This is a thing

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Hayden's POV

"Haydie.." I heard someone whisper. I moved slightly and hugged my pillow tighter. "Hades.." They whispered again. I groaned slightly and didn't move. They laughed slightly, then left me alone. Thank you. Although, that didn't last long. "Did you wake her up?" Someone asked. "I tried, but she won't." The voice from earlier whispered. "Well then try again." Yet another voice said. Someone sighed, then someone shook me. "Haydie." The same voice from earlier again said. I groaned again and buried my face in my pillow. "Mini muffin you have to wake up." Yet another voice said. Jesus Christ, how many people are in here? I didn't move or make a noise, I just sat there still hugging my pillow. It smells nice too. "Oh my god Hades get up." Someone started pulling on my arm. "No," I whined and pulled it away. "Get uuuupp," Someone else whined. "Noooo." I said again and someone sighed. "Okay then, I guess I'll just have to do this.." Someone said and I felt whoever it was grab my sides, starting to tickle me. I screamed and pulled my arms from my pillow, laughing. I wiggled around and went to roll over, but I fell off the couch I was laying on. I opened my eyes, but all I saw was Mike coming at me and started to tickle me again. I grabbed his arms and laughed more, then started hitting him ."Okay I'm awake! Stop!" I yelled at him between laughing and he did. I laid there catching my breath, then turned over to see all the guys slightly laughing. I sharply sighed in frustration at them, then got up. "Thanks for the awesome wakeup call Mikey." I muttered to him. "Any time sweetie," He sarcastically said back and I punched his arm. I looked back at the couch and noticed, I wasn't laying on a pillow.. I was laying on Logan.. I'm not gunna mention anything though. I hope it's not awkward. Oh god now I'm gunna worry about this. No, no I won't. "So, did you guys have fun last night?" Vic asked, sounding like he was in pain. "Yea, looks like you did too.." I joked. He gave me a look and I just smiled innocently at him. "Alex is taking us home, so get your boards and we can go." He said, pinching the bridge of his nose. We all nodded and went upstairs, with them following behind. We grabbed our boards and anything else we left laying around, and got in Alex's car. It was a tight fit, but we managed. We got home and we said bye to Alex, and he drove off. We walked inside and all of the guys collapsed on the couches. I laughed to myself and started walking to the kitchen. "I'll get the painkillers," I laughed and got them out of the basket. I walked back in and tossed them to the closest person, Mike, and he gladly took out two, then passed it around. I walked back into the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbed 4 water bottles, then went back out. I tossed one to each of them and they all thanked me. "Okay guys so what do you-" I started to say to Logan and Chris, but was cut off. "Hey, can you keep it down?" Mike whispered to me and I laughed. "Well, since it's like almost 1, we should probably go home, because mom should be home by now, but we may be back later depending," Chris said and I nodded. We walked up the steps and they got their stuff then left. I sighed and went over to the couch, plopping myself down between a worn out Mike and a really tired Vic. "So, you guys sure did party." I laughed and Mike hit me with a pillow. "Hey, that wasn't nice." I said and he smirked. "Haydiieeeee," Vic said and I looked over. "Yes?" I asked and he lazily put his arms out, wanting a hug. I smiled and crawled over to him, resting my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same, as much as I could. I always love these moments, even if he is slightly hung over. "So are you ready to go to high school?" He asked me. I shook my head. "Not really," I slightly laughed and he shrugged. "It'll be okay, you're a tough girl." He said. "Yea and if anyone messes with you, we'll fuck them up." Mike added in. "Right guys?" He asked them and they agreed. I laughed and shook my head. "This is why I love you guys." I said. "We love you too." Mike said and I smiled. "We're gunna be at your graduation too, so be ready to partayyyy" Vic said and I laughed. "Oh god, you're gunna embarrass me." I said. "Not too bad!" Tony chimed in. "Holy shit you guys we should get a bouncy house." Jaime said, making us all laugh. "Hime, I won't say it again, we're not getting a damn bouncy house." Vic said and he made a pouty face. We all sat there for a while, and eventually, one by one, they fell asleep. I looked around and smiled at them. I laid my head back on Vic's chest and fell asleep myself.

