Telling People

21 0 0

Vic's POV

I woke up a little late, to someone poking at my side. "Hey, stop.." I laughed slightly and looked down. It was Hayden. So, last night really wasn't a dream. I smiled at her and she looked up at me. "Hi," She smiled back at me. "Hey sweetie," I said and ruffled her hair. I got up and stretched and she reached out for me to pick her up. I laughed at her doing that and I picked her up. "So, are you hungry?" I asked her. She nodded and then I thought, shit, I don't have any little children food. I went over to Mike's bunk. He was awake, but on his phone. "Hey man, we should probably get the little one some food," I said to him. He looked up at us and laughed. "Dude, she looks so much like you." He said, making me smile. "Come on, we should probably check on the other two." I said. He got up and we walked to the front. I put Hayden down and she ran over to Jaime. She started playing with his hair and giggling lightly. He slowly opened his eyes, then shot up. "Whoa, when did we get a small child?" He asked, freaked out. She hid behind me and Mike picked her up. Tony woke up, almost on cue, and we sat down with Hayden. Jaime and Tony both looked between us and Hayden, waiting for an explanation. "Okay guys," I spoke up after a while. I explained to them what happened they understood. They were interested in Hayden too. "Hades, this is Tony and Jaime." I said to her. She hugged Mike and hid her face in his shoulder, but I could tell she was smiling. "Awwh, you don't have to hide." Tony said. She turned to look at him and smiled. She sat back up and stared up at his tattoos. She reached up and touched his neck, then his chest. She started to giggle and got down from Mike's lap. She went over to Jaime and smiled up at him. She waved at him and he waved back. I notice she doesn't talk much, maybe it's because we're new to her. She got up in my lap this time, and started playing with my hair. "So Hayden, how old are you?" Tony asked. She held up four of her little fingers to both him and Jaime. "You're getting old," Jaime joked. She giggled a little and nodded. She started looking around for something, but she didn't seem to find it. She got down and ran back through the bunk alley and to the back room. I looked down to see where she went, and she came back seconds later with a confused face. "What's wrong sweetheart?" I ask. She looks at me and says something I wasn't ready for. "Where's mommy?" She asked me. I sighed and picked her up, putting her back in my lap. "Mommy, went on a trip to a safe place." I tried to explain, without making her upset. "When is mommy coming back?" She asked me. "I don't know sweetie," I shook my head and she laid her head on my chest. "So, who's up for breakfast?" Mike asked, trying to lighten the mood. "Ugh, no thanks." Jaime said, falling back with an arm on his forehead. We both laughed at him. "Well, we need to find food for Hades." I said. "We should stop at a store soon." Mike agreed and he got ready, while I got Hayden and I ready. Somehow between the time I changed, and decided to get her changed, she got a ton of energy. She was giggling and running around the bus while I was trying to get her ready. "Ugh Haydie, come on I have to get you ready," I said as I chased her around. "Mike, help." I whined. He got up and chased her too, and he grabbed her and put her on his shoulder. She squealed and giggled more. "Nooo, you got me." She said, while still giggling. He took her to the back and I followed. I dressed her in a purple shirt, blue jean shorts, socks, and her little shoes. "Okay, come on hun." I said and took her to the bathroom. I sat her on the counter of the vanity and started to brush out her hair. I helped brush her teeth with a small toothbrush the Dr. gave us. Mike had found a store we could stop at, and we went in. We were both holding one of Hayden's hands and we were getting weird looks, but we didn't care. I got a basket for our stuff and Mike put Hayden on his back. We went on the hunt for food for Hades. We didn't need baby food, we just didn't have things a 4 year old would want to have. Mike and I decided on some applesauce, yogurt, little bags of chips, doughnuts, little muffins, juice, and milk. I also got two cups that I knew she wouldn't be able to spill anything with. She was happy with what we got too. We checked out, still getting weird stares but oh well. We got our things and went back to the bus. Tony and Jaime were feeling better, and we all just ate doughnuts for breakfast. I put milk in one of her cups and she drank almost all of it. She sat between Tony and Jaime on the couch, and basically examined Tony. She was staring his arms up and down in amazement. "Do you like my arms?" He laughed slightly. She nodded. "There's a lot of pictures.." She said, trailing off. "You have a lot of pictures on you too." She said, pointing to Mike and smiling. "Jaime has pictures too," I told her and pointed to him. She looked over, and her