end that is coming to me at a breakneck pace.

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