Spilled Coffee

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 Fei's fingers were squeezing the coffee cup she had; the black liquid was almost sizzling inside the not so isolating cup, but she didn't feel the burning sensation on her fingers. She just walked on, not looking at any particular place, just walking. All of a sudden she realised a figure was standing a few inches before her, his back turned towards Fei. She tried to stop, but her feet was already on air. Before she could even blink she clashed in to the figure and the hot coffee droplets were flying in the air. Eyes wide open with fear, Fei watched the coffee lavas floating, she closed her eyes tight shut as she heard the figure curse because of being burned from the spilled coffee.

 Eyes almost glowing with furry, the figure turned towards Fei, they twitched with irritation as the indigo irises recognised the white haired girl.

- Are you blind Octo! Ayato hissed, barely preventing himself from shouting. Fei sighed, not knowing what to do she raised her head and just stared into Ayato's eyes, thinking maybe an answer on what she should do next might come when she does this. Her eyes glistened with curiosity as she watched the pale skin of the boy standing before her, slowly turn into a pastel shade of pink. She opened her mouth to ask what was wrong with him when she realised that their noses were almost brushing to each other, her hearth suddenly started to beat as if it was hammering her ribs, she quickly took a step back from Ayato while the boy was still stuck to the ground like he was glued to the floor.

- S-sory Ayato, it was too late when I realised you were in front of me. she was annoyed by herself for stuttering, she was even more frustrated by not knowing why she had stuttered. She slightly shook her head hoping that maybe her thoughts might disappear, but it was not that easy.

- Just look where you are going more carefully next time baka. Ayato grumbled, scratching the back of his neck while his eyes were inspecting the ceiling.

 Not understanding what was happening Fei decided to walk on before Ayato could actually act as "The Ayato" and yell at her furiously. But she stopped in her track as she remembered the first time she met him; his eyes were hollow despite the anger he was showing to the world, but she was sure at that time that in reality he was actually broken and desperate. He was weak, and acting reckless to mask his weakness. Her eyes glided towards him, observing him, trying to read his body language. He seemed stronger, much more stronger in fact; his posture straight with confidence. He has gathered the cracks on the floor and sculpted a powerful ghoul, she thought dazzled with what he has accomplished. He had the answer to her freedom.

 Ayato felt uneasy as Fei intensely observed him, he felt the warmth rush to his cheeks once again. He cursed Fei, in less than a minute this was the second time she was making him feel this annoying "thing", he didn't know what this "thing" was but he was sure that he didn't like to think about it.

- What? he asked harshly, not being able to bear this uneasiness any more. He watched Fei slightly shiver as she returned to earth from her thoughts, "What ever she was thinking..."

- How did you do it? Fei asked, her crimson orbs demanding an answer from him.

- How did I do what?

- Get strong again. she stated as if it was the most obvious thing, which irked Ayato. She was definitely a spoiled idiot who thought everyone must know what she was talking about. You were broken into pieces, but know you're strong again. How did you do it? Fei had the need to ask once again when she didn't get an answer.

" Broken..." Ayato thought of the word, remembering how he was broken just a few years ago. He was angry and hateful toward everything, he hated himself for being so weak in reality. He was afraid that he might not be able to protect Touka, he was angry for being defeated by Kaneki, he was frustrated for being weak enough to be captured by a human, he was heart broken of his father's death and got frantic for feeling something towards him who abandoned them to this cruel world. 

- Tell me please... Fei whispered. Ayato's eyes flashed, for this was the first time he hear her plead, he never thought she'd do such a thing. Sure she was weak and all but to plead, no one pleaded unless they were desperate. Teach me how to piece my self back together... His blue eyes looked for her red ones, unbelieving what she had just said, but couldn't see them for she was trying to escape his gaze by casting her eyes down, trying to hide the weakness in her even she had just confessed how desperate she was. Ayato could feel something dark in him enjoyed the scene while something else was...

- Why should I help a weak cry baby. Ayato answered coldly, suddenly getting rid of all the useless feelings inside him. His feet moving him away from her, but no matter what, he realised that he couldn't. He couldn't because she was gripping his arm, gripping her last chance before she was crumbled into dust. Then realising what she was doing she quickly let him go.

- Sorry, shouldn't have done that. It was stupid for me to ask such a thing, as if such a thing is possible. she started to laugh at her own stupidity. " Do you think you can ever escape the Doctor, do you think he is ever wrong Fei?" a voice in her head teased her, drowning all the fighting spirit that was left inside.

 Ayato felt a sting inside him as he heard her laugh, it wasn't a normal laugh, not a laugh of happiness. No, it was the laugh of accepting defeat, the laugh of death. Ayato's fingers curled into a tight fist, nails digging into his flesh as he comprehended what he has done. He had let go of the hand she reached out from the dark pit she was falling into. Octo was gone, she was just a puppet to be used from now on.

 Hi guys, so this week we have Christmass holiday. So I might be able to write something more. However, it might not be much since I will be also studying for my upcoming finals. I hope you're liking how the story is going, I'd really love to hear your thoughts :)

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