eyes got wide. "Your arms are big," She said, holding out her arm in comparison. He laughed. "Yea, I'm pretty ripped." He bragged and flexed his arm. We rolled our eyes, but laughed at him. Hayden got up and sat next to me. "Why don't you have any pictures on you?" She asked me, looking at my arms. "I didn't want to get pictures on me," I laughed. "Yea, cuz your daddy is a pansy." Tony said, making everyone laugh. "Oh shut up," I threw a pillow at him. "Hey, don't throw shit." He said, and threw it back. I covered Hayden's ears and said, "Watch your language." To Tony, then threw the pillow back again, harder. He stood up and acted like he was gunna hit me, but then Hades got scared and balled up next to me. "Aww sweetie, he's not gunna hurt me, or you. It's okay, I promise." She looked up at me and her bottom lip was out. Oh no.. Please don't cry. "No, no, please don't cry hun," I tried to get her to calm down but it was too late. She started to cry a little and I hugged her. "Hey, it's okay." Mike said, rubbing her back. I could tell Tony felt really bad. "Haydie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.." Tony started apologizing to her. She sat up and looked at him, her face was tear stained and a little red. She sniffled, "It's okay," She said and stood up on the couch and reached to hug him. He smirked and bent down so she could hug his neck and he hugged back. He picked her up and when she let go he wiped the tears from her face. She's so cute sometimes and I can't help but mentally say 'awwh'. "Soo, what do you guys wanna do until we get to the next venue?" Jaime asked. We all shrugged. "Anybody wanna 1v1 me?" He asked us. "Sure, I will." Mike said, and sat next to him. Tony got on his phone, and so I took Hayden to the back to play with her. I knew that having a 4 year old trapped on a bus with nothing to do would get bad really fast, so I need to entertain her as much as possible. "I don't really have anything for us to do but, we can listen to music while we figure what to do." I said to her. "Next time we stop, I'll get some colouring utensils and maybe that'll help." I smiled at her. She smiled back and nodded. I turned music on my phone and the first thing that came on was 'I'm not a Vampire' by Falling in Reverse, and I started dancing. She watched me and started giggling at me. I grabbed her and started dancing with her too. I put her on the couch and grabbed her hands and started moving her arms around crazily. She was giggling like a madman and it was adorable. I picked her up and put her on my hip and was dancing around with her like that too. She seemed to be having fun, and it was entertaining her so I kept doing it. When the song was over, I turned around to see all the guys smiling at me. "Oh shut up, I'm trying to keep her entertained." I said before they had the chance to say anything. Then, 'Teenagers' by My Chemical Romance came on and they joined in with us dancing. It was quite hilarious. We were all singing it, rather loud, and Hayden was just giggling the entire time. She was passed around between all of us, and this went on through other songs as well. 'Runaround Sue' By Dion, 'Jeremy Kyle is a Marked Man' by the Blakfish, multiple All Time Low songs, and basically half of what I have on my phone. It was really fun though. It got interesting when 'I Feel Like Dancing' came on, and we were dancing with each other, instead of solo. Jaime really got into, he was the funniest. Basically, they were grinding on each other, and me.. With Hades. Not the best impression to put on my 4 year old daughter. (xD) I checked the time, and it was already like 5:30. Which means we should be at the venue soon. We all decided we should take a break and rest. So we just sat in the back room and talked or whatever. Hayden collapsed on Tony, and she was laying in his lap. She started randomly poking him and giggling softly. "Hey, what are you poking me for?" He laughed slightly. She shrugged and kept poking him. He started poking her tummy a bunch and she squealed then giggled more. There goes another mental 'awwh'. I smiled at them playing together. "Oh I think someone's ticklish," He teased her. "Noooo." She stood up and ran from him. He went after her, and from what we could hear, he won. He came back in with her on his shoulder and he put her on the couch between Mike and I. He tickled her sides and she squealed and giggled like crazy. I smiled at them again and saw Mike was too. "Stop.. Someone help!.. Please, help!" She screamed between laughing. Jaime got up behind Tony and said, "Don't worry kid, Tony is ticklish too." And he started tickling Tony, which made him stop immediately and turn around and punch Jaime. Hayden got in my lap and hugged me. "Don't let him get me Vic!" We all heard her yell. My heart skipped a beat when I heard her say my name. "I won't baby, I promise." I laughed and kissed her head. Soon enough, we were at the venue, and all of us were dying to get out of the bus. Just