I'm a What?

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Vic's POV

Whoa... I can't believe we're actually on tour with famous bands. This is going to be the best few months ever. I thought to myself as we started driving in the tour bus. I sat down on one of the couches in the front of the bus, the one that wasn't occupied by Tony and Jaime playing video games together. "So, are you excited?" Mike asked me, sitting down next to me. "Hell yea dude," I nodded. Mike and I sat there for a while, watching Tony and Jaime fight over the game, sometimes turning into fist fights. We would coach from the sides sometimes too. The ride to the first venue was semi-short, but fun. Once we got there, we all decided to walk around and get familiar with the area. Which actually turned into us just fucking around in a field next to where all the busses were supposed to be. We went back to the bus after a while, and just chilled out. Before the tour started, we decided on not staying at hotels. Since we got the bus, we figured we could just stay on here. It was either, get a van and stay at hotels, or get a bus and don't. We all came to the agreement that the bus was the best choice. As it got later, we all started to get hungry. "VIC!" Jaime yelled from, literally right across from me. "What Jaime?" I groaned. "I'm hungryyyyyy." He complained. "Okay, you guys up for pizza?" I asked, Everyone agreed, so we went out and got it. We went to some random ass park and had a sort of picnic, and yes, we played on the playground... Don't judge. "I swear you all are children." Mike said. "Oh come on Mike, you know you wanna swing too." Tony laughed from the swing he was on. Mike sighed and got the one next to him. Tony did a little cheer at his accomplishment. By the time we got back to the bus, it was super late, and our first show is tomorrow. "I'm going to bed guys," I said as we walked on the bus. I earned a few sad 'awwh's and Jaime made the comment, "You don't know how to party man." Which made me laugh. It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't wanna fuck up on the first day. As I changed and went to my bunk, I heard them start yelling over a game. I laughed to myself and laid down. It took a while for me to fall asleep, mainly because I'm nervous. Finally, after a long while of tossing and turning, I fell asleep.