I open my eyes and look around. I'm in a familiar place, but I can't quite make it out. I'm laying on a bed, but not in my room. I stand up and look around more. Then I realize, I'm wearing a dress..? I never wear dresses. I walk through the door of the room and see a hallway. The only light I can see is at the very end of the hallway. I walk closer, and see there's a fire in the room. I look around panicked, and see my mom laying there, burning, calling out for help. I try to go help her, but someone takes me and leads me away. All of a sudden, I'm outside of our old house. Looking at it burning down. "Sir, is this your daughter?" One of the men asked, and I looked to my right to see all of the guys. "You guys, you have to help me." I told them, but they all gave me weird looks. Vic looks at the man and shake his head. "No, sorry.. She's not my daughter." He says and I got upset. They started walking away, and I was yelling trying to stop them. "Guys! Guys no please come back! This isn't how it's supposed to be!" I yelled but the man held me back. They slowly disappeared, and I was left on the road crying and watching my house burn.

I shot up breathing heavy. I haven't dreamt about my mom's death in at least a year. I ran a hand through my hair, putting it on top of my head. I felt like I was gunna cry, but I didn't. I hate crying, as mentioned before. "Hayden?" Vic asked from beside me. I knew he was worried, he uses my full name when he's worried, upset, or angry. "Yea?" I said, trying to not sound like I'm troubled. "You okay hun?" He asked me, pulling me back down in our hug. "Yea, I'm fine." I smiled and hugged him back. I looked out the window. It's getting dark, but it's not too dark yet. I can still see everything inside. "Hey," He nudged me. "What?" I laughed a little. "What do you say to pizza and movies?" He asked me. "Oh definitely." I said and nodded. "Okay, well let's wake up the morons, and I'll get Mike to get pizza with me." He said. I smiled and got up to wake up Tony and Hime. "Jaime.." I said and shook his arm. He didn't move. "Jaime!" I yelled and jumped on him, scaring him. "God mini muffin, what do you want?" He groaned in pain. "We're gunna watch movies and get pizza come on." I said, shaking him violently and walked over to Tony. I sat on him and saw him smile, but kept his eyes closed. "Turtle.." I whispered. He didn't say anything either so I did basically the same as what I did to Jaime. I started jumping on him. "Tony wake up, come on we need to pick out movies." I said and he opened his eyes. "Maybe if you got your booty off me I could help you pick out a movie, little girl." He said, and laughed when he noticed me roll my eyes at him. I moved myself to his legs and he sat up. "Hime, give us the movies." He said and Jaime got out our movies and brought them to us. He sat next to me as we picked out movies to watch. "We're going to get food, we'll be back." I heard Vic say to us. I looked over at him and saw Mikey was going too. "Ok, bye." I yelled after them as they walked out. They both threw their hands back as a wave and I continued to look for movies with Jaime and Tony. Of course, Tone wanted to watch Star Wars. "Tony, we're not watching Star Wars again. We just watched it last week, we can watch it another day." I said and he made a pouty face. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "Look you can pick a day and I'll watch all the Stars Wars movies with you, okay? I promise." I said and he smiled. "Okay." He said and nodded. We ended up deciding on 'Killing Season', 'Dark Summer', and 'Horns'. We put in the first movie and left it on the menu thing until Vic and Mike got back with pizza. We all got our own foods and sat down with each other in the living room. I sat between Vic and Tony, with Jaime next to him and Mike next to him. "Alright let's get this party started." Jaime said and we all laughed. Vic grabbed the DVD remote and started the movie. None of us got tired for a while, considering we all slept basically all day. It wasn't until roughly 3:30 in the morning until I fell asleep. Well, I was half asleep when I felt someone pick me up. I was startled at first, until I realized it was just Vic. "Vic..?" I said as he walked up the stairs. "Shh, just sleep hun." He said and I nodded with my eyes shut. I heard a door open and he laid me on a bed. I assume it's mine. He pulled a blanket over me, kissed my head, then I heard him walk out. I love how he cares for me so much.

(a/n: I didn't have to write this, I already had it down I just like to wait until I can update my other story and then I just update at the same time. Sometimes I'll update this one if I feel like it, but meh. So this one is short too. But hey sometimes short things are good right? *Refers to self* Anyway, I'm writing other stories that I may or may not put on here too, but that's what I said about this one and look at me now.. Thanks Isaac for giving me the confidence to put up another story cx xD and choosing for me, basically. Soo, yep. Bye, Stay Beautiful ^w^)

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