one thing is, I haven't told anyone else about Hayden yet. "Okay baby, so since none of my friends know who are just yet, we're gunna go meet them okay?" I told her. She nodded, but looked down. "What's wrong? Are you scared?" I asked her. She hesitated, but nodded. I smiled slightly, it's so cute how shy she is. "It'll be okay sweetie, I won't let you go for a second. We'll keep you safe." I told her. She looked at me and smiled a little, then nodded. Since the guys were already out and about, I took Hades out alone, but when Mike saw us come out, he came along with us. Again, we both had one her hands and would occasionally swing her between us. She seemed to enjoy it. As we got closer to where some bands had already started gathering, just the ones who were staying here for tonight, I put Hayden on my side. One, because I didn't want to lose her, and two, because I know she'd get scared. As we approached everyone, she hid her face in my shoulder. I put my hand on her back. "It'll be okay," I whispered and kissed her head. I sighed, and walked straight into the medium sized crowd of band members. The first to notice, was of course Kellin. "Hey Vic, who's this?" He asked, eyeing her. "Uh well, last night I got a call from the hospital, and they explained that one of my exes from a long time ago had passed away, and apparently, her daughter is, mine. I didn't wanna leave her stranded, she's my kid." I explained as simply as I could. "Really? That's cool man, you're a dad. Congratulations. How old is she? What's her name?" He asked me. I wanted her to tell him though. "Go on, tell him." I whispered to her. She picked up her head a little, just to look at me. She smiled and stuck the knuckle of her pointer finger in her mouth. She looked at Kellin, and held up four fingers with her other hand. He nodded and laughed slightly. "And what's your name?" He asked again. "Hayden." She said a little quiet, still with her knuckle in her mouth. I introduced her the same way with all the others, and they all seemed to like her. I was happy they did and didn't like totally freak out when I told them. I was talking to Austin and Alan when I had to put Hayden down. I still held onto her hand and she was playing with my other hand, when Jaime came by and grabbed her, making me worry at first but then relax when I knew it was him. She giggled at him as he spun her around. He put her down and she stumbled a little. "I'm dizzy." She giggled again, just before she fell on her butt. Worried, I bent down to her. "Sweetie are you okay?" I asked. She looked up at me with a smile on her face and nodded, giggling more. "You're cute, you know that?" I said to her. She smiled and looked down, shaking her head. "Yes you are. You wanna know how I know?" I asked, picking her up again. "How?" She shrugged. "Because you're my daughter." I poked her nose and she giggled. She looked over and saw Mike, gasped, then wiggled around, wanting down. I put her down and she ran over to him. "Mikey!" She yelled. I laughed at her nickname for him. He bent down and picked her up in a hug. He started walking back with her. "Did you miss me?" I heard him say. "Yea, Vic showed me a lot of people I didn't know. It was scary, but fun too." She said as he walked over to me. "Hey Mike, what time is it?" I asked him. "Uhh, oh crap it's almost 10." He said. "Okay, we should go put Haydie to bed." I said and just as I looked at her, she yawned. I laughed a little and Mike and I walked back to the bus. I just put her in one of my smaller shirts, which still seemed to swallow her. We'll have to get her more clothes soon too. I went to the front with Hayden and I laid on one of the couches, and laid her on me. She cuddled up to me as I put a blanket over us and Mike sat on the other couch. Mike and I started to talk about random stuff when all of a sudden I heard her say, "I love you Vic." In a cute sleepy voice. I was shocked at first and didn't know what to say, so I just said, "I love you too princess." And with that, I felt her breathing steady and slow, and I knew she had fallen asleep. Mike and I continued our conversation until Jaime and Tony came in. They were worn out, and immediately went to their bunks. Mike did too, so I decided to carefully get up and take Hayden back to my bunk. I laid down with her again and this time, I fell asleep too.

(a/n: Yes I know.. It's weird that she doesn't call Vic 'dad' or whatever. Well, get over it because she's not gunna. xD sorry but it's my story haha soo yea. The next chapter will also be of her at a young age, but the one after that won't be. I hope I don't have to edit this 5 times.-. I probably won't. SOOOO I hope this story at least seems good ;-; of course, the rest of it is better I promise. I don't have much else to say soo I'm just gunna go I guess? CONFESSION" I'm obsessed with Tony Perry, but who isn't I mean like, he's perfect. Yep oki BYE Stay beautiful ^w^)

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