*Before the show*

"Jaime, come on you have to get ready too ya know!" Mike yelled. I find it funny how he's the mature one, and he's not even the oldest. "Someone help me." He groaned. I laughed and stood up. "Jaime, get ready to go on, and we can get ice cream later, okay?" I said to him. He nodded and went into the bathroom to change. Mike sighed and I just sat back down with a slight smirk on my face. I looked up at him and before I could even say anything he said, "Shut up." Making me laugh."We're not really getting ice cream, are we?" He asked suspiciously. I smirked and shook my head. After Jaime was changed and we were all ready to go, we walked off the bus and made our way to the stage, where all our stuff was all set up. Music started playing and Mike ran out, then Tony, Jaime, and then me. I ran out and grabbed the mic. The crowd was yelling and screaming out at us. Once they were somewhat quiet, I announced the first song. "Alright guys, this first song is called Caraphernelia, I hope you guys like it." I smiled at them. The song started, and I sung it and played along with the guys. It felt awesome. I always got extremely overwhelmed with the feeling of being onstage, but I took that feeling and turned it into energy, which made me feel great. We played through the set list perfectly, and everyone was sad we had to go. As much as I wanted to stay, I was basically dragged off the stage by the rest of the guys. After the all the shows were finished, we hung out with some of the other bands here on our bus. The only other people on our bus were Sleeping With Sirens, All Time Low, and Of Mice and Men. We all drank a little, and some of us drank a lot. I didn't drink too much, before I got a phone call from an unfamiliar number. "Hello?" I answered my phone as Tony handed me another shot. "Hello, is this Mr. Fuentes?" The lady asked. Shit, this seems important. I walked to the back room before answering, so it would be quieter. "Yea, I'm Vic." I said, somewhat worried of how this would turn out. "Okay great. I'm Nancy Bigelow, with St. Joseph's Hospital, calling on behalf of Katy Harlow. We, have your daughter, Mr. Fuentes, and you were the first one we were told to call, as her stepfather is unfit to be her guardian." The lady explained. I let out a small and nervous laugh. "No, I don't have a daughter." I tried to explain, but she cut me off. "Sorry Mr. Fuentes, but is she, Katy Harlow, familiar?" She asked. Yes, the name is familiar. Katy and I had dated in the past but, we had already broken up. "Yes, I dated Katy a long time ago but we broke up, gosh about.." I tried to think, but she answered for me. "Let me guess, almost 5 years ago?" She said. She was right too. I sighed. Maybe I do have a daughter.. But I never knew about it. "Okay, what's her name? The little girl I mean," I asked her. "Her name is Hayden Rose Adelaide Harlow." She told me. I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "Do I need to get her now?" I asked, concerned about how the guys will react to this. "Well if you plan on taking her, I would advise coming asap. If not, I would still suggest coming down here to fill out some forms." She said. "Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can." I looked down the bunk alley and into the front. Great, Jack and Alex are dancing with each other and Tony is on the table going on about something. "Sounds great Mr. Fuentes," You could hear the smile in her voice, and I hung up. I walked to the front, and turned off the music. "Hey everyone uh, something has come up and we need to go like, soon so, you guys need to either go back to your busses, or go hang out on someone else's. Sorry guys," I announced to everyone. Everyone started to groan, but slowly made their way out. Soon enough, everyone was gone, except for us of course. "What's going on?" Mike asked. He seemed to be sober enough to understand something was up. Jaime was already passed out and Tony was slurring his words and stumbling around. "Nothing, we need to get to the hospital though." I said, trying not to seem worried or make it seem too urgent, as I didn't want to make him worry. "Well, why? Is someone hurt?" He asked. "I'll explain when we get there." I said, and he nodded. I told the driver where we needed to go, and he took off out the parking lot. After about 35 minutes, we arrived there. The driver went to the front and I got off, and he pulled away to the side of the building. I walk up to a desk in the front and ask the young lady where to go to find my child. "Excuse me, I'm uh, looking for the uh," I was trying to say this without seeming like a complete idiot. "I got a call saying my daughter is here, do you know where I could find her?" I asked nervously. "Ah yes, go up to second floor, and turn down the hallway to the right. There's another desk there and they should be able to help you." She smiled. "Okay, thanks." I smiled back and followed her directions. As she said, there was a desk with two nurses working, and I walked up nervously. "Hi um, I'm Vic Fuentes, I spoke to a nurse about my daughter and ex girlfriend a little earlier?" I both asked and stated. "Uh, hang on." The blonde lady told me. They were all overly nice here. I guess it's part of the job. She started talking to the other nurse, I guess about who I am and why I'm here. She nodded and smiled at me. "Hello Mr. Fuentes, I'm Nancy Bigelow, the nurse who you spoke with earlier. So you're here about your daughter Hayden?" She asked. I nodded and she explained more. "Well, the reason we had to call you, is because Hayden's mother, Katy, died in a house fire earlier this afternoon." She said, and I got sad instantly. I can't believe that Katy, is dead. I wanted to cry, but I didn't, I just let her finish. "We were told to contact you, because we have reason to believe Hayden's stepfather is unfit to take care of her. We were hoping you would be willing to take her in, otherwise she would go into the foster care system." She explained. I nodded. "Can, I see her?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. "This way," She said and I followed her down the hallway to the right of the desk to the second to last room on the right. She opened the door a bit to reveal a younger man in a white coat with a small girl who's sitting on a table. "Dr. Mendoza, this is Mr. Fuentes, Hayden's father." She said, and he nodded. She stepped to the side and let me walk in further. The Dr. moved from in front of the little girl, and I knew she had to be mine. She had light tanned skin, long, brown, slightly wavy hair, but the thing that got me the most, her big beautiful brown eyes. She looked up at me, and I couldn't help but smile at her. I walked up to her and she stood up on the table to meet me at almost eye level. "Hey there," I said. "I'm Vic." She smiled but looked down, I guess she's shy. It was so cute though. "What's your name?" I asked her. She looked up at me after a minute and said, "Haydie." She said it really quiet, and I barely heard it, but I caught it. "Katy called her Haydie, and Hades I believe," The doctor explained. I nodded, not taking my eyes off her. "Mr. Fuentes, can I speak with you for a second?" The doctor asked. I nodded. "I'll be back," I told Hayden and walked outside with the Dr. "So, are you planning on taking her?" He asked me. Honestly, I had to think. Then, I needed to at least get another opinion. I'll call Mike in. "Can I call in my brother? He's just outside." I asked. He nodded and I stepped away, where I could just talk to him. He answered on the third ring. "Hey bro, what's going on in there?" He asked, obviously a little concerned. "Everything's fine Mike, but look, I need you to meet me at the front where I came in at okay?" I told him. "Yea okay, I'm coming now." He said and I heard him open and shut the bus door. "Okay good." I said and hung up. I turned back to the Dr. "I'm gunna meet him at the front of the building, we'll be up in a second." I explained. "Okay, I understand." He said, and I left.

