Here it is again.. Again.

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Okay so Wattpad is being stupid today. I think they deleted this part for no reason so here it is again

*3 days before the last day of school (Monday)*

"Please don't make me wear a dress!" I whined as Vic and the rest of the guys dragged me into a clothing store. Funny, it should be the other way around. "You're gunna have to look nice at graduation, and you have nothing nice to wear." He said and I sighed. "So, I don't have to wear a dress?" I questioned. "Well, it depends. At least give it a try Hades, you might like it. It's only for one day anyway," He said. "Fine." I said and crossed my arms. All the guys were looking for something for me to wear, and I wasn't even paying attention. I just don't wanna wear a dress. I saw that Mike was the only one who wasn't looking at dresses, so I walked over to him. "Thanks for not looking at the dresses." I said to him. "No prob," He laughed. I looked over all the shirts and pants with him, when Vic called me over. "Haydie, come look at this." He said and I went, with Mike following. I walked over to find Him, Jaime, and Tony all standing there, and he was holding, a dress. Yay.-. It was white. It looked to be fitting in the torso, then 'poofed' out at the waist and, it looked short. Great.. I sighed and took it from him, taking it to one of the dressing rooms. I took off my jacket, shirt, and pants, and put on the dress. It felt nasty to wear. I walked back out to see them sitting and waiting. Well, one thing about this dress is that I was right, it's short. So short that it reveals only a little bit of the bottom of my boxers. They looked at me and I looked down. "Okay, you can make me wear a dress but I will NOT wear girl underwear too." I said and they all laughed a little. I walked back in the dressing room and changed back into my clothes, then hung the dress back up on the hanger and walked out, giving it back to Vic. This went on, basically the rest of the afternoon. "And to think I could be at the skatepark right now.." I mumbled to myself, and heard a laugh from behind me. I turned around to see Tony, with yet another dress. I sighed. "Please don't tell me you want me to try that one on too." I whined and he nodded. "I think it'll look good, come on let's go get the others." He said and I went with him. They all gathered outside of the dressing room as usual, but I realized it ties up in the back so I took Vic with me. "Why did you bring me in here?" He asked me. "Because it ties in the back, I'll need help." I said and he nodded. I took off my jacket, again, then stopped. "Close your eyes." I told him and he did. I took off my shirt and pants, again, and put on the dress. It wasn't so bad actually. It's blue and black, lined with black lace and a black bow at the top. The torso part has buttons going up the front and the skirt is solid blue underneath, with a transparent black top layer, and black bows on each side at my waist. I actually kind of liked it. "Okay, tie me up." I said and held my hair up for him. He opened his eyes, stood up, and tied it as tight as it would go. "It's beautiful," He said and I smiled. I walked out to the rest of the guys and looked down at myself, then up at Tony. "Not bad Turtle. I actually think I like it a bit." I said and he smiled at me, then I noticed Jaime give him a $10. I rolled my eyes but smiled at them. "Okay, let's just get this, find some black flats or something, and I can wear my leather jacket with it. This is the only one I've liked, and we've been here for hours. Let's go." I said and they agreed. I went to the back of the store and picked out shoes. I decided on shiny black flats with bows. I don't do heels. I got the ones in which were my size, and I gave them to Vic. "Okay, let's go." He said and I happily agreed. He got the stuff and we went to the car. The ride home was interesting, we blasted music and sang along with each other. Once we got home, I texted Logan and told him to come over, and took the dress and shoes up to my room. I hung the dress up on my closet door, and looked at it. I sighed and sat on my bed. "Hey, you hungry?" Mike asked from my door. "Yes." I exaggerated, and he laughed. "Okay, well we'll eat soon when we decide what." He said and I nodded. "Oh, I asked Logan to come over is that okay?" I innocently smiled at him. He sighed, but smiled. "Yea, I guess." He said and I gave him a hug. "Send him in my direction when he gets here please?" I said and he nodded. "Yes ma'am." He saluted and I laughed. He walked back downstairs and I sat back down on my bed. I took off my shoes and jacket and put them in my closet. Only minutes later, I heard Logan at my door. "You called?" He asked and I smiled and nodded. "So, this is what I have to wear to grad.." I said and pointed to the dress. He laughed a little. "How much are they paying you to wear that? I know you aren't willingly wearing it." He said and I shrugged. "They aren't paying me, I'm wearing it to make Vic happy." I said and he nodded. "I can't believe school's over in 2 days.." He said and I smiled. "Yea, 2 more days until hell is over." I laughed. "Haydie!" I heard someone yell for me. "I'll be back." I sighed and walked downstairs. "I was summoned?" I said as I reached the living room. "Yea, you were." Mike said. "There's food in the kitchen," He said and I nodded. I walked back upstairs and got Logan and we both walked back downstairs. We went into the kitchen and got food, and sat at the counter and talked about random stuff. "Dammit, I have to go." He said when his phone vibrated. I guess it's his mom or Chris. "It's okay, I'll see ya tomorrow." I said and he nodded as he walked out the door. I turned around and went upstairs to change. I got to my closet and grabbed the usual shorts and t-shirt and changed into them. Once I was changed, I walked back downstairs to where the guys are. "NEVER, make me go dress shopping ever again, please." I said as I went and sat between Mike and Jaime. "Oh come on Hades, it wasn't THAT bad." Vic laughed. "Yea, it was. That's like, making you guys go shopping with me for bras. Not fun, and really awkward." I said and they all laughed. "I had fun," Jaime said. "That's because you're special Hime." I said and smiled at him. He took it as a compliment I guess, and smiled back. "Yea, special in the head." Tony laughed. "Hey, I'm not stupid." He said in a pouty way. "Not stupid just, special." Tony laughed. "Same thing.." Jaime mumbled and everyone laughed. "You're all dumb so shut up, I'm going to bed." I said and stood up, walking to the stairs. "Night Hades!" Everybody called after me. "Night guys." I laughed and went upstairs. I didn't go immediately to bed though. I went over to the closet door and studied the dress once more. I'll really regret wearing that thing, but if it makes them happy then oh well. It's worth it I guess. I then took it off the door and put it inside the closet, not wanting to think about having to wear it anymore. "Hey," I heard a voice say from my door. I turned to face Vic and he walked in. "I thought you were going to bed young lady." He said, attempting to sound parental but failed. I laughed at his attempt. "I am, just putting some things away before I do." He nodded and sat on the bed. Once I put the shoes I had also gotten in the closet with the dress, I sat next to him. He sighed deeply and looked at me with a sad smile. "What?" I looked at him with a confused expression. "You're gunna be in high school.." He trailed off. I laughed a little. "At least I'm not going off to college." I shrugged. "Ugh, don't remind me." He said and fell back so he was laid down, with his right arm on his forehead. I laughed again at him and fell back too. I just stared up at the ceiling for a few seconds, but could tell he was looking at me from my peripheral vision. I smiled a little and looked over, and slightly up, at him. "You're growing up." He said. "Oh hush." I said and pushed his arm. "You hush." He said and pushed me back. "No," I laughed and his face got serious. "No?" He questioned. I nodded and he immediately rolled over me, wrapping his arm around my waist and grabbing my arm. I slightly squealed at his actions as he threw my over his shoulder and spun me around a bunch. For a guy who's short for his age, he sure as hell can be strong. "Vic, put me down!" I laughed, but he ignored me and kept spinning. He threw me on the bed and laid on me in the opposite direction, so I couldn't get up. "Little girl, you don't tell me no." He sassed and sat up, laughing. I sat up once he was off me and continued to laugh a little, now standing up with him. "Gooo so I can sleeeeeep." I said and he hugged me, to which I returned the favour. "Night Haydie, love you." He said and ruffled my hair. "Love you too." I said and climbed into bed. He waited until I was situated and then turned out the light for me.


Okay so there. Hopefully it doesn't get deleted again.

That's the dress she got btw ^ > v < wherever it is on your screen.

Uh, yea. Bye Stay Beautiful

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