Chapter 1 I think I love you

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Harry Potter rolled over and checked his watch; eleven o'clock at night. He could hear Ron's snores form the bed next to him. Harry got up carefully and quietly so as not to wake Ron and tiptoed out the room.

He went downstairs to the second floor landing, every room was vacant apart from Ginny's. A grin spread across Harry's face as he slowly pushed the door open, Ginny Weasley was sitting on her bed reading.

"Hey" Harry whispered, Ginny jumped with fright.

"Merlin, Harry, you nearly gave me heart faliure." She said reproachfully.

"Sorry, I just missed you" he said lamely. Harry walked across the room to Ginny's bed and entwined his fingers in hers. He pulled Ginny to her feet, Harry sincerely hoped Ginny couldn't hear his heart pounding in his chest as he pressed his lips against hers. Harry, no longer feeling the desire to be a proper gentleman, pushed Ginny up against the desk in her room and kissed her harder.

"Ginny - I - think - I - love - you -" every word was punctuated with a kiss. "No - wait - I - know - I - love - you -" Harry said through the kisses.

"I - love - you - to - I - always - have."

Harry resumed kissing her passionately.



Ginny woke up the next morning to see Harry, tousled hair, emerging from under the covers.

"Morning, Ginny"

"morning, Harry."

"What time is it?" Asked Harry

"Er-" Ginny checked the clock next to her bed "nine, Ron probably isn't up yet." Ginny snuggled down into the crook of Harry's shoulder and Harry wrapped his arms around her.

Knock Knock Knock Knock! "Ginny!" Ron shouted from outside the door "Ginny!"

Ginny pulled Harry out of the bed, opened her wadrobe doors and shoved him in the wadrobe, just as the door opened.

"Ron!" Ginny cried, after all, she didn't have a top on.

"Oh god," Ron said. "Put on some clothes, can't you?"

"Well, I was about to!" Ginny snapped "you shouldn't come barging in here without permission!"

"I just wanted to know if you've seen Harry" Ron said sheepishly.

Ginny, who was now clutching a top to her chest and searching for a vest said, in a very dignified tone for someone who was doing so, "no - I haven't. And if you have a shred of self respect you'll leave before I start to get dressed." Ron backed out the room and closed the door.

Harry emerged from the wardrobe chuckling, "you were brilliant" he said.

Ginny laughed "get going, Harry." She said "I have to go for a shower."

"Ohhh yeah" Harry smiled in a satisfied way and nodded his head "hey, can I join?"

"What? No!" Ginny laughed chucking a pillow at him "go!" Harry pretended to pout then left the room leaving Ginny to shake her head in amusement at his personality. 


Harry joined Ron at the table still wearing the satisfied smile.

"What are you thinking about, mate?" Ron asked him "you look... satisfied with yourself.."

"Your sister in the shower" Harry joked

"My sister in the - WHAT?" Ron exclaimed while Bill roared with laughter.

"I was joking!" Harry said hastily then, when Ron turned away, mouthed to Bill "I wasn't." Which caused Bill to shake with silent laughter.

"Not funny" Ron said just as Ginny appeared.

"What's not funny?" She inquired.

"I was picturing you in the shower which caused Ron to have a little tantrum" Harry said while Bill laughed.

"Oh really?" Ginny laughed.

"No, I'm kidding."

"Oh that's a shame" Ginny teased "because I thought if you really wanted to find out -"

"Oh, stop it" Bill said "Ron's going to burst, I can literally see the smoke coming out of his ears."

Ginny giggled and helped herself to Harry's cornflakes.

"Oh, yes, Ginny." Harry said sarcastically "you can eat my cornflakes." This caused Ginny to giggle even more.

"We could share them" she said and Ron made an exasperated little noise and turned to face them "of course" he said. "What wont you share?"

"Ron, chill" Ginny laughed "I'm kidding  - Harry can get new cereal. Kidding again" she said as she caught the look on Harry's face.

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