I was only in the front for about minute and I saw Mike walk in. "Hey man, you okay?" He asked me. I nodded. "Mike, uh, sit down for a sec." I said to him. He sat down next to me and I began to tell him. "Okay Mike, so earlier tonight I got a phone call from here. At first I didn't believe it but, it's hard not to." I said, and he cut me off. "Gosh Vic, just spit it out." He pushed. "Okay, gosh. Mike, I sort of, have a daughter." I said the last part fast. He caught what I said and his eyes widened. "Are you serious?" He said, surprised. I nodded. "Yea, that girl Katy I dated a long time ago, I guess she was pregnant and never told me about her. Katy, died earlier today and, the Dr. was told to call me, because they thought her stepfather couldn't take care of her. Mike, just come with me and look at her. She's beautiful." I said and stood up. He looked up at me. "I'm an uncle?" He smiled slightly. "Yea, you are." I smiled back. He stood up and followed me back up to the where I was before. I went to the room she was in before, and slowly opened the door. The Dr. was in there still, waiting for us and keeping Hayden company. He turned around to us and Mike looked at her, then me. "No DNA test needed." He laughed slightly. I smiled at that comment. "Her name is Hayden," I said. He went up and started talking to her. The Dr. started talking to me again. "If you're taking her in, there are a few papers you need to sign, and that's about it." He said to me. I nodded. "Okay, just, I have a question.." I trailed off. He nodded for me to continue, and I asked. "Do you think, she'll accept me? Like, as a father? I mean, she's already 4," I asked nervously. He laughed slightly. "Well Mr. Fuentes, children's minds don't typically develop, as in having a sense of right and wrong, and actually start viewing the world themselves until about the ages between 5 and 9, and the people who care for them at those ages are the ones who greatly affect their lives." He said simply. There was a long pause and he spoke up again. "So yes, I do believe she'll accept you." He gave me a smile and I nodded, looking over Mike who was playing with her still. He looked up at me and I walked over to him. "So, what do you think?" I asked. "Oh we're keeping her." He smiled big. "Okay, so where are the papers I need to sign?" I asked the Dr. He smiled and said, "Right this way." I followed him out, with Mike following me and Hadyen in his arms. I have a feeling they're going to be really close. The Dr. led me to the desk again, where the nurse form before was sitting. "I need Hayden's papers," He said and she looked up to Mike and I. She smiled and nodded. She handed him a few papers and he told me where to sign them. "A lot of Hayden's things didn't make it out of the fire," The nurse explained to us after I signed the papers. "We could only save some clothes and a few stuffed animals of hers," She grabbed a bag from under the desk and handed it to me. "That's okay," I smiled at her. "We'll take care of her." She smiled and nodded and we walked out. I noticed Hayden was asleep with Mike carrying her. She's so cute. We walked to the bus, and Jaime was still passed out and Tony had passed out too. I decided that Hayden could meet them when they weren't hammered. It was already 11, and we needed to get going to the next venue. When we got on the bus, the driver got back up there and we were off. I took Hayden from Mike and brought her to my bunk. She stirred in her sleep, but I tried my best to not wake her up. I took off her tiny shoes and socks, and undressed her. I grabbed a semi big t-shirt from her bag and put it over her. I laid her down under the covers and kissed her head, before going and changing myself. I notice Mike had gotten in his bunk, and Jaime and Tony were still in the front room. I just left them there and changed into plaid pants and a different shirt. I went back to my bunk and crawled in carefully next to Hayden. I pulled her close and she snuggled into my side, mumbling quietly in her sleep. Ugh she's so cute. It makes me feel unmanly. I laid my head back and sighed deeply. I'm a father. I'm a dad. It feels, nice honestly. I slowly fell asleep with that thought.

(a/n: So I had to edit this like 5 times.-. It kept cutting half the story out, I think I fixed it now. We'll see. ANYWAY, here's the as promised PTV fanfic, I've already written some of it so I'll try to update as much as possible. Only the first like 3 chapters are done while she's little, then I skip to her being a teen. I didn't want to have to write much in a child POV, or in the guys' POVs. So, yea. I'm hoping people will like the story, altogether I'm writing like 6 stories right now, and I haven't even finished one, I'm terrible xD anyway, I have to go attempt sleep soooo BYE Stay beautiful ^w^ love you guys.)

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