How You Dooooiiin?

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Hitomi Miyasato

I walk back to the office after I finish my business with that blue haired monster, well I'm definitely not finished with him but this much is enough for today. Still, I can't surpass the anger boiling inside me; the image of my fathers dead body stucks into my mind like someone is trying to torture me. My vision gets blurrier as tears show up in my mahogany eyes. While I'm fighting against the gravity on my tears I bump into somebody and lose my balance because of the impact, ending me on the floor.

I mumble an apology as I rise my head up to look at the person I've bumped into: Associate Special Class Investigator Akira Mado. I stutter another apology. After all she's my higher up and I have to admit that her fierce purple eyes makes me get goosebumps and let's just not forget about her emotionless robot like face that makes you question if the person standing before you is actually a human.

- Rank 2 Investigator Miyasato, right?, she asks to me with a calm voice while her eyes seems as if they can see through my soul.

-Yes, Associate Special Class Investigator Mado-san. I respond in a stronger and more confident voice than before as I stand up.

- So you are the famous promising junior who caught Black Rabbit. I must say, I'm impressed with you Miyasato. However I don't understand why you're keeping such a dangerous ghoul still alive, it would have been much more wiser to kill him at the sight.

-Yes ma'm, however I had to confirm something from him. And he's also a member of the Aogiri Tree if I don't remember wrong. He might supply us crucial information if we give him a suitable environment.

- Suitable environment... I like the way you speak Miyasato. So, than it wouldn't be a problem to you if I'm the one who creates that suitable environment, am I right Rank 2 Miyasato?, she asks emphasising that I'm at such a low rank compared to her with a slight smile showing on her porcelain face. With that I know that she's pleased with me keeping him alive. After all from what I heard it was a ghoul with a rabbit mask who had killed his father. She'd be thirsty for vengeance at least as much as me. However this also means that I probably won't have a lot of chance to satisfy my revenge since she'd almost kill him.

- It'd be an honour to me to work with you Mado-san, I reply through gritted teeth and a smile too wide to be real.

Her smile gets more noticeable at the sight of my silent defeat. She continues to walk to the way she was going before we bumped as her shoulder harshly brushes mine. I wonder what's her problem with me, is she angry to me because I was the one who caught the Black Rabbit instead of her? If that's the case than I don't blame her. I would be furious if someone else reached to the person who had caused me so much suffering, and it'd be even more irritating if the person who caught my enemy was a much more lower rank. Well, I'm sorry but he killed my father too.

- Oh Miyasato, I heard about what happened to First Class Oluo Bozado, you'll have a new partner as soon as possible, Mado-san states before she disappears through a door.

I didn't see her base smile as she made the statement. The only thought in my mind is "Is Takeuchi-san dead?" making the world around me fogy, I thought he was just at the hospital and he'd recover in a few week at most. Surely he wasn't the best person to be partnered. He was always annoyed by my presence and didn't like to listen to me a lot. He seemed to despise me a little because of the success I have archived at my young age. But he thought me so many things and no matter how irritated he was by me he always listened to me and judged my ideas fairly. I remember the first time we've met; he looked at me arrogantly as if saying "Do I really have to work with this brat", than just when he was going to say something he bit his lip and with that pain dropped his coffee mug. I find my self smiling at the amusing memory, but the victorious tears roll down from my checks as I rapidly pace towards the office. Black Rabbit, you are going to pay hard for what you have done!


Papers were scattered everywhere on my desk when I arrived to my office. At first I thought someone looked through my documents and was filled with anxiety, then I realised that the fan was working since the office was so hot ( I had already started to feel sweat drip form my hair) and I released my breath which I didn't notice I was holding.

I slowly sit down to my chair thinking what should I do from now on. My father is dead, my partner is dead, my mother is dead... Why am I even living, what purpose has left for me to continue breathing? Vengeance? But I caught Black Rabbit, and it seems like Akira is going to take my chance of revenge from my hand. Plus even if I take revenge from Black Rabbit there are still hundreds of monsters like him out there wondering on our streets. If my purpose of living is to prevent anyone else to get hurt like I have because of these monsters then I don't think I'm strong enough to do that yet. But there's always some place for improvement, right? Than that's what I'll do: Get stronger and haunt these monsters before they can cause pain to another innoce-

- YO, HITOMI-CHAN! How you dooooiiiiin' ? shouts someone from just an inch behind me making me jump from the chair.

I turn around to see a girl looking at me with big beaming silly smile. I stare down at her slanted red eyes that are shining with joy as her red dyed strands fall on her face dance with the wind the fan makes.

-What have I done to be forfeited by being an acquaintance of you Fei? I mumble under my breath as her exploding joy gets on my nerves.At that she starts to laugh merrily which even irritates me more, god I wasn't joking!

- God why are you this happy today Fei? I know you're normally happy but today it's at an extreme!

- Oh is it? Well, I guess... But how can I not be this happy Hitomi-chan! Today was one of the best days of my life probably, actually almost everyday is... However you don't always get to earn this much money at a few hours as a street performer and also not every day does your oneesan catches the murderer of her father! Plus while I was sparring with Juuzou told me that I was getting better! Now how can somebo...

I stop her blabbering by clasping one of my hand to her mouth, finally a little bit silence! Just how can someone's breath last to say this much is a mystery. She's just hopeless, I roll my eyes and look back at her. I can't stop a grin replace my neutral face, she's just so annoying and adorable at the same time.

-Hey Fei, how 'bout going to that coffee that you liked so much? What was it name,"Anteiku"?

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