I'm really bad at this;-;

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Vic's POV

I do have vocals to record all day, but after this I'm seeing Shana. I can't wait, I met her a while back in a Starbucks and I got her number, and we've been texting and calling each other. She's drop dead gorgeous, she has a slight accent which I find really cute, and she lives close. Turns out we have a lot in common and we've gotten really close. We've seen each other a few times since we met, but I haven't introduced her to Hayden. Yes, she knows I have a daughter and her age, she just hasn't met her yet. I'm not trying to keep Hades from her or anything, I just don't want Hades to freak out or be mad about it. Once we were almost finished recording, I texted Jaime to tell everybody that I'd be home late because I'm going places. After we were finished, I started heading over to Shana's house. I picked her up and we went to the movies then we went to eat after. You know, the classic cheesy date. Then we went back to her place, drank a little wine, and just talked. Before I knew it, it was already 1:30. "Oh shit Shana, I'm sorry but I have to go. Maybe we can do this again next week?" I smirked. "Yea, I'd like that." She smiled and I left. Once I got to the car, I noticed I had a few texts.

'When are you coming home? ): ~Hades'

'It's getting late, come home? ~Hades'

'It's really late... I'm worried. ~Hades'

'Dude come back, mini muffin's worried I can tell.. !Hi-Me!'

I sighed and started the car. I made my home, and it took about 30 minutes. When I walked in, the place was pitch black, except for the TV that was on. I walked over and saw that everyone was asleep, and that Logan and his brother were here too. Okay then.. I walked upstairs and got changed, got in bed and prepared myself for an interrogation in the morning.

Boy was I right. I got up and walked downstairs into the kitchen and was bombarded with questions from everybody. "Are you okay?" "When did you come home?" "Did you drink anything?" "Did you party hard?" Which I assume was Jaime. "How much did you drink?" "Did you drive home?" And so on.. "Yes I'm okay. I got home at 2. I didn't drink at all, so therefore yes I drove home. And to answer Jaime's question, no I did not." I said and got coffee, then sat down. "My question is why are there two teenage boys in the living room, and one is asleep with my daughter?" I asked them. They all looked around like they didn't know what I was talking about. "Mike? Would you like to answer that?" I asked him. "Uh, well.." He trailed off. "I may have told her that they could stay the night here, but they stayed down here and we were with them the entire night I swear, nothing happened to Hades she's fine." He said. I sighed, "Okay, just at least text me next time this happens." I said just as Haydie walked in. "Morning mini muffin," Tony said. "Morning Turtle." She said sleepily. She noticed me and got wide eyed then smiled. She came over and hugged me tight. I laughed at her and hugged her back. "Morning," She said to me. "Morning Haydie." I said and kissed her head. I was glad to know she missed me, even though I know she wouldn't admit it. She never really expresses her feelings, and I can't remember the last time I saw her cry. She like, never cries. I've seen her upset before but I can tell she hides it and she never talks to anyone about her problems. Hell, I wouldn't know if she does have problems because she always smiles and always seems happy but sometimes I think she's hiding everything away and I hate that she does that. I want her to be able to talk to us about her problems but, I can't push it. She'll have to on her own. I heard a scream and my head bolted up. Tony poured milk all over Hades. Oh shit it's about to go down. "Tony I'm going to kill you!" She yelled and ran after him. She jumped on his back and grabbed hold of his neck, then bent her body back, making him fall to the floor. She got up and grabbed the eggs and started throwing them at him one at a time. They were all in his hair and on his clothes. Mike walked back in and tried to pull her away, but she head butted him in the jaw and kept going at Tony. Tony grabbed the flour and threw handfuls at her and she turned on the sink, then grabbed the sprayer and sprayed him with water. He grabbed the soap and squirted it all over her and all in her hair. Then I noticed Logan, his brother, and Jaime had walked in and were standing back confused. Tony grabbed the cereal on the counter and threw it at her, making it stick all over her body. She went after him, but then he grabbed the whip cream and sprayed it all over her too. She wiped her eyes and face and looked around for something to throw, and she went for the fruit. "Oh shit!" Tony yelled and stepped back, She starting throwing apples at him, then moved onto the oranges. She took a step forward to throw more at him, but slipped and fell, hitting her head on the floor. Oh no.

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