The Mask Falls

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Run, even if my legs are burning like hell I have to run. Throat hurting from the cold breaths I have swallowed, and heart beating as if it's going to break my rib cage I continue to run. My body is screaming for me to stop, but I only smile with the pleasure of adrenaline that is being pumped in my body.

 - They are getting closer. the panic is evident in the whispers of the ghouls hiding in the shadows, however I had to replay the words to understand what they were. 

 The weird sensation of almost twisting my ankle as I take a sharp turn, first sends a sensation of fear, later to be replaced with more adrenaline. Finally, almost crushing to the red brick wall suddenly appearing in front of me, I come to the dead end. And I turn around to face...

The investigators twisted smiles are sickeningly disgusting as they think that I'm cornered. Some of them quickly trust to their quinques, afraid to loose the one in a million chance they have in their life. I can see the confidence and pride in their eyes as the gap between us slowly closes.

- How unfortunate, I was hoping to have a fair fight with you guys. Too bad, you caught me on the wrong part of my life. the sadist in me surfacing with the hatred building up, the monster inside me slowly grasping the joystick.

 Confusion on their faces sends shivers of pleasure to the roaring creature of mine, while the soul waiting in the shadows winced with fear and anger. However the chains of the monster are held loose by the soul no matter how much it despises the monster's actions, because it knows that it needs this once in awhile. So it let's it be.

 My eyes are still staring at the investigators, almost a hundred of them; but what's important is not shown in the light, not the investigators; it's moving on the corners of my vision, it's the ghouls of Aogiri Tree.

- Is this all you going to say Octopus? No sarcastic jokes or anything? Then be ready to die, you monster. Disappointment is what he must be feeling since he is a sadist as well, wanting to make myself a fool before agonizingly dying. How different are you from me that you have the right to call me a monster?

- You really are an idiot, the whole thing's a joke baka! annoyed, I watch the fear slowly creeping in them; not much longer I can hear the screams and smell the delicious odor of the blood. I was just a bait to lure you in. whispering I jump on the top of the wall, walking away from the bloody scene. The monster is slowly returning back to the dark cave it was sleeping in, my soul was tired of pulling the chains of it to get it in the cave without any accidents; but if the soul just lay lazily and didn't do anything, it probably would have be destroyed by the guilt it would have carried.

 I can sense some eyes boring on my back as I walk on; so I turn around, curiously searching them,  only to find the One Eyed Ghoul's piercing orbs on me. The iron taste in my mouth makes me realize that I was biting my lip. I truly hate to be watched, especially to be watched by the ones calculating how to trap me.


Bored and slightly disgusted from the slaughter area I try to walk away. It's really irritating that Octo can make a hundred investigators follow him, do they really think he's that dangerous? Than thinking again, I remember how many investigators there were for the Owl Operation. But Octo doesn't kill any investigators no matter how powerful he is, so why try this hard? However there is a question that's bugging me even more and definitely for a much longer time : Why doesn't Octo kill any investigators? Is Octo really such a weakling, or is there something else?

 I stop on my track as I'm faced with the scene of Octo glaring at Eto, who is watching Octo from high above a building. You could almost reach out and touch the tension between them. But it's broken by an unexpected person's presence. The smell of a human reaches to my nostrils, as I take a deep breath of the cold night. The figure seems awfully familiar. I walk closer to get a better view of the figure when I halt and my eyes open wide with recognition; it was the bastard investigator who had captured me almost a year and half ago. Her black hair tied in a high ponytail, she takes her quinque on her hand and in a flash cuts through the air, missing Octo by an inch. Then another lightning speed swing, but no contact once again. As I squint my eyes to observe better I realize that actually her aim is perfect, but it's Octo who moves makes her miss. At every attack she makes, Octo slightly moves as if doing a slow dance, avoiding to get hit. I amusedly continue to watch them, not understanding how Octo could see and in the meantime also get away from these fast as hell quinque swings.

 Attack, left step, attack, right step, attack, back step... She continues to furiously brandish  the quinque, eyes gleaming with hatred as Octo calmy somehow deflect them. I frown as I realise that Octo hasn't even attempted to stop or injure her, even though Octo had plenty of openings. Just what is wrong with this crazy ghoul?

 The investigator starts to tire, while irritation is read on her sweaty face. Her eyes close for a second and the next thing I see, she comes toward Octo like a tornado made of sharp, flashy blades. My eyes catch Octo's cocky moves slowly fading away as Octo really tries to get away from her quinque. Then, a silent hissing sound is heard. It felt as if something was cut through. My eyes search for the reason of the sound but only finds that Octo has surprisingly frozen in the place he stood while the dark haired investigator was preparing for another blow.

 I gasp as I watch a red object floating falls down on the ground,Octo's mask, and the dark hoodie Octo was once wearing was now lying on the ground at two separate pieces. She had finally touched Octo with her quinque. But what made me gasp was not that the investigator finally managed to get to Octo; it was the long hair that was falling down on Octo's shoulders, while the tight tank top Octo was wearing perfectly hugging Octo's feminine figure. 

- You were a girl? my voice was unheard as I was still trying to recover from the shock.

Hi, so how's it going? I know the story is going extremely slow, but sadly this is the reality. Maybe in the future I might edit this and make same major changes in the story to not bore you. And by the way, I think I'd be writing the new chapters at about this length from now on. 

 Anyway, how did you find it? Were you expecting for Octo to be a girl? On the next chapter you are gonna learn an even more shocking fact :D Hopefully you won't have to wait a lot.

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