BVB and a Pissed off Vic

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 Vic's POV

*The next morning, 10ish*

"Hey Mike, do you think taking Hades with us to perform yet would be a good idea?" I asked as I held her on the couch in the front. "I dunno man, there wouldn't be anyone to watch her really, maybe we shouldn't yet." He said from across from me. "I hate to just drop her with someone but, I don't wanna leave her alone either." I explained. He nodded. "Kellin can't because they play before us, and partially with us, and Of Mice can't, they're on after us.." I said, thinking of people who could possibly watch her. I took out the paper that says when bands perform and where. "Hey, Black Veil Brides is one of the first bands to perform, you think they'd be up for it?" I asked Mike. "Uh maybe, just ask them." He said. I nodded and put Hayden down, then walked to the back to call Andy. He answered on the 5th ring. "Hello?" He answered. "Hey Andy, it's Vic. I have a quick question for you.." I trailed off. "Oh hey, yea what's up?" He asked. "Well, it's about my daughter Hayden, I was wondering if maybe you guys could watch her while we're performing tonight? It's just us, well and our manager, but he'll be busy while we're playing, and I don't think it would be a good idea to leave her unattended on the side of a stage." I kind of laughed nervously, hoping he would agree to do it. "Yea sure man, just bring her over before you go on. How old did you say she is again?" "She's four." "Oh, CC will have fun with her then.." He laughed. "Okay, thanks so much dude," I said. "No problem, we have to head out though, so I'll see you guys later." He told me. "Yea, okay I'll see ya." I said and hung up. I walked back to the front to see Hayden playing with Mike's piercings. "He said they can." I said, smiling at her and sitting back on the couch. Just then Jaime walked in. "What time is it?" He yawned. "Almost 10:30, lazy ass." Mike laughed. "Mike, language." I semi yelled at him. "Mike, you know I'm not a morning person." Jaime said, sitting on the couch. A few minutes later and Tony also got up. We were all in the front and talking. "So, what do you guys wanna do until the show?" Tony asked. Everybody shrugged.

*A few hours later*

"Guys, I swear if you don't put my daughter down I WILL kill you all!" I yelled as I was trying to get her back. This all started off in the field by the busses, when Mike mentioned something about playing a ball game. Like, kickball or something. Then Tony had to point out the fact that we have no ball. So, Mike had the brilliant idea of tossing Hayden around, which really they were just passing her back and forth, but they were doing was dangerous. So here I am, 20 minutes later, still trying to get her back. "Calm down Vic, she's having fun too." Tony laughed. I sighed, because he's right, she hasn't stopped giggling at them since they started. "Just give me my daughter," I said, trying to take her from Mike. He held her up higher, damn my shortness. "Tony, take her take her," He laughed. Tony took her and took off towards the busses with her. "Hurt her and I'll kill you!" I yelled at him and started running after him. He weaved between a few busses, and I lost him.

Tony's POV ~Short~

I took off with Haydie in my arms. "Hurt her and I'll kill you!" I heard Vic yell after me. He started chasing me, and I kind of panicked. I got to the busses and went between some of them, and I lost Vic. I started walking, trying to catch my breath. I leaned against a bus and looked at Hayden. "Are you okay?" She looked at me worried, and I smiled. "Yea.. I'm okay sweetie.. Just trying to, catch my breath." I said to her, breathing heavy. My phone buzzed, it was Vic. I ignored it, I didn't want to die today. I made my way back through the busses, but not the way I came. I actually went farther back and around to the other side. I looked around the corner of a bus and saw him. I instantly hid behind the corner and she started giggling. "Shh, you gotta be quiet." I whispered to her. She nodded, and I took off, passing a few busses, then walked down between those. I got to the end of the row of busses and saw Mike and Jaime still messing around in the field. I ran over to them and they congratulated me on not getting killed, yet. Vic called me again, and I didn't answer it. He then called Mike, and he answered it. "Hey.. Yea, a lot.. Yea, he's right here.. Been here the whole time." He said, trying not to laugh. "Whatever dude, okay I'll see ya in a few." He hung up. "You better run." He said to me. I gave Hayden to him, and ran to our bus. I avoided Vic well and made it. I just sat down waited for them come in at any minute.

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