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Hayden's POV

I always try to keep my head down when I'm in school. The past few days a certain kid has decided to mess with me. If he passes me in the hallway, he'll bump into me or knock my stuff out of my hands. He tripped me in lunch yesterday and I hit my head on the corner of a table. Thankfully it was the side of my head, and there was no blood. I haven't told anyone about him, because he hasn't intentionally physically hurt me, and because it's still the beginning of the school year. Maybe it'll pass. But either way, he's pissing me off. Not like I can do much though. He's older, bigger, stronger. If I tried, I'd get hurt. All I can do now is try to be unseen.

"Hey Fuentes." I looked up to see Chris sitting next to me.

"Oh hey, what are you doing in this class?" I asked him.

"Well, they switched out my study hall because I needed a humanities credit. It was either Art or a VPA (Visual Performing Arts) class, and when I found out you were in this class I had to choose this one." He told me and I laughed.

"Well that's cool." I said and he nodded.

Basically what we're doing in this class is a drawing project to describe us. We're supposed to draw a bunch of things that we love, or that represents us. I've done pretty well so far if I may say so myself. The whole class period we just sat and talked, while drawing. The art teacher, Ms. Rodriguez, is pretty laid back. Once the bell rang I put my paper in my backpack and Chris walked out with me.

"Hey, you should come over sometime." He told me.

"Uh, I dunno.." I told him. I don't exactly wanna be around Logan, if he doesn't want me to be around him. Of course I wanna talk to him, but it's obvious he doesn't and going there, also means seeing him.

"Well just think about it.. I'll text you later."

"Yea, I will." I said and my phone started ringing. I got it out and noticed it's Alex. "Oh, I have to take this." I told him and he nodded.

"Well I'll see ya later." He waved and started walking away.

"Yea I'll see ya." I said as I answered. "Hey." I said with a smile.

"Hey darling, how's your day?" Alex asked me.

"It was good." No it wasn't. But he didn't need to know that.

"You're sure?" He asked and I smiled a little.

"Yea, I'm sure. How was your day?" I asked him.

"It was alright, but I was tired all day." He said.

"Well go to sleep hun."

"I'll wait until you're home."

"Alright fine." I laughed.

Mike picked me up again today. He's been bringing me here and taking me home all week. Not that I mind though, he's pretty chill and I have to love him. Alex and I talked while I waited like usual, and when Mike pulled up I got in and we went home.

"You need to go to bed, you need sleep." I told Alex as we got out of the car and walked inside.

He sighed. "Alright, fine."

"Thank you hun. If you can't sleep you can text me."

"I will. Goodnight darling."


We hung up after that and I walked upstairs, tossing my backpack on the floor and crawling into my bed like I have every day this week. I don't fall asleep, I just lay in bed and usually listen to music. Speaking of, I think I'll do that.. Again. I plugged my phone into the speaker type things I have and blasted The Devil Wears Prada. For some reason I always listen to either really heavy music, or really light or soft slow songs when I'm upset. Recently it's been heavy songs.

"Hey Hayden?" I heard someone say at my door. I looked over and saw its Mike. I sat up and turned down the music so I could hear him better.

"Yea?" I asked.

"Just, checking on you. Are you okay? You've been up here a lot this past week and," He sighed. "Vic is really worried. I told him I would talk to you." He said and I laughed a little.

"Yea, I'm okay. Just letting everything sink in." I told him and he nodded.

"Well can you like, come downstairs with me? He just needs to know you're okay." He asked me and I nodded. I grabbed my phone and got up, following him downstairs. Time to make it look like I'm fine. It's okay, I've been practicing.

"Holy shit.." Jaime said when they all saw me in the living room. Tony smacked this head and I laughed a little, covering my mouth.

"Hey guys." I said and plopped down on the couch, between Vic and Tony. After that there was just awkward silence as they all stared at me. "Why are you guys staring at me?" slowly asked and they looked away.

"Because we haven't seen you in like-"

"Jaime shut up." Tony yelled at him and he did.

"Okay.. Well what's up?" I asked and they all shrugged. "Well I think I might go swimming, if anyone wants to join." I said and stood up from the couch.

"Im in!" Jaime yelled and quickly stood up, running upstairs. I laughed and walked up to my room, then changed into my hot pink bikini. I don't usually wear this if people are with us, but it's just them and I don't care. I grabbed a towel from the bathroom and got my phone from my pants pocket, then walked back downstairs. They were all dressed in swimming stuff and I laughed.

"Guess we're all going swimming then." I said and we walked out to the backyard. Jaime was the first to jump in, then Tony. Vic threw me in, then jumped in himself and Mike was after him. This is the first time I've actually had fun all week. Maybe being with them wouldn't be so bad.

Vic's POV

I've been really worried about Hayden.. She's been in her room a lot and shutting people out and that's not good. I did that a lot too when I was younger and I'm being totally hypocritical but it's true. At least I know she's not self-harming, considering she's comfortable presenting her body. Well not in that way but you know what I mean. Maybe I'm overreacting but I can't help it. She's my daughter. I need to know she's okay. She seems okay, laughing and messing around with us, but I know she's good at hiding things too..

I looked up and saw her getting out, then watched as she sat down at the table next to the house and got on her phone. I decided to get out too and walked over to her.

"Hey," I said as I stood next to her.

"Hey." She smiled at me.

"What's up?"

"Just replying to people."

"Oh, okay. So you're doing okay?" I asked her.

"Yea, I'm good." She reassuringly told me.

"That's good sweetie. I just worry sometimes."

"I know, it's okay. And so am I." She laughed and stood back up.

"Good. I love you."

"I love you too."

We hugged it out and she went back to the pool, sitting on the edge with her legs in the water. I smiled at her and stood up too, jumping back in and joining the others. I just hope she's telling the truth..

So yea, heres this. I feel lik it took forever and a day to update it but, yea. Sorry..
I know this probably seems slow but, it'll get better. Trust me.
Anyway so, bye Stay Beautiful ^w^

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