Chapter.. whatever

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Hayden's POV

*A few weeks later*

Ding. My phone interrupted the silence of the house. I've been talking to both Lily and Kayden since the last day of school when we met. A few days after we met, Lily asked if she could give my number to Kayden. Apparently he wanted to 'get to know me', so I was okay with it. Currently, Vic is gone again doing something he couldn't tell anybody for some reason, Mike and Tony went out to get some things we need, so I'm stuck here with Jaime. Although, so far this whole time I've mainly been in my room and Mike and Tony should be back soon. I have no clue when Vic gets home. I grabbed my phone and headed out of my room to find Jaime and see what he's up to. I went downstairs, and it was too quiet for him to be down there, so I journeyed up to his room. Once I walked closer, I could hear him messing around on his bass. "Hey Himes, what's up?" I asked, plopping down next to him on his bed. "Just messing around with some cords. What are you up to?" He looked at me and only rested his arms on the guitar. "Absolutely nothing. That's why I came to see what you were doing." We both laughed. "Well, would you like to watch a movie? Just until Mike and Tony get back?" He asked me. "Sure. What?" I asked him. He just shrugged in response and turned the TV on. "Whatever's on I guess." He grabbed the remote and I scooted over so he could lay down. He scrolled through until we both agreed on a movie. Instead of watching the movie, I actually ended up falling asleep. Weird, I didn't even feel tired before we started the movie.

"Awwh." I woke up to someone standing next to the bed, and with a headache. "Vic is gunna love seeing this." Another person said, and I heard both of them laugh. I peeled my eyes open and saw Tony and Mike standing in front of Jaime and I. I sighed and sat up. "What are you guys doing?" I asked tiredly. "Taking pictures of you and Jaime all cuddled up sleeping together." Tony said in a little kid voice. "Dear god.." I laughed a little. I stood up and we left Jaime to sleep, walking downstairs. "I cooked, if you're hungry." Mike told me. "You cooked? Then I guess I'm not.." I joked. "Ha ha very funny, go eat." He sarcastically said and pushed me to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl and a fork and placed, whatever this is called, in it and sat at the counter on my phone. I saw the time is 10:17, and noticed I had texts from Kayden.

'I love that band too cx'

'Where'd you go?'

'Why did you leave me? ):'

I laughed and replied immediately

'I fell asleep xD calm down. ~Hades'

I put my phone back down on the counter. I then went to put my bowl in the sink, but when I stood up I got really dizzy and light headed, and it felt like something stabbed my head. I guess my body decided to not stand anymore, because within seconds I found myself on the floor with my head in my hands. It hurt so bad. I opened my eyes and tried to at least sit up, but everything was spinning and made me feel sick. "Mikey!" I yelled. He walked in and got next to me. "Hayden? Hayden, what's wrong?" I could hear the worry in his voice. "It hurts, Mikey. Everything's spinning." I kept my eyes shut and kept my hands on my head. "What hurts? Why is everything spinning?" He asked me, freaking out. I couldn't bring myself to answer, so he picked me up and took me into the living room. He sat down on the couch with me and Tony was next to us. "Hayden, look at me. What's wrong?" He asked me again, and put his hands over mine, so they were on the sides of my face. He made me look at him, and I opened my eyes. "My head.. It hurts, a lot." I told him, and squeezed my eyes shut again. "I'll get her some medicine." I heard Tony say, then he walked into the kitchen. Mike pulled me to his chest and hugged me. I've gotten headaches a lot recently, but none of them were like this. "Here," Tony handed me two pills and a cup of water. I downed them and hugged Mike again. It hurt so much I was shaking. "Calm down, it's okay.." Mike tried to get me to calm down, but I couldn't. He started running his fingers through my hair, and down my back, obviously trying to be comforting. After about a good half hour of him doing that, I finally started to feel myself calm down. I assume the medicine started working too, because my head started feeling a little better. I sat up a little and looked at Tony, who was sitting to the left of me. "My phone is on the counter in there, can you get it for me?" I asked him. He nodded while standing up and went into the kitchen to get it. He returned a few minutes later with it and handed it to me, then sat back down.

'Oh it's all good cx'

'Damn, did you fall asleep again?'

I read the texts I had from Kayden. I sighed and responded.

'No smart one, just having some issues. ~Hades'

I locked my phone and put it to the right of me, then laid my head back on Mikey's shoulder. "You gunna be okay?" He asked me. I nodded and he hugged me again. Although he seems all big and bad, Mike sure knows how to be comforting. He does it really well, too. Just as the house fell silent again, Jaime came trudging tiredly down the steps. "Morning sunshine." Mike said and I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed. "What time is it?" He asked. "It's like, almost 11." Tony answered him. "Damn." Jaime whispered to himself. I sat up and looked at Mike. "When will Vic be home?" I asked him. I really want him to come home now. "I dunno, but I can call or text him if you want him here.?" He both told and asked me. I shook my head. I don't wanna bother him if he's doing something important. I felt my phone vibrate next to me where I had laid it, and I grabbed it.

'Are you okay? Need to talk about anything?'

'Nah, I'm okay now. I promise. ~Hades'

"You okay now?" Mike asked me. I nodded into his shoulder. I sat there, listening to the conversations between the three of them until we heard the front door open. "Hey guys," Vic said as he came over and sat down next to Mike and I. "Is Hayden okay?" I heard him ask. He can't see my face, so he must assume I'm sleeping. "Yea, she just had a bad headache a little bit earlier." Mike explained. "Oh, is she asleep?" He asked, and that's when I decided to sit up. "No, Jaime and I fell asleep watching so I'm not at all tired." I told him. "Yea, and we got pictures of them, look." Tony smirked and handed Vic his phone. "Awwe," He said but I rolled my eyes. I got up and stumbled a little, I guess from the headache I got earlier. "I'll be upstairs if any of you need me." I mumbled and walked up to my room. I grabbed my headphones, plugged them in, and let random songs flow through them. I walked over to my bookshelf and grabbed my drawing notebook, a pencil, then laid down on my bed. I opened it, looking at the things I've previously drawn. I turned to the next blank page, and began drawing Random graffiti. A few minutes later, I felt someone's weight on the bed, which scared me. I quickly looked over and took out one of my headphones, but it was just Vic. "Hey," He softly said to me. "Looks good," He gestured to my drawing and I smiled a little. "Thanks, you need something?" I asked him. "Just checking up on you, you seemed a little upset when you left earlier." He told me. Honestly, I kind of have been upset, because he's been gone a lot. Of course there's always at least one person here with me, but he's gone the most, and he's the one I would like to be here the most. I don't wanna say anything though, because as I've most likely mentioned, I don't like telling people about my feelings. "Oh, no. I'm fine, really." I gave him a convincing smile and he smiled back. "Hayden," He said after a few seconds. I sat up, facing him, and gave him a 'yes?' look. "I'm really sorry I've been gone a lot lately.. But, I'm not busy tomorrow, so if you wanna, we can like, go somewhere?" He asked me. I laughed a little. "Yea, sure. That'd be cool." He seemed relieved that I agreed to do it. "Good. It's a date then." He joked and laid next to me. "So whatcha up to?" He asked me. "I'm just drawing, and listening to music. Would you like to join?" I laughed, but he nodded. "Well, I would rather just watch you draw.." He said, making me laugh more. "Okay, fair enough." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I continued to draw my graffiti sign, and ending up colouring it different neon colours. We sat and talked about random things for a while, until about 1:30, when I realized he had fallen asleep. Since he was sleeping, I decided to listen to music again, and it was another hour before I dozed off too.


So since this is short and stuff I'm gunna update the next part too today. Like right after this.

The picture is of her drawing thing she did 

And uh.. Yea. I'll see you peoples later

Stay Beautiful ^